The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

All entries

The TheosophistThe Standpoint of the Theosophistsan old Asiatic Indian FTSy1885v6-Junep215
The TheosophistA Luminous Tree (rprnt Phrenological Journal)Ed.y1885v6-Junep216
The TheosophistTranscendental SensesMohini M Chatterjiy1885v6-Junep217
The TheosophistBuddhism in Ceylon - The Buddhist Catechism by HS Olcott, quotedanony1885v6-Junep219
The TheosophistLetter to the Editor - ZoroastrianismDhunjibhoy Jamsetjee (Medhora)y1885v6-Junep220
The Theosophistnote [to "Zoroastrianism"]Ed. (HPB)y1885v6-Junep221
The Theosophistreview - The Idyll of the White Lotus by MCanony1885v6-Junep221
The Theosophistreview - The Legend of Thomas Didymus by James Freeman ClarkeJD Bucky1885v6-Junep221
The Theosophistreview - The Parmenides of Plato tr Thomas Tayloranony1885v6-Junep222
The Theosophistreview - Licht Auf Den Weg (Light on the Path) tr Baron von Hoffmananony1885v6-Junep222
The Theosophistreview - Shadowsanony1885v6-Junep222
The TheosophistLecture by Colonel Olcottanony1885v6-June+p223
The TheosophistLondon Lodge TS [meeting held to consider the attacks on Blavatsky by the Coulombs]Bertram Keightleyy1885v6-June+p223
The TheosophistArni [formed, a new branch of the TS]anony1885v6-June+p223
The TheosophistBranches of the Societyvariousy1885v6-Junep223
The TheosophistLecture by Colonel Olcott(HS Olcott)y1885v6-Junep223
The TheosophistLondon Lodge TS [meeting held April 15th - APS & Mr Mohini spoke]Bertram Keightleyy1885v6-June+p223
The TheosophistVellore TS [This society held its first anniversary on the 10th of May]anony1885v6-June+p223
The TheosophistChittoor [first anniversary celebrations]anony1885v6-June+p224
The TheosophistThe Theosophist [change of paper size]anony1885v6-June+p224
The TheosophistNotice [CW Leadbeater consented to act as Manager, TVR Charloo as Assistant Manager of the Theosophist]anony1885v6-June+p224
The Theosophistobituary - M. Alphonse Louis Cahagnetanony1885v6-Junep224
The Theosophistobituary - Thakore Sahebanony1885v6-Junep224
The Theosophistobituary - Shankar Dyal Pandayanony1885v6-Junep224
The Theosophistobituary - Alphonse Louis Cahagnetanony1885v6-June+p224
The Theosophistobituary - Darjiraj Thakorf Saheb of Wadhwananony1885v6-June+p224
The Theosophistobituary - Shanker Dyal Pandayanony1885v6-June+p224
The TheosophistArcot [reorganisation of branch; election of officers]anony1885v6-June+p224
The TheosophistNotice [prices reduced on some pamphlets]anony1885v6-June+p224
The TheosophistSpecial Notices - InitiationsHS Olcotty1885v6-June+p224
The TheosophistVisitors at the Head-QuartersCW Leadbeater (1854-1934)y1885v6-June+p224
The TheosophistOccultism in Modern Literature (4)Miad Hoyora Korahony1885v6-Julyp225
The TheosophistA Curious IncidentEHMy1885v6-Julyp227
The TheosophistLight on the Path (2)MCy1885v6-Julyp228
The TheosophistThe Black ArtNative FTSy1885v6-Julyp233
The TheosophistNadigranthams & their InterpretersT Subba Rowy1885v6-Julyp233
The TheosophistA Weird Tale (1)William Quan Judgey1885v6-Julyp237
The TheosophistStudies in Swedenborg (3) The Intermediate StateHC Vetterlingy1885v6-Julyp238
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (10)Eliphas Leviy1885v6-Julyp241
The TheosophistThe Pursuit of Pleasure: A Dialogue (rprnt The Lady)anony1885v6-Julyp242
The TheosophistThe Modern Theory of EvolutionMR Leverson [+ a note]y1885v6-Julyp243
The TheosophistEsoteric Philosophy in Tamil LiteratureNaraina Iyery1885v6-Julyp244
The TheosophistGiant Skeletons (rprnt Madras Mail)anony1885v6-Julyp244
The TheosophistEarthquakes & VolcanoesH. (+ a editor's note)y1885v6-Julyp245
The TheosophistA Hindu Thought-ReaderA. Srinivasa Iyery1885v6-Julyp246
The TheosophistLetter to the Editor - Pranks of the Fire ElementalsS Kristnaswamyy1885v6-Julyp246
The TheosophistZoroastrianism (1)Dhunjibhoy Jamsetjee Medhoray1885v6-Julyp247
The Theosophist(the Thought Reader, named - Govinda Chetty)CS Ramasawmy Iyery1885v6-Julyp247
The Theosophistreview - Glimpses in the Twilight by FG LeeMiad Hoyra Korahony1885v6-Julyp248
The Theosophistreview - Therapeutic Sarcognomy by JR BuchananFranz Hartmanny1885v6-Julyp250
Showing 3751 to 3800 of 211352 entries