The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

The Enigma of Spirit GuidesLyn Halpery1997v20-Aprilp107
(We can't bend heaven to our will?) (vf)anony1997v20-Aprilp109
Ltte - prayerDarayas P Jehangiry1997v20-Aprilp110
Ltte - response to AD Holcombe (July 1996)Maria Krayemy1997v20-Aprilp110
Ltte - School of the Natural Order & Vitvan (1)Dorothy Damony1997v20-Aprilp113
Ltte - School of the Natural Order & Vitvan (2)Buddy Haydeny1997v20-Aprilp114
review - Entering the Circle (A Russian Psychiatrist's Journey into Siberian Shamanism) by Olga KharitidiDavid J Mullery1997v20-Aprilp115
review - Anatomy of the Spirit, The Seven Stages of Power & Healing by Caroline MyssJohn R Crowleyy1997v20-Aprilp115
review - A Sourcebook for the Earth's Community of Religions by Joel BeversluisClaire Walkery1997v20-Aprilp116
review - How to Win by Quitting by Jerry StockingClaire Walkery1997v20-Aprilp118
review - The Healing Power of Mind: Simple Meditation Exercises ... by Tulku ThondupClaire Walkery1997v20-Aprilp119
(The more you urge religion's ways upon me the more I know they are not mine ...) (vf)anony1997v20-Aprilp120
Guidelines for articles submitted to the Journal of Religion & Psychical Researchanony1997v20-Aprilp120a+
The Academy of Religion & Psychical Research - Membership Applicationanony1997v20-Aprilp120b+
Purposes of the Academyanony1997v20-Aprilp120c+
EditorialClare Walkery1997v20-Julyp121
Meet Our Writersanony1997v20-Julyp121a+
Parapsychology & Religion InterwovenBetsy Jo Millery1997v20-Julyp123
Psychic Individuation & Self-RealizationRavindra Kumary1997v20-Julyp138
What Are Christians to Believe?Gene Kieffery1997v20-Julyp146
A Trinity of Wholeness: Healing, Life After Death, and MeditationFrank C Tribbey1997v20-Julyp151
Magus Incognito's The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians - The First Aphorismrevised by CE Lindgreny1997v20-Julyp158
Disbelief (vf)Coyd Walkery1997v20-Julyp161
Sigma Nu: A Traditional Haunting?Maurice Schwalmy1997v20-Julyp162
Servants of the Divine: Our Hope for the FutureLouis Richard Batzlery1997v20-Julyp163
Ltte - to answer the questions raised by Darayas P. JehangirRavindra Kumary1997v20-Julyp167
review - Reconstructing Eliade: Making Sense of Religion by Bryan S (Michael) RennieCoyd Walkery1997v20-Julyp170
review - Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue by Neale Donald WalschDavid J Mullery1997v20-Julyp172
review - William James on Consciousness Beyond the Margin by Eugene TaylorRuth Maxa Filery1997v20-Julyp173
review - New Thought: A Practical American Spirituality by C Alan Anderson & Deborah G WhitehouseRobert Winterhaltery1997v20-Julyp175
review - Soul Search: A Scientist Explores the Afterlife by David DarlingBarbara Starry1997v20-Julyp176
Introduction to Spiritual Harmony by Jerry StockingRobert Winterhaltery1997v20-Julyp177
The Editor's BookshelfEd.y1997v20-Julyp178
Guidelines for articles submitted to the Journal of Religion & Psychical Researchanony1997v20-Julyp181
Meet Our Writersanony1997v20-Octoberp181a+
Miracles: Illusions, Natural Events, or Divine Interventions?Michael Grossoy1997v20-Octoberp182
Call for the Twelfth Alexander Imich Essay Contestanony1997v20-Octoberp197
"Mind, Mind, What Therefore Art Thou, Mind?"John Franklin Millery1997v20-Octoberp198
A Trinity of WholenessFrank C Tribbey1997v20-Octoberp211
Views & Comments - The Mind in crisisGeorge G Gandyy1997v20-Octoberp221
Variety in UnityShirley Leightony1997v20-Octoberp222
Ltte - The Celtic CrossDianne Seamany1997v20-Octoberp223
filler - "How can you know the real from the unreal" ... (quoted from The High Country Theosophist)KHy1997v20-Octoberp224
review - The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling by James HillmanGeorge W Fisky1997v20-Octoberp225
review - WB Yeats, A Life, vol 1, The Apprentice Mage, 1865-1914 by RF FosterJohn R Crowleyy1997v20-Octoberp227
review - The Allure of Gnosticism: The Gnostic Experience in Jungian Psychology ... by Robert A. SegalCoyd Walkery1997v20-Octoberp227
review - How to Win by Quitting by Jerry StockingRobert Winterhaltery1997v20-Octoberp229
Note to ReadersEd.y1997v20-Octoberp230
review - The Psychic Revolution of the 20th Century & Our Psychic Sense by Claire G WalkerJohn F Millery1997v20-Octoberp230
Showing 1251 to 1300 of 1797 entries