Now Comes His Diamond Jubilee [re WH Evans: 'The Two Worlds' June 27 1953] | Maurice Barbanell | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p252 |
WH Evans ['Two Worlds' December 17 1915] | AP Yates | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p253 |
Spiritualist shows how to face death ['The Two Worlds' November 21 1953] | anon | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p254 |
Last Article Written by a Dying Man ['Two Worlds' December 12 1953] | WH Evans | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p255 |
To help Humanity Evolve - booklet review [review of 2013 'Blavatsky Lecture': 'The Evolutionary Task of Humanity' by Peter Barton] | LP [Leslie Price] | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p258 |
Sir A Conan Doyle and His Conversion ['Two Worlds' Friday November 9 1917 p416] | anon | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p260 |
A Brief History of Spirit Photography - A Resume in Three Parts of the Efforts Made to Obtain Photographs of Departed Persons by Experimenters in Great Britain the United States and France [part two] ['Two Worlds' Friday September 3 1915 front page and p438] | JJ Morse [James Johnson Morse] | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p262 |
The Friends of Theosophical Archives - Update (2) | LP [Leslie Price] | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p267 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p268 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2013 | v9 | i8 | August | p269 |
Archetypes fragments of our collective unconscious or other: Re-examining Eileen Garrett's struggle with spirit guides | Ma1xine Meilleur | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p271 |
The Corpus Goes Live | [Leslie Price] | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p277 |
The Mediumship of Frau Maria Silbert - 1866-1936 | anon | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p279 |
A Record of Frau Silbert's Work at the College in June and July 1922 ['Psychic Science' Vol 1 No 3 October 1922 pp251-267] | anon | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p280 |
Frau Silbert and Ectoplasm [July 19 1922 letter to 'Light'] | Arthur Conan Doyle | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p293 |
Emma's Editorial Work Remembered | Leslie Price | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p296 |
Doubt about Madame D'Esperance's Early Life | Lis Warwood | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p298 |
Ada Emma (Nee Marriott) Deane | Leslie Price, Lis [? Warwood] | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p302 |
Mrs Deane's Work Discontinued at the British College ['Psychic Science' September 1922] | anon, J Hewat McKenzie, AE Deane | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p303 |
A Brief History of Spirit Photography - A Resume in Three Parts of the Efforts Made to Obtain Photographs of Departed Persons by Experimenters in Great Britain the United States and France [part three] ['Two Worlds' Friday September 10 1915 front page and p450/51] | JJ Morse [James Johnson Morse] | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p306 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p312 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2013 | v9 | i9-10 | September-October | p313 |
Alfred Russel Wallace Unveiled | LP [Leslie Price] | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p315 |
Another Pioneer! | Leslie Price | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p316 |
The Sunflower became the official emblem for Spiritualism originating in the late nineteenth century in America | Paul J Gaunt | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p317 |
Enchanted Modernities Theosophy and the arts in the modern world - Conference Amsterdam 25-27 September 2013 | L Harris [Lynda Harris] | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p327 |
The Spiritualist Movement: Speaking With the Dead in America and Around the World, Edited by Christopher M Moreman (ABC-Clio Three Volumes August 2013) [review] | Walter Meyer zu Erpen | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p330 |
Early Days of The British Society of Dowsers - Address given to the British Society of Dowsers on December 15th 1954 | Colonel AH Bell (with Introductory Note by LP [Leslie Price]) | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p336 |
Forbidden Histories | LP [Leslie Price] | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p346 |
A Brief History of Spirit Photography - A Resume in Three Parts of the Efforts Made to Obtain Photographs of Departed Persons by Experimenters in Great Britain the United States and France [part four] ['Two Worlds' Friday September 17 1915 p465] | JJ Morse [James Johnson Morse] | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p347 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p351 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2013 | v9 | i11 | November | p352 |
1944 - Mrs Duncan Criticised by Spiritualists | (Compiled by) Leslie Price | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p354 |
Correction - Mrs Duncan and Mrs Dundas | anon | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p360 |
The Major Mowbray Mystery | Leslie Price | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p361 |
The Spiritualist Community Again ['Light' October 1946 p278] | anon | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p363 |
The Golden Years of the Spiritualist Association | Geoffrey Murray | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p364 |
[previous article continued] "One Hundred Years of Spiritualism" by Roy Stemman | LP [Leslie Price] | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p365 |
The Human Double [accounts taken from "Spirits in the Flesh" by W Leslie Curnow published in 'Psychic Science' January 1927] | W Leslie Curnow, anon | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p367 |
Five Experiments with Miss Kate Goligher | SG Donaldson, 'Psypioneer', LP [Leslie Price] | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p370 |
The Confession of Dr Crawford | Leslie Price | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p377 |
Emma Hardinge Britten, Beethoven, and the Spirit Photographer William H Mumler | Emma Hardinge Britten, anon | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p380 |
Leslie’s seasonal Quiz | [Leslie Price] | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p386 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p387 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2013 | v9 | i12 | December | p388 |
Crisis at The SAGB - A Rebel's Road Memoirs of a Spiritualist | Ted Hughes [with introductory note by LP] | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p2 |
Allan Barham Early Worker for CFPSS [with introduction and extracts from 'Quarterly Review' Winter 1989 p35, Spring 1990 p31] | AJ Hull, Charles Harrington, Bunty Percival | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p6 |
Direct Voice Mediumship [extract 'Strange to Relate' (second revised eidtion)] | Allan Barham | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p8 |
Afterword | Brandon Hodge | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p11 |
International Conference on Theosophical History - Call for Papers | anon | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p12 |