The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2013v9i3Marchp100
Fraud and Psychical Research - A lecture to Society for Psychical Research London on Thursday 28 March 2013Leslie Pricey2013v9i4Aprilp102
From Home Shores to Far Horizons: Hester Dowden as a ChildWendy Cousinsy2013v9i4Aprilp109
New biography of Mrs BrittenLPy2013v9i4Aprilp112
Review: 'The Cathar View: The Mysterious Legacy of Montsegur Articles by twenty five contributors' edited by Dave PatrickLynda Harrisy2013v9i4Aprilp114
Henry Slade 1836c - 1905anony2013v9i4Aprilp117
Dr Slade's Last Illness [extract: 'Light' December 16 ?1905]anony2013v9i4Aprilp117
Henry Slade: Spirit-Medium [extract: 'The Medium and Daybreak' October 6 1876]anony2013v9i4Aprilp120
March 1866 - The Beginnings of Independent Slade-WritingMarc Demaresty2013v9i4Aprilp127
Independent Writing In The Presence Of Mr Slade [Slate Written in Presence of Mr Slade - Britten Memorial Museum]anony2013v9i4Aprilp133
Books we have reviewedanony2013v9i4Aprilp134
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2013v9i4Aprilp135
Victoria Helen McCrae Duncan (nee MacFarlane) - November 25th 1897-6th December 1956Paul J Gaunty2013v9i5Mayp137
Impressions of Mrs Duncan's MediumshipGeo. F Berryy2013v9i5Mayp138
Early materialisations photographed through Duncan's MediumshipPaul J Gaunty2013v9i5Mayp141
Later materialisations photographed through Duncan's MediumshipPaul J Gaunty2013v9i5Mayp146
Fine Materialisations - Mrs Duncan At Cheltenham - Spirit Reads a Letter [extract: 'The Two Worlds' Friday March 17 1939 front page]anony2013v9i5Mayp148
The story continues [Britten Memorial Museum]Paul J Gaunty2013v9i5Mayp149
Notes by the Way: Friends of Theosophical Archives - A ProposalLeslie Pricey2013v9i5Mayp151
Mr Gardner Again - A reader respondsLPy2013v9i5Mayp153
The Building of the Spiritualists' National Union - Part FivePaul J Gaunty2013v9i5Mayp154
After Forty Years - An Outline of the History of "The Two Worlds"Paul J Gaunty2013v9i5Mayp157
Theodore Flournoy on Veridical Hallucinations: A Reprint and Historical NoteCarlos S Alvarado1y2013v9i5Mayp163
Books we have reviewedanony2013v9i5Mayp171
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2013v9i5Mayp172
A Brief History of Spirit PhotographyJames J Morsey2013v9i6Junep174
Friends of Theosophical Archives - Update (1)LP [Leslie Price]y2013v9i6Junep180
Materialisation - How is it Done? What are the Methods used [re another Helen Duncan seance]John Winningy2013v9i6Junep182
Charles Basham - Paul J Gaunt commentsPaul J Gaunty2013v9i6Junep185
The Reality of Psychical Phenomena - Ectoplasm and Levitation Photographed ['The Two Worlds' Friday 16 February 1940]W J Longlandy2013v9i6Junep186
A Medium is Accused of Fraud ['Psychic News' 21 February 1942]anony2013v9i6Junep189
German Parapsychology in ContentionLP [Leslie Price]y2013v9i6Junep191
Can you help? - Out of the mouths of babes and sucklingsanony2013v9i6Junep192
Notes by the Way: Researchers did not have affair with EusapiaLP [Leslie Price]y2013v9i6Junep193
The London Spiritual Mission ['The Two Worlds' Friday 31 October 1913]anony2013v9i6Junep194
Books we have reviewedanony2013v9i6Junep198
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2013v9i6Junep199
Ronald Edwin Cockersell - Fraudulent Medium - Genuine Psychic?Paul J. Gaunty2013v9i7Julyp201
Parapsychologist Massimo Biondi CommentsMassimo Biondiy2013v9i7Julyp225
Second Thoughts About Fairies [with note by LP]Arthur Conan Doyley2013v9i7Julyp226
Why Massey? - A Justification for a Biography of Charles Carleton MasseyRev Jeff Lavoiey2013v9i7Julyp228
Books we have reviewedanony2013v9i7Julyp230
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2013v9i7Julyp231
Madame D’Esperance was probably a PuttockLP [Leslie Price]y2013v9i8Augustp233
Mrs Mabel Annie St Clair Stobart[Paul J. Gaunt]y2013v9i8Augustp235
Tribute to an Old Campaigner ['The Two Worlds' December 18 1954]Rev G Maurice Elliotty2013v9i8Augustp238
Our Greatest Woman Passes on ['The Two Worlds' December 18 1954]The Editor [of 'The Two Worlds']y2013v9i8Augustp239
Spiritualism and the Churches - Mrs St Clair Stobart Hopes for Absorption "Lock Stock and Barrel" ['Light' August 19 1932]Mrs St Clair Stobarty2013v9i8Augustp245
Clergy and Spiritualists - Success of the First Confraternity Meeting ['Light' October 10 1935]anony2013v9i8Augustp247
WH Evans - One of Spiritualisms finest philosophersanony2013v9i8Augustp252
Showing 951 to 1000 of 1280 entries