The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

Ectoplasm Revisited (2) How the Past Runs the Genetic ApparatusJim Arnoldy1998v21-Julyp155
The Healing Flames (Healing with the Assistance of the Heavens)Nancy McGrath-Whitmany1998v21-Julyp160
Views & Comments - Hands on HealingShirley Leightony1998v21-Julyp166
filler - A Passion for LoveBertrand Russelly1998v21-Julyp167
(vf) The Lion & AlbertMarriot Rdgar (1880-1951)y1998v21-Julyp168
Memo from God - to the newly appointed dean of a school of theolognyJim Arnoldy1998v21-Julyp170
Eulogy of the DogGeorge G Vesty1998v21-Julyp172
Religion, Science, & the PsychicClaire G Walkery1998v21-Julyp173
Ltte -Richard Heinbergy1998v21-Julyp176
Ltte - Telepathic HypnosisGeorge G Gandyy1998v21-Julyp176
Ltte -David Lessnery1998v21-Julyp177
Ltte -Alexander Imichy1998v21-Julyp178
review (1) - Heather's Return by Geri Colozzi WiitalaJohn R Crowleyy1998v21-Julyp179
review (2) - Heather's Return by Geri Colozzi WiitalaMichael Grossoy1998v21-Julyp179
Guidelines for Articles Submitted to The Journal of Religion & Psychical Researchanony1998v21-Julyp180a+
Life After Death; PSI Evidence & Religious BeliefAngus H Haddowy1998v21-Octoberp183
Stress & the AfterlifeDonald R Morsey1998v21-Octoberp194
Mystical Prayer & the Web of LifeL Richard Batzlery1998v21-Octoberp206
My Experiences with PythagorasJohn F Millery1998v21-Octoberp217
Ltte - (about Marilyn Graham)Lewis Dreisbachy1998v21-Octoberp226
Ltte -Susam Shumskyy1998v21-Octoberp226
review - The Rose of the World by Daniel AndreevGeri Colozzi Wiitalay1998v21-Octoberp227
review - The Rose of the World by Daniel AndreevRobert Winterhaltery1998v21-Octoberp228
review - Bridges to Heaven ed by Jonathan RobinsonLouis Richard Batzlery1998v21-Octoberp230
review - Bridges to Heaven ed by Jonathan RobinsonCoyd Walkery1998v21-Octoberp231
review - Reclaiming the Church by John B CobbGeri Colozzi Wiitalay1998v21-Octoberp232
review - An Outline of Esoteric Science by Rudolf SteinerLouis Richard Batzlery1998v21-Octoberp233
review - Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche by Marie-Louise von FranzRobert Winterhaltery1998v21-Octoberp235
Disturbing Eleganceanony1998v21-Octoberp237
Meet Our Writersanony1998v21-Octoberp238
1998 Index: Articles & Sections; Contributors & Sources; Topicsanony1998v21-Octoberp239
EditorialDonald R Morsey1999v22-Januaryp1
Meet our Writersanony1999v22-Januaryp1a+
EditorialClaire G Walkery1999v22-Januaryp2
Animating the Insentient Universe: The Hindi Tantric Yogin as ThaumaturgeArlene Mazaky1999v22-Januaryp3
Psychic Individuation & Self-Realization (2)Ravindra Kumary1999v22-Januaryp8
Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus - The Secret Doctrine in a Western ModeMildred D Hardingy1999v22-Januaryp16
Derida & Deconstruction (reviews The Prayers & Tears of Jacques Derrida by John D Caputo)Coyd Walkery1999v22-Januaryp22
filler - Sri Aurobindo on Skepticism (from Letters on Yoga)Sri Aurobindoy1999v22-Januaryp25
A Talk with Georges van VrekhemClaire G Walkery1999v22-Januaryp26
Undoing the DevilsEnola Pirogy1999v22-Januaryp29
Mithraism and Christianity: How are They Related?Donald R Morsey1999v22-Januaryp33
Views & Comments - Section VI - A Future in EvolutionCharles C Wisey1999v22-Januaryp44
Process Theology - A Nutshell ViewJudy Casanovay1999v22-Januaryp49
The Ghosts of Order Number Eleven (rprnt)Maurice Schwalmy1999v22-Januaryp50
Ltte -Jim Deardorffy1999v22-Januaryp52
review - The Future of the Self by Walter T AndersonL Richard Batzlery1999v22-Januaryp54
review - Mysticism: Experience, Response, & Empowerment by Jess Byron HollenbackL Richard Batzlery1999v22-Januaryp56
review - The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living & Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-RossGlenda Gingrasy1999v22-Januaryp57
Showing 1351 to 1400 of 1797 entries