filler - "Even if I knew that tomorrow the world ..." | Martin Luther (K) | y1973 | v22 | i8 | May | p256z+ |
filler - "the world is a thing" | Thomas Carlyle (K) | y1973 | v22 | i8 | May | p256 |
Let Your Soul Stand Cool | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p257 |
Cinderella Glass (vf) | Thelma Ireland (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p260 |
Lessons from the Indian Soul (1) review - Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters | James Petersen (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p261 |
A Dove's Nest in a Cedar Tree | B Hagelin (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p268 |
filler - | Isolde Sorg (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p270 |
Tailing Clouds of Glory - review - Man on Earth by Barbro Karlen | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p271 |
something black + (vf) | Barbro Karlen (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p271 |
filler - "reality ... one must find for himself ..." | Katherine Tingley (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p274 |
Gateway to the Horizon of Heaven | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p275 |
Reconciled to Men | Walter Donald Kring (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p282 |
filler - "think through by ourself ..." | Peter Flach (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p285 |
Hints on the Oneness of Life | W Dougherty (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p286 |
filler - "What are men? Mortal gods. ..." | Heraclitus (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p288z+ |
filler - "past is not lost ..." | Kenneth Morris (K) | y1973 | v22 | i9 | Jun-Jul | p288 |
What is Behind the Mask? | R Murray (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p289 |
The soul of man is like water (vf) | Goethe (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p292 |
interview - Lessons from the Indian Soul (Frank Waters) (2) | James Petersen (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p293 |
filler - "Man when he reaches his fruition ..." | Mabel Collins (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p302 |
A Mirror-Image | Eloise Hart (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p303 |
The Faith of a Seeker | Peter H Samsom (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p304 |
filler - | John Van Mater, Jr (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p308 |
2001, A Journey Through Time, Space and Mind | W Dougherty (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p309 |
Turning into Crystal - or Diamond? | WTS Thackara (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p314 |
The Light of Asia (vf) | Sir Edwin Arnold (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p316 |
filler - | Epictetus (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p317 |
filler - "Every human being has a work to carry on within, ..." | William E Channing (K) | y1973 | v22 | i10 | Aug-Sep | p320z+ |
Primal Keys | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p1 |
filler - | Marcus Aurelius (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p5 |
The Albigenses, Bearers of a bygone wisdom-tradition (1) | Arne Wettermark (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p6 |
review - Histoire de l'Inquisition au moyen age by Jean Guiraud | anon (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p6 |
The Unseen Splendor (vf) | Gene Bone (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p12 |
Brother Sun, Father Sun (1) | John P Van Mater (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p14 |
filler - | Plotinus (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p21 |
All Men are More Equal than Some | E Ashmole (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p22 |
filler - | Bishop Creighton (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p23 |
Of Monkeys, Men & Cataclysms | Blair A. Moffett (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p24 |
review - The Emergence of Man by John E Pfeiffer | anon (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p26 |
The Wings of Defeat | Neil Millar (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p29 |
filler - "human spirit ..." | G de Purucker (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p32 |
filler - "Amid the roar of the world ..." | William Q Judge (K) | y1973 | v23 | i1 | October | p32z+ |
Figures of Light | Rutger Bergstrom (K) | y1973 | v23 | i2 | November | p33 |
Change perpetual is at the root of all things (vf) | Book of Tokens, The (K) | y1973 | v23 | i2 | November | p35 |
The Albigenses, Bearers of a bygone wisdom-tradition (2) | Arne Wettermark (K) | y1973 | v23 | i2 | November | p36 |
filler - | Robert Louis Stevenson (K) | y1973 | v23 | i2 | November | p41 |
Inner Peace and our Starry Selves | Blair A. Moffett (K) | y1973 | v23 | i2 | November | p42 |
filler - "when we no longer care ..." | Laurence M Gould (K) | y1973 | v23 | i2 | November | p44 |
What Then? Keeping, Giving and Sharing | Hugh H Harrison (K) | y1973 | v23 | i2 | November | p45 |
filler - | Confucius (K) | y1973 | v23 | i2 | November | p46 |