The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

All entries

The TheosophistCircular Notice [re the translation of theosophical literature]HS Olcotty1885v6-Aprilp170
The TheosophistBengal Branches, Damodar K Mavalankar visits four citiesanony1885v6-Aprilp170
The TheosophistThe Buddhist Catechism of HS Olcott in Burmeseanony1885v6-Aprilp170
The TheosophistIndian Sibylline Books (1)HS Olcotty1885v6-Mayp171
The TheosophistPsychic CurrentsEmilie de Morsiery1885v6-Mayp173
The TheosophistEdward von Hartmann's Criticism of "Esoteric Buddhism"Edward von Hartmanny1885v6-Mayp175
The Theosophistreply to Edward von Hartmann's criticism of Esoteric BuddhismMohini M Chatterjiy1885v6-Mayp177
The TheosophistSpiritualistic "Materialisations"An Eastern FTSy1885v6-Mayp179
The TheosophistAn Epitome of Aryan Moralsanony1885v6-Mayp180
The TheosophistKarma & RebirthsGyanendra N Chakravartiy1885v6-Mayp181
The TheosophistVivisectionO Pembridgey1885v6-Mayp182
The TheosophistThe Ten Sephiroth (rprnt Rosenroth's Kabbala Denudata)Rosenrothy1885v6-Mayp184
The TheosophistThe Left-Hand Pathanony1885v6-Mayp185
The TheosophistSpiritual Progressanon (HPB)y1885v6-Mayp187
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (8)Eliphas Leviy1885v6-Mayp189
The TheosophistChitra GuptaDKy1885v6-Mayp191
The TheosophistLetter to the Editor - Occult ProblemsDhunjibhoy Jamsetjee (Nedhora)y1885v6-Mayp192
The Theosophistreply to "Occult Problems"anony1885v6-Mayp193
The Theosophistreview - History of the Parsis by Dosabhai Framji Karakaanony1885v6-Mayp193
The Theosophistreview - Arya Neeti Pradhana Pustakam (First Book of Aryan Morality and Religion) by R Sivasankara Pandiahanony1885v6-Mayp193
The TheosophistThe Eclipse - (two questions)A Hinduy1885v6-Mayp193
The TheosophistRecent Theosophical Publications - Theosophy, Religion & Occult Science by HS Olcottanony1885v6-Mayp194
The TheosophistFormation of an Executive CommitteeHS Olcotty1885v6-May+p195
The TheosophistCOPY: Medical certificate of Blavatsky's healthMary Scharlier (Scharlieb)y1885v6-May+p195
The TheosophistFormation of An Executive CommitteeHS Olcotty1885v6-May+p195
The TheosophistResolution [resolved that Madame Blavatsky's resignation be accepted ...]R Ragoonath Rowy1885v6-May+p195
The TheosophistRetirement of Madame BlavatskyHS Olcotty1885v6-May+p195
The TheosophistLetter of ResignationHP Blavatskyy1885v6-May+p195
The TheosophistOfficial Notice: To mark our respect ... the office of the Corresponding Secretary is hereby abolished.HS Olcotty1885v6-May+p195
The TheosophistSpecial Orders of 1885HS Olcotty1885v6-May+p196
The TheosophistSpecial NotificationHS Olcotty1885v6-May+p196
The TheosophistBranches of the Society - London Lodge Theosophical SocietyBertram Keightleyy1885v6-May+p197
The TheosophistGooty Theosophical SocietyBP Narasimmiahy1885v6-May+p197
The TheosophistInspection ReportDamodar K Mavalankary1885v6-May+p197
The Theosophist[George Chainey - joined the Theosophical Society]anony1885v6-May+p198
The Theosophist(to reduce the size of the page of the Theosophist by one half)anony1885v6-May+p198
The TheosophistChittoor TS [notice of first anniversary celebrations intended]anony1885v6-May+p198
The TheosophistPublications, Notice [- prices reduced on some pamphlets]anony1885v6-May+p198
The TheosophistPublications: Translation of the Vedanthavarthikananony1885v6-May+p198
The TheosophistNotice [CW Leadbeater consented to act as Manager, TVR Charloo as Assistant Manager of the Theosophist]anony1885v6-May+p198
The TheosophistInfallibilityHS Olcotty1885v6-Junep199
The TheosophistThe Nature of ElectricityOJ Lodgey1885v6-Junep200
The TheosophistReincarnationF Arundaley1885v6-Junep201
The Theosophist(The mechanical theory of the universe does not entirely satisfy anyone)Archibald Keightleyy1885v6-Junep203
The Theosophist(Closely connected with the doctrine of Reincarnation is the subject of Heredity)Bertram Keightley (1860-1945)y1885v6-Junep204
The Theosophist(The confusion ... between the doctrines of Reincarnation & Metempsychosis ...)Mohini M Chatterjiy1885v6-Junep205
The TheosophistLight on the Path (1)MC (? Mabel Collins)y1885v6-Junep206
The TheosophistIndian Sibylline Books (2)HS Olcotty1885v6-Junep206
The TheosophistOccultism in Modern Literature (3)Miad Hoyo-Rakora-Hony1885v6-Junep210
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (9)Eliphas Leviy1885v6-Junep212
Showing 3701 to 3750 of 211352 entries