The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

for review - Transforming Sexuality - The Archetypal World of Anima & Animus by Ann & Barry UlanovEd.y1996v19-Januaryp60
for review - Earth Angels by Shaun McNiffEdy1996v19-Januaryp60
for review - Persona - Where Sacred meets Profane Robert H HopekeEdy1996v19-Januaryp60
EditorialClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp61
review - An Echo in Search of a Mountain by Hebert H AshbyClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp62
The NDE as a Call to Expanded Consciousness (2)Boyce Bateyy1996v19-Aprilp63
Double-Aspect MonismCarroll B Nashy1996v19-Aprilp68
Posthumous Personality, Reincarnation & LiberationRavindra Kumary1996v19-Aprilp72
Christian Faith & the Life/Death CycleRobert H Johnstony1996v19-Aprilp79
How Spirit Souls become Angels ("The Holy Bible reveals ...")AD Holcombey1996v19-Aprilp88
Test ye the JournalistsFrank Pollardy1996v19-Aprilp93
Ltte (corrections to statements by AD Holcombe on historical Jewish-Arab problems in Palestine)Maria Krayemy1996v19-Aprilp96
Ltte - (Spiritualism is not a denomination of anything)Barbara N Starry1996v19-Aprilp96
Late Notice - The Alex Tanous Foundationanony1996v19-Aprilp99
Unnatural Selection (vf)Charles C Wise Jry1996v19-Aprilp100
Predestination & Free WillMarilyn Grahamy1996v19-Aprilp101
Myths, Metaphysics and Meditation - Sin or Ignorance - The Sense of SeparationJohn Millery1996v19-Aprilp102
review - A Matter of Principles? by Edwin R Dubose; Ron Hamel; LJ O'ConnellCarl B Beckery1996v19-Aprilp107
review - Past Life Therapy - The State of the Art by Rabia Lynn ClarkChet B Snowy1996v19-Aprilp110
review - Healing Words by Larry DosseyFrank Hijikatay1996v19-Aprilp112
review - Shadow & Evil in Fairy Tales by Marie-Louise Von FranzKJR Bertiny1996v19-Aprilp115
review - What we can Learn from the East by Beatrice BruteauFrank Tribbey1996v19-Aprilp116
review - The Essence of Tai Chi by Waysun LiaoFrank Tribbey1996v19-Aprilp117
review - Hua Hu Ching - The Later Teachings of Lao Tzu by Hua-Ching NiFrank Tribbey1996v19-Aprilp117
review - Sword & Brush - The Spirit of the Martial Arts by Dave LowryFrank Tribbey1996v19-Aprilp117
review - The Path is the Goal by Chogyam TrungpaFrank Tribbey1996v19-Aprilp117
for review - Soul Search - A Scientist Explores the Afterlife by David DarlingClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp118
for review - Memories & Visions of Paradise (myth of a lost golden age) by Richard HeinbergClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp118
for review - The Messiah Stones - A novel of the millennium by Irving BenigClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp118
for review - Gospel Truth - New Light on Jesus & the Gospels by Graham StantonClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp119
for review - Great Awakenings - Popular Religion & Popular Culture by Marshall W FishwickClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp119
for review - The Trickster, Magician & Grieving Man by Glen A MazisClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp119
for review - Serpent of Fire - A Modern View of Kundalini by Darrel IrvingClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp120
for review - Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants (Jewish-Christian Relations) by Jack T SandersClaire Walkery1996v19-Aprilp120
Meet our writersanony1996v19-Julyp121a+
From the Editoranony1996v19-Julyp121
Miracles: The Paranormal of ReligionLoyay J Fatoohi & Jamal N Husseiny1996v19-Julyp122
filler (from The Tenth Insight)James Redfieldy1996v19-Julyp142
(3) The Rose Cross in America, 1800-1909Endieu Esttouty1996v19-Julyp143
Transitional Believing (the writings of Margaret Deland 1857-1945)Ruth Maxa Filery1996v19-Julyp153
filler (from The Prophet)Kahlil Gibrany1996v19-Julyp161
Musical PlowsharesShirley Leightony1996v19-Julyp162
Spirits on the InternetCE Lindgreny1996v19-Julyp164
In Search of Schrodinger's CatWarren R Aikeny1996v19-Julyp170
comment - In Search of Schrödinger's Cat - Quantum Physics & Reality by John GribbinWarren R Aikeny1996v19-Julyp170
Healing Through Psychic InterventionRavindra Kumary1996v19-Julyp171
Ltte - response to Maria Krayem's letter from DamascusAD Holcombey1996v19-Julyp173
Ltte - (the Shroud of Turin)Frank Tribbey1996v19-Julyp175
Ltte - (extraterrestrial insectoid bioforms)Maurice Schwalmy1996v19-Julyp176
review - Gospel Truth - New Light on Jesus & the Gospels by Graham StantonCoyd Walkery1996v19-Julyp177
Showing 1151 to 1200 of 1797 entries