The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


Unpublished Records of Stainton Moses [from 'Light' December 1957 pages 105/109]Constance Sitwelly2015v11i8-9August-Septemberp205
Books we have reviewedanony2015v11i8-9August-Septemberp213
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2015v11i8-9August-Septemberp214
Images of Albert StewartPaul J Gaunty2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp216
Materialised Spirit Poses For Sculptor And For Artist ['Psychic News' October 9th 1937 front page]anony2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp217
Brother Lived A Few Hours - But Proves Survival ['Psychic News' August 19th 1944 page 2]anony2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp220
Helen Duncan, Esson Maule and Harry PricePaul J Gaunty2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp225
The London Psychical Laboratory [The Research Department of the London Spiritualist Alliance Ltd] [from 'Light' 28th February 1931]anony2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp240
Sittings With Mrs Duncan: Ectoplasm And Materialisation [from 'Light' May 16th 1931]anony2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp243
First Series - Notes of Sittings With Mrs Duncan [College of Psychic Studies formerly known as the London Spiritualist Alliance]anon; Note by Psypioneery2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp248
Xmas QuizLPy2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp256
Britten Memorial Research Weeks at the Arthur Findlay College A Unique Opportunity - Exploring Spiritualist Historyanony2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp257
Books we have reviewedanony2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp258
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2015v11i10-11October-Novemberp259
Bertha Harris LocatedLeslie Pricey2016v12i1January-Februaryp2
A Famous British Medium [Taken from 'Quarterly Transactions of the British College of Psychic Science' Vol.XVII No.2 July 1938 pages 100-102]Mrs Hewat Mckenziey2016v12i1January-Februaryp3
[Further background information regarding Bertha Harris]Lis Warwood; Paul Gaunty2016v12i1January-Februaryp4
Profile … By Philip Paul ['Two Worlds' May 14th 1955]Philip Pauly2016v12i1January-Februaryp6
Kathleen M Goldney MBE ['Light' LXXXII No 3450 April 1962 pages 11-12] [re: Kathleen Mary Hervey Goldney]anon [and Note by LP]y2016v12i1January-Februaryp9
Mae West Came Up To See Me [includes information Glasgow Association of Spiritualists St Vincent Street Church]Garth Willey [GAW]y2016v12i1January-Februaryp11
300 Parsons Want To Know - "Enquiry" To Start in Every Diocese - Bishop Of London Approves ['Psychic News' from July 2nd 1932 front page]anon [and Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i1January-Februaryp14
Mrs Osborne Leonard Bereaved ['Light' February 28th 1935 page 133]anon [and Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i1January-Februaryp16
Transference of Mediumistic Control - Miss Francis - Retirement of "Miss Francis" ['Psychic Science' Vol XVII No 2 July 1938 pages 61-63]B McK [and Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i1January-Februaryp17
Xmas Quiz ResultsLPy2016v12i1January-Februaryp19
The Secret of Miss Lind-Afhageby - Miss Llnd-Af-Hageby - Elected President of the LSA ['Light' February 7th 1935 page 88]anon [and Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i1January-Februaryp20
Obituary - Emilie Augusta Louise Lind-af-Hageby ['Light' Spring 1964]Mercy Phillimorey2016v12i1January-Februaryp21
Britten Memorial Study Weeks at the Arthur Findlay Collegeanony2016v12i1January-Februaryp23
Francis Ward Monck [including: The Rev Dr Monck'S Seances]Introductory Note by LP; various; John Walkery2016v12i1January-Februaryp24
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2016v12i1January-Februaryp33
The London Spiritualist Alliance - Great Gathering At New Premises [including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle'S Address taken from 'Light' January 30 1926 p52 and editorial comment taken from 'Light' January 30 1926 p54]anon [and Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i2March-Aprilp35
The Survival League [Mrs Sappho: The Life of CA Dawson Scott, Mother of International PEN By Marjorie Watts with Foreword by Francis King Chapter 39 pages 167-170]Marjorie Watts [and Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i2March-Aprilp40
PK-Collection: Academics report as eye-witnesses about psychokinetic phenomena [and re Marcus Heymann its founder]anony2016v12i2March-Aprilp43
Notes of Second Materialization Sitting With Mrs Duncan on 30th October 1930anony2016v12i2March-Aprilp45
Independent Voice Development with Mrs Osborne Leonard ['Light' January 1947 vLXVII n3321 pp17-22]anon [Introductory Note by LP: article possibly by Conan and Nellie Shaw]y2016v12i2March-Aprilp51
Beaten By The Facts? Assessing the Significance of Seance Phenomena in Mid-Victorian EnglandAndy Byngy2016v12i2March-Aprilp56
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2016v12i2March-Aprilp79
Major Advance in Digitising American Spiritualismanony2016v12i3May-Junep81
Conan Doyle and the Mysterious World of Light [Preface by Leslie Price to 'Conan Doyle and the Mysterious World of Light' by Matt Wingett]Leslie Price [with introductory Note by Psypioneer]y2016v12i3May-Junep84
Edward Lewis Gardner - 1869-1969 [obituary taken from Science Group Journal Theosophical Research Centre Vol. XIII No. 3 Autumn 1969 pages 67/68]VWS [Victor Wallace Slater] [and Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i3May-Junep86
Some Reflections on the Queen'S Hall Meeting [from: "Then and Now" in 'Light' March 24th 1928 p138]anon [with introductory Note by Psypioneer]y2016v12i3May-Junep89
CC Massey The Man Who Was ThereLP [Leslie Price]y2016v12i3May-Junep91
Notes of Third Materialization Seance with Mrs Duncan on Sunday 2nd November 1930anon [with Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i3May-Junep93
Where was the London Spiritualist Alliance? [from handwritten note inside an old LSA minute book]anon [with Note by LP]y2016v12i3May-Junep98
Esoteric Sections and the Historian [from Theosophical History January 1986 V1 No5 pp90-96 with added footnotes and notes at commencement and end]Leslie Pricey2016v12i3May-Junep100
Joan of Arc and Dr Lamond [from 'Towards Eternal Day - The psychic memoirs of a playwright']Graham Moffat [with Introductory Note by LP]y2016v12i3May-Junep106
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2016v12i3May-Junep111
Dr John Lamond[compiled by] Paul J Gaunty2016v12i4July-Augustp113
Dr John Lamond's Passing - The Last Events in his Life [from: 'Two Worlds' July 22nd 1932 page 470]anony2016v12i4July-Augustp113
Dr John Lamond's Last Bow - His Views On Spiritualism's Future [from 'Two Worlds' Friday July 29 1932 front page and pages 482-483]James Leighy2016v12i4July-Augustp114
Dr John Lamond His Meeting with Rosemary [from 'Two Worlds' Friday July 29 1932]F H Woody2016v12i4July-Augustp117
Showing 1201 to 1250 of 1280 entries