filler - "Archery is a practice that symbolizes concentration ..." from the Mundaka-Upanishad | anon (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p53 |
filler - "Having taken the bow ..." | William Q Judge (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p53 |
The Space within a Seed | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p54 |
filler - "Believe me: this, too, belongs to perfection ..." | Meister Eckhart (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p56 |
Unbroken Chain of Oral Tradition | Harishcandra Kaviratna (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p57 |
Poem (vf) | Book of Tokens, The (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p61 |
The Mystery of the Monarch | Willy Ph Felthuis (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p62 |
filler - "Philosophy begins in wonder ..." | Alfred North Whitehead (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p64 |
filler - "universe is not to be narrowed down to the ..." | Sir Francis Bacon (K) | y1971 | v21 | i2 | November | p64z+ |
Eternal Renewal | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p65 |
Behind the Sheen of Culture | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p68 |
A Living Christmas Card | Madeline Clark (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p76 |
The Dream of the Children (vf) | AE (George W Russell) (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p77 |
Celestial Tracking | R Murray (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p78 |
filler - | Blaise Pascal (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p80 |
Irish Creation Story, An | EW O'Brien (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p81 |
On the Destiny of the Soul (2) | FS Darrow, PHD (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p82 |
filler - "In the light of Christmas ..." | Dwight David Eisenhower (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p88 |
Ltte - | John Mohammed (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p89 |
Ltte - | Rhoda L Prien (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p90 |
Ltte - | Mildred Burge (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p90 |
Ltte - | Delos C Prehn, Jr (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p91 |
Out of the Depths | W Rinsma (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p92 |
filler - | A. Trevor Barker (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p93 |
Aztec Calendar Stone | Louis R Arana (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p94 |
filler - "Sun-Christ lives in thee and thou lives in him ..." | Bernard of Clairvaux (K) | y1971 | v21 | i3 | December | p96z+ |
The Individual and the World | James A. Long (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p97 |
Tagore's Religion of Man | Peter H Samsom (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p101 |
Searching for Atlantis | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p106 |
filler - | Dorothy Cadger (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p112 |
Plato's "Lost Island" | Plato (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p113 |
Greater Things than These ... | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p119 |
filler - | GWM Hols-Stoutjesdijk (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p122 |
The Art of Writing in India (1) | Harishcandra Kaviratna (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p123 |
filler - | Jain Precept (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p126 |
World Symphony | Willy Ph Felthuis (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p127 |
filler - "If we work marble, it will perish" | Daniel Webster (K) | y1972 | v21 | i4 | January | p128z+ |
To Serve the Common Good | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p129 |
Song of Myself (vf) | Walt Whitman (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p135 |
Darwinism, "More Illogical than Biological" | Michael Cosser (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p135 |
Psychic Delusions | William Q Judge (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p141 |
Ltte - | John Mohammed (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p146 |
filler - "another quality of souls is coming into incarnation ..." | Andreas Zebrowski (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p146 |
Ltte - | Edwin A. Goldsworthy (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p147 |
Ltte - | Gerald Schueler (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p148 |
The Art of Writing in India (2) | Harishcandra Kaviratna (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p151 |
Avadana Kalpalata (vf) | Kshemendra (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p151 |
Light of Asia (vf) | Sir Edwin Arnold (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p153 |
filler - | AW Cheer (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p154 |
Return to Nature | Ida Postma (K) | y1972 | v21 | i5 | February | p155 |