The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


filler - "Many today feel that the fate of civilization"Gertrude W van Pelt (L)y1971v20i10Julyp320
Our Supreme ChallengeJames A. Long (L)y1971v20i11Augustp321
filler - "There is no problem of human nature"Ralph J Bunche (L)y1971v20i11Augustp322
Evidence of Man's AntiquityJohn P Van Mater (L)y1971v20i11Augustp323
Mysticism and/or RealityRagnar Gerholm (L)y1971v20i11Augustp330
Unto the Least ...Emily Greene (L)y1971v20i11Augustp338
filler - "life spent in digging is worth nothing if you plant no" (a Sicilian proverb)anon (L)y1971v20i11Augustp339
filler - "Sometimes I compare the troubles we have"John Newton (L)y1971v20i11Augustp343
Ltte - "Archaeology ... Alexander Thom ... astronomical observations"R Murray (L)y1971v20i11Augustp344
Ltte - "In many of the articles"Ella C Leavitt (L)y1971v20i11Augustp346
Ltte - "Etna ... catastrophes"Friedrich Trost (L)y1971v20i11Augustp347
Learning to Live with ChangePeter H Samsom (L)y1971v20i11Augustp348
filler - Such are the ways of fate in this harsh worldFirdausi (L)y1971v20i11Augustp352z+
obituary - James A. Long (... - July 1971)anon (L)y1971v20i11Augustp352y+
obituary - Quality of a Life (In Memoriam: James A. Long)Grace F Knoche (K)y1971v20i12Septemberp353
What Are the 'Black Holes' in Space?Michael Cosser (K)y1971v20i12Septemberp356
filler - "In the world you have three sorts of friends"Dorothy Adams (L)y1971v20i12Septemberp360
Social Traffic Rules NeededAlf Ahlberg (K)y1971v20i12Septemberp361
Evidence of Man's AntiquityJohn P Van Mater (K)y1971v20i12Septemberp364
Ltte - "wonderful sunset"Rutger Bergstrom (L)y1971v20i12Septemberp378
Ltte - "no one can change the world - only his own attitudes."Amy Nelson (L)y1971v20i12Septemberp378
Ltte - "There are so many things I want to tell you"Ida Perrine Ryder (L)y1971v20i12Septemberp379
Ltte - "Practically every area of human endeavor is mired"Robert A. Palmer (L)y1971v20i12Septemberp379
Instant SaviorsRaymond Rugland (K)y1971v20i12Septemberp380
filler - "Be not disturbed at being misunderstood" (a Chinese proverb)anon (L)y1971v20i12Septemberp384z+
filler - "Life is no brief candle to me"George Bernard Shaw (L)y1971v20i12Septemberp384
A Philosophy of Common SenseGrace F Knoche (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp1
filler -EV (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp4
The Night Worlds (vf)Stanton A. Coblentz (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp5
Coal or Diamond?James A. Long (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp10
filler -George Emerson Haynes (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp12
Where Opposites MeetWilly Ph Felthuis (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp13
filler - "sow one kind of grain ..."RM Willoughby (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp18
The Spider WebEloise Hart (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp19
Bridge Builder (vf)Will Allen Dromgoole (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp21
We All Bear ResponsibilityMichael Cosser (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp22
filler - "there is a confrontation of opposites ..."Leslie T Titchenell (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp26
One Mysterious Life-ForceNadine Moore Goldsworthy (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp27
Karma-NemesisHP Blavatsky (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp30
filler - "One is rich not through one's possessions ..."Epicurus (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp32z+
filler - "without courage there cannot be truth ..."Sir Walter Scott (K)y1971v21i1Octoberp32
A Mythological MatrixElsa-Brita Titchenell (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp33
filler - "tiniest part of the atom ... universe at large ..."AS Russell (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp37
Energy: Steed or Rider?Michael Cosser (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp38
filler - "faith healing is a fact ..."EA Holmes (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp40
On the Destiny of the Soul (1)FS Darrow, PHD (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp41
Philosophical Poems (vf)Henry More (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp45
Prae-existency of the Soul (vf)Henry More (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp45
filler - "mortal comes from the Immortal ..."Ahmed Fazelbhoy (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp47
Religions Are Many ... Religion Is OnePeter H Samsom (K)y1971v21i2Novemberp48
Showing 3351 to 3400 of 6911 entries