A Brief History of Spirit Photography - A Resume in Three Parts of the Efforts Made to Obtain Photographs of Departed Persons by Experimenters in Great Britain the United States and France [part five] ['Two Worlds' Friday October 22 1915 front page-530] | JJ Morse [James Johnson Morse] | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p13 |
Trance Paintings; Direct Paintings - A Sitting with Mr D Duguid ['The Medium and the Daybreak' October 6 1893] | James Burns | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p17 |
Another Pioneer Promoted - Transition of Mr William Walker of Buxton - An Earnest Spiritualist and a keen Investigator of Psychic Photography ['The Two Worlds' August 6 1915] | anon | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p21 |
"Direct Colours" - Our Coloured Supplement ['Light' Supplement December 23 1922] | anon | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p25 |
Psychic Photography in Direct Colours ['Two Worlds' November 11 1921] | Fred Barlow; and note by The Editor - E W O [Ernest Oaten] | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p27 |
When Stainton Met Henry [Henry Steel Olcott] | LP [Leslie Price] | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p31 |
Leslie's seasonal Quiz - the answers | [Leslie Price] | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p32 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p34 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2014 | v10 | i1 | January | p35 |
The Great War - Second Thoughts about Raymond - Oliver Lodge [extract: 'Raymond Revised': A New Abbreviated Edition of 'Raymond or Life and Death' with an additional chapter by Sir Oliver J Lodge: Special Edition for the Psychic Book Club Ltd London No date] | Oliver Lodge | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p37 |
Sir Oliver Lodge family photograph circa 1913 | anon | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p43 |
The Pioneer Again | LP | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p44 |
Mercy Phillimore ["How I became interested in the Paranormal" in 'Light' Spring 1962 No 3448] | Mercy Phillimore | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p45 |
Harry Price Explained - Comments and Reflections [extract: 'Light' June 1956 Vol LXXVI No 3427] | Miss Mercy Phillimore | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p49 |
College Fights for Survival | anon | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p55 |
Ectoplasm as Associated with Survival | FR Scatcherd | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p56 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p65 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2014 | v10 | i2 | February | p66 |
Secondary Personality [Dr R Fielding-Ould and others on the mediumship of Mrs Duncan] | various | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p68 |
The College on the Eve of Paul Beard’s Presidency [extract: 'Spiritualism: A Critical Survey' by Simeon Edmunds 1966 pages 70-76] [re: The College of Psychic Science] | Simeon Edmunds | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p73 |
Meet the Bensons | LP [Leslie Price] | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p78 |
A Contribution Towards the History Of Spirit-Art - (From the unpublished papers of the late Mrs Howitt-Watts) | Alaric Watts and Anna Howitt Watts | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p79 |
New Georgiana Houghton edition [re: 'Evenings at Home in Spiritual Seance' by Georgiana Houghton edited with an introduction and notes by Sara Williams] | LP | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p88 |
Preserving the Historical Collections of Parapsychology | anon | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p89 |
A Brief History of Spirit Photography (final part) ['Two Worlds' November 12 1915 pp572-573] | James J Morse | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p90 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p99 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2014 | v10 | i3 | March | p100 |
Daniel Dunglas Home (March 20th 1833-June 21st 1886) - Home's Expulsion from Rome In 1864 | Mme Dunglas Home | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p102 |
DD Home and his Times - A Hitherto Unpublished Letter of the Famous Medium | DD Home | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p104 |
The Conversion of Home the Medium ['The Church and Spiritualism' 1933 Chapter IV pages 61-82] | Herbert Thurston | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p106 |
Mr Home and the Roman Government - Question [Parliamentary Question] | Hansard | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p120 |
The Origin of the London Spiritualist Alliance ['Light' February 9 1884 pp53-54] | M. A. (Oxon) (Stainton Moses) | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p124 |
Founder Members of the LSA ['Light' March 15 1884 p108] | M. A. (Oxon), anon | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p128 |
Spirit Artists Pass [Georgiana Houghton, Mrs Alaric Watts (Anna Howitt Watts) | various | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p130 |
The Psychic Art of Madge Gill ['Psychic News' July 19 1969 p8] | anon | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p134 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p136 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2014 | v10 | i4 | April | p137 |
review: 'Healing the Soul; the lives of Samuel Hahnemann and William Lilley' by David Lilley | Jim Pym | y2014 | v10 | i5 | May | p139 |
The Accordion Playing of DD Home ['The Church And Spiritualism' 1933 Chapter IX pp167-187] | Herbert Thurston | y2014 | v10 | i5 | May | p142 |
Leslie Price will deliver a paper at this conference about the impact of the Psypioneer project - Short update on the PHCP conference | anon | y2014 | v10 | i5 | May | p156 |
Spiritualist Ambulances in the Great War [two illustrations] | notes LP | y2014 | v10 | i5 | May | p157 |
An "Apport" Medium Mr T Lynn ['Quarterly Transactions of the British College of Psychic Science' Vol VIII No 2 July 1929 pp129-137] | Hon Principal of the College | y2014 | v10 | i5 | May | p158 |
Article Photographs [re: An "Apport" Medium Mr T Lynn] | anon | y2014 | v10 | i5 | May | p166 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2014 | v10 | i5 | May | p171 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2014 | v10 | i5 | May | p172 |
Psychic Archives come of age [PHCP Conference] | anon | y2014 | v10 | i6 | June | p174 |
Tom Ruffles gives a day by day account of the speeches which can be found on his blogspot [PHCP Conference] | anon | y2014 | v10 | i6 | June | p175 |
Dutch Pioneers: The Society Oromase [translation of the article I wrote for the Tijdschrift of Parapsychology, Vol 81, Nr 1, 2014] | Loes Modderman | y2014 | v10 | i6 | June | p176 |
Sir Arthur As Campaigner | LP [Leslie Price] | y2014 | v10 | i6 | June | p183 |
Simeon Edmunds [from 'Spiritualism a Critical Survey' by Simeon Edmunds 1966] | Simeon Edmunds | y2014 | v10 | i6 | June | p185 |