Ltte - | Lyle Knowles (K) | y1972 | v21 | i8 | May | p249 |
Ltte - | WTS Thackara (K) | y1972 | v21 | i8 | May | p250 |
filler - (a Japanese proverb) | anon (K) | y1972 | v21 | i8 | May | p251 |
The Three Bottles | Eloise Hart (K) | y1972 | v21 | i8 | May | p252 |
filler - | Proclus (K) | y1972 | v21 | i8 | May | p256 |
filler - "You can reflect what is another's ..." (a Cbinese proverb) | anon (K) | y1972 | v21 | i8 | May | p257z+ |
We Become What We Believe | Willy Ph Felthuis (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p258 |
Ancient America (1) | Blair A. Moffett (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p260 |
filler - | Katherine Tingley (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p266 |
Greece, "A Lyre Against the Skies of Time" | Kathinka Flach (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p267 |
A God Disguised (vf) | Hjalmar Gullberg (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p271 |
filler - "movements of the cosmos ..." | John Burroughs (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p271 |
The Currency of Freedom | Sheldon Stoff (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p272 |
filler - "God makes our next door neighbor ..." | GK Chesterton (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p277 |
Wandering Through A Library | John P Van Mater (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p278 |
filler - "Souls are weighed in silence ..." | Maeterlinck (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p281 |
Ltte - | Dorothy Adams (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p282 |
Ltte - | Douglas A. Russell (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p282 |
Ltte - | Humphrey O Offeh (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p283 |
Ltte - | Robert K Davidson (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p283 |
Freedom Unlimited (vf) | Francia Bradshaw Ellis (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p284 |
Follow the Yellow Brick Road | Madeline Clark (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p285 |
filler - "He who stands on tiptoe does not stand firm ..." | Lao-tsu (K) | y1972 | v21 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p288z+ |
Messiah in My Heart | John P Van Mater (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p289 |
Alexandria's Beacon Against the Dark | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p292 |
filler - "psychism is rampant ..." | Forrest W Rivers (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p298 |
A Diamond of Many Facets | Caroline Hollister (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p299 |
The Field of Action | George Simpson (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p301 |
filler - "That primal and interior something in man ..." | Walt Whitman (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p302 |
Ancient America (2) | Blair A. Moffett (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p303 |
filler - As To Life on Mars | Robert S Richardson (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p308 |
Ltte - | Sarah B Van Mater (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p309 |
Ltte - | Rutger Bergstrom (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p310 |
Ltte - | Lo Guest (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p311 |
The Three Noble Teachers of Ancient China | Ida Perrine Ryder (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p312 |
filler - "brotherhood has taken hold ..." | James A. Long (K) | y1972 | v21 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p320z+ |
Eager for the Truth | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p1 |
filler - "Wear not, then, one mood only in thyself ..." | Sophocles (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p5 |
The Vedas - Soil of Buddhism | Harishcandra Kaviratna (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p6 |
With Responsible Altruism | Ida Perrine Ryder (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p11 |
filler - "cut away all that is excessive ..." | Plotinus (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p13 |
The Awakening | Esther P Littlewood (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p14 |
filler - "never to enchain our imagination to the beautiful ..." | G de Purucker (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p21 |
Chinese Medicine - review - The Chinese Art of Healing by Stephan Palos | B Hagelin (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p22 |
filler - "Growth involves the shedding of old skins ..." | Michael Cosser (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p26 |
The Discipline of Truth-Seeking | Peter H Samsom (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p27 |
filler - "Spiritual attainment comes about as naturally ..." | James A. Long (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p30 |
Dragonfly (vf) | Issa (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p31 |
A Living Flash of Light | Ingrid Van Mater (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p31 |
Today I saw the dragon-fly (vf) | Alfred Lord Tennyson (K) | y1972 | v22 | i1 | October | p32 |