The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

review - The Messiah Stones by Irving BenigCoyd Walkery1996v19-Julyp177
review - Psychic Connections by Lois Duncan & William RollThomas Cserey1996v19-Julyp178
review - Some Egyptian & Christian Comparisons by Jonathan O'NeillRobert Winterhaltery1996v19-Julyp180
Meet our writersanony1996v19-Octoberp181
The Joy of Miracles & the Miracle of JoyBear Jack Gebhardty1996v19-Octoberp183
Miracles: Divine Intervention, Natural Events or Illusory Experiences? (1)Angus Haddowy1996v19-Octoberp196
Miracles: Divine Intervention, Natural Events or Illusory Experiences? (2)Beryl Stathamy1996v19-Octoberp205
(4) Philosophy of the Rose Cross 1, 2, 3Endieu Esttouty1996v19-Octoberp220
Personal Survival of Death by WorldlinesCarroll B Nashy1996v19-Octoberp226
Ancestral Perception with a Native American Story TellerLyn Halpery1996v19-Octoberp232
The Hidden Power in "I don't Know"Shirley Leightony1996v19-Octoberp235
Ltte - (false memory)Mary Lou Skinner Rossy1996v19-Octoberp237
Index, 1996 Journal #1, 2, 3 only - Authors, Contributors, Titles, Topicsanony1996v19-Octoberp238
Editorial - warm wishes for 1997Claire Walkery1997v20-Januaryp1
Miracles: Illusions, Natural Events or Divine Interventions? (3)Michael Grossoy1997v20-Januaryp2
Bo Yin Ra's criteria for Judging Inner VoicesBodo Reichenbachy1997v20-Januaryp18
Bô Yin Râ's criteria for Judging Inner Voices (from Schneiderfranken's Auferstehung (Resurrection))Bodo Reichenbachy1997v20-Januaryp18
The Human Component of Exceptional ExperienceRhea A. Whitey1997v20-Januaryp23
Biblical Numerology confirms the Spiritual validity of its contentsAD Holcombey1997v20-Januaryp30
filler - Freedom, the Signature of America's SoulCorinne McLaughlin & Gordon Davidsony1997v20-Januaryp34
Palace of the Most HighWarren R Aikeny1997v20-Januaryp35
The Astral Shell GameMaurice Schwalmy1997v20-Januaryp41
CoevolutionMarshall Peasey1997v20-Januaryp42
Ltte - The Lord's Prayer (vf) revised for political correctnessCharles Wisey1997v20-Januaryp44
Ltte - The spiritual theme underlying our time of change - MaitreyaRon Smithy1997v20-Januaryp45
review - The Unknown Prophet Jakob Lorber by Kurt EggensteinTom Cserey1997v20-Januaryp47
review - Psychic Connections by Lois Duncan & William RollFrank C Tribbey1997v20-Januaryp47
review - Of Human Bondage & Divine Grace ed by John Ross CarterCoyd Walkery1997v20-Januaryp49
review - Getting Our Bodies Back (body-centered psychotherapy) by Christine CaldwellLouis Richard Batzlery1997v20-Januaryp52
review - How to Know Higher Worlds - a modern Path of Initiation by Rudolf SteinerLouis Richard Batzlery1997v20-Januaryp54
review - A Psychiatrist Looks at ESP by Dr Berthold E SchwarzAlexander Imichy1997v20-Januaryp56
review - Into the Crystal - the miracles of Peter Sugleris by Berthold SchwarzAlexander Imichy1997v20-Januaryp58
for review - Reconstructing Eliade by Bryan S Ruenieanony1997v20-Januaryp60
for review - Anthroposophy, A Fragment & The Foundation of Human Experience by Rudolf Steineranony1997v20-Januaryp60
for review - How to Win by Quitting by Jerry Stockinganony1997v20-Januaryp60
for review - Searching for Home by Lauralynn Martinanony1997v20-Januaryp60
for review - The Intelligent Ennegram by AGE Blakeanony1997v20-Januaryp60
for review - The Pilgrim & the Pilgrimage by Emily Sellonanony1997v20-Januaryp60
Meet our writersEd.y1997v20-Aprilp61a+
Missing Page from Michael Grosso's "Miracles" (January 1997)Michael Grossoy1997v20-Aprilp62
(And what is love?) (vf)anony1997v20-Aprilp63
Outer & Inner LightWilliam C Gough & Robert L Shackletty1997v20-Aprilp64
The Gift of Healing: its Roots explained by Bo Yin RaBodo Reichenbachy1997v20-Aprilp84
Is the Goddess Sirius?Gene Kieffery1997v20-Aprilp88
Why do Civilizations Fall? (based on an interview by Gene Kieffer)Gopi Krishnay1997v20-Aprilp97
(Sanity is more than faith) (vf)anony1997v20-Aprilp101
A Panpsychic Theory of Mind & MatterCarroll B Nashy1997v20-Aprilp102
Views & Comments - about the "God Factor"Warren R Aikeny1997v20-Aprilp105
Showing 1201 to 1250 of 1797 entries