The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

review - Miracles of Mind by Russell Targ & Jane KatraGale Smithy1999v22-Januaryp59
Meet our Writersanony1999v22-Aprilp61
Editorial: What's on the Inside is Most ImportantDonald R Morsey1999v22-Aprilp61
Psychic Individuation & Self-Realization (3)Ravindra Kumary1999v22-Aprilp62
The Church of England and Joanna Southcott: The Revelation of Her Secret Writings in 1927Rene Kollary1999v22-Aprilp68
Magic ThinkingCoyd Walkery1999v22-Aprilp83
The Interplay Between the Inner and Outer WorldsDianne Sunia Seamany1999v22-Aprilp93
The Shroud of Turin: Bridge Between Heaven and Earth?Joseph G Marino, M Sue Benfordy1999v22-Aprilp95
Enlightenment and the Light BodyJohn W Whitey1999v22-Aprilp106
review - 'The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena' by Dean RadinDonald R Morsey1999v22-Aprilp108
review - 'The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena' by Dean RadinGale Smithy1999v22-Aprilp109
review - 'The Secret Teachings of the Espiritistas' by Harvey MartinBerthold E Schwarzy1999v22-Aprilp110
review - 'The Revelation of God and/as Human Reception in the New Testament' by Dan O ViaRobert Winterhaltery1999v22-Aprilp113
review - 'Beginning of the End' by John HageeEnola Pirogy1999v22-Aprilp114
review - 'Community of the Wise: The Letter of James' by Robert W WallRobert Winterhaltery1999v22-Aprilp115
review - 'Adventures in Music: Encounters with the Past' by Andrew MacKenzieJohn F Miller IIIy1999v22-Aprilp117
review - 'Dimensions of Spirituality: Reflections ... in the Light of the Bahai Faith' by JA McLeanLouis Richard Batzlery1999v22-Aprilp118
Meet Our Writersanony1999v22-Julyp121
Editorial: To Give is To Live Now and ForeverDonald R Morsey1999v22-Julyp121
Brain Waves and Oxygen Saturation During an Ancient Religious CeremonyF Holmes Atwatery1999v22-Julyp123
Israelites Came to Ancient JapanArimasa Kuboy1999v22-Julyp134
The Paranormal Objectified in a Perplexing EncounterFred Gurziy1999v22-Julyp158
filler - Good Luck, Mr GorskyFred Gurziy1999v22-Julyp161
Seeing the LightDonald R Morsey1999v22-Julyp162
Unravelling the Enigma of Psychic SurgeryHarvey J Martiny1999v22-Julyp168
review - 'Called to Righteousness: A Holy Grail Quest' by Ray MrozDonald R Morsey1999v22-Julyp175
review - 'The Allure of Agnosticism: The Gnostic Experience in Jungian Psychology ...' by Robert A SegalCoyd Walkery1999v22-Julyp176
review - 'Kundalini: An Autobiographical Guide to Self/God-Realization' by Ravindra KumarLouis Richard Batzlery1999v22-Julyp178
review - 'Psychiatric and Paranormal Aspects of Ufology' by Berthold E SchwartzDonald R Morsey1999v22-Julyp179
Meet Our Writersanony1999v22-Octoberp181
Editorial: What They Have In CommonDonald R Morsey1999v22-Octoberp181
PSI Research and New Paradigms in ScienceAlexander Imichy1999v22-Octoberp184
The Crashing of Swissair Flight 111 on September 2 1998Fred Gurziy1999v22-Octoberp191
Joe A Nuzum, ParagnostBerthold E Schwarzy1999v22-Octoberp193
It Began in BelfastNancy McGrath-Whitmany1999v22-Octoberp205
Can a Person Really Survive After Death? A Look at the Evidence of Three Types of Suggestive Phenomena ...Bryan J Williamsy1999v22-Octoberp209
Freemasonry and ReligionTrevor W McKeowny1999v22-Octoberp220
Ltte - (re Israelites in Japan by Arimasa Kubo, and Psychic Surgery by Harvey Martin)Frank C Tribbey1999v22-Octoberp222
Ltte - (re Leslie Price, and Kollar on Southcott and her box)Michael Perryy1999v22-Octoberp223
review - 'Uri Geller: Magician or Mystic' by Jonathan MargolisMarc J Seifery1999v22-Octoberp226
review - 'How to Defend Yourself against Alien Abduction' by Ann DruffelBerthold E Schwarzy1999v22-Octoberp230
review - 'Life Without Limits' by Robert B StoneEnola Pirogy1999v22-Octoberp233
review - 'Evidence From Beyond' ed by Ruth Mattson TaylorFrank C Tribbey1999v22-Octoberp234
review - 'Evidence From Beyond' ed by Ruth Mattson TaylorClaire G Walkery1999v22-Octoberp235
review - 'Apocalypse Code' by Hal LindseyEnola Pirogy1999v22-Octoberp238
review - 'Infinite Grace: Where the Worlds of Science and Healing Meet' by Diane GoldnerGeorge W Fisky1999v22-Octoberp238
Meet Our Writersanony2000v23-Januaryp1
Editorial - The New Millennium of Just the Year 2000?Donald R Morsey2000v23-Januaryp1
Paradigms in Collision: The Unobstructed Universe RevisitedStanley Durlandy2000v23-Januaryp4
Showing 1401 to 1450 of 1797 entries