The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

All entries

The TheosophistAnswers [to "Mediumship - Three Questions"]anony1885v6-Februaryp119
The TheosophistEditor's Note [to "Real Life in Dreams"]Ed.y1885v6-Februaryp119
The TheosophistMediumship - Three QuestionsFTSy1885v6-Februaryp119
The TheosophistA RequestPagadala N Muthuswamyy1885v6-Februaryp119
The Theosophistreview - The History of Witchcraft in Scotland by Charles Kilpatrick SharpeEDEy1885v6-Februaryp120
The TheosophistThe Hyderabad (Dekkan) TS [report of first annual meeting; office-bearers elected for 1884-1885]anony1885v6-March+p5
The TheosophistLondon Lodge Theosophical SocietyBertram Keightleyy1885v6-March+p5
The TheosophistMadame Blavatsky & the Students of the Madras Collegesstudentsy1885v6-March+p5
The TheosophistRajshye Harmony TS (Beauleah, Rajshahye) [Dina Nath Ganguly's visit and lecture]Sreesh Chunder Royy1885v6-March+p6
The TheosophistLondon Lodge Theosophical SocietyBertram Keightleyy1885v6-March+p6
The TheosophistNotice [AO Hume donated copies of Hints on Esoteric Theosophy to the Theosophical Society]anony1885v6-March+p6
The TheosophistMadame Blavatsky in America - New York Times January 2nd, 1885anony1885v6-March+p7
The TheosophistParamakudi TS [formation; general notes]S Minakshisundaramy1885v6-March+p8
The TheosophistColonel Olcott at Rangoonanony1885v6-March+p8
The TheosophistNegapatam TS [resolution passed appointing secretary]NP Balachandriery1885v6-March+p8
The TheosophistBombay (Branch) TS [election of officers]Rustamji Ardisiery1885v6-March+p8
The TheosophistThe third anniversary of the Adhi Bhoutic Bhratru TS (Berhampore, Bengal)Dino Nath Gangulyy1885v6-March+p8
The TheosophistAlchemy in Dublin in 1792Miad Hoyora Koray1885v6-Marchp123
The TheosophistEating & Sleeping AloneA Buddhisty1885v6-Marchp124
The TheosophistThoughts on Kama-Lokaan Eastern FTS (? T Subba Row)y1885v6-Marchp125
The TheosophistThe Legend of the FishNDKy1885v6-Marchp127
The TheosophistChristian Mysticism (II)anony1885v6-Marchp128
The TheosophistNotes on Occult Philosophy (2)T Subba Rowy1885v6-Marchp129
The TheosophistA Remarkable Astrologeranon (HPB)y1885v6-Marchp131
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (6)Eliphas Leviy1885v6-Marchp131
The TheosophistThe Persian from India (1)Vsevolod Solovioff (1849-1903)y1885v6-Marchp133
The TheosophistA Few Thoughts on TheosophyL Ouroussowy1885v6-Marchp133
The TheosophistThe Buddhist Catechism in French (1) (rprnt Revue Belgique)Comte Goblet D'Alviella (1846-1925?)y1885v6-Marchp135
The TheosophistMesmerism at the Royal InstitutionAP Sinnetty1885v6-Marchp137
The TheosophistOn the Higher Aspect of Theosophic StudiesMohini M Chatterjiy1885v6-Marchp140
The TheosophistPractical Instructions for Students of Occultism (XI)ABy1885v6-Marchp144
The TheosophistForthcoming work by Mr Edwin ArnoldMohini M Chatterjiy1885v6-Marchp146
The TheosophistSpecial Noticesanony1885v6-Marchp146
The TheosophistSpecial Notice to Correspondentsanony1885v6-Marchp146
The TheosophistIn the Crucibleanony1885v6-Aprilp147
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (7)Eliphas Leviy1885v6-Aprilp148
The TheosophistA Synopsis of Baron du Prel's "Philosophie der Mystik"Bertram Keightleyy1885v6-Aprilp150
The TheosophistPractical Instructions for Students of Occultism (XII)ABy1885v6-Aprilp157
The TheosophistA Letter from Louis Claude de Saint Martin, extractLCdSMy1885v6-Aprilp159
The TheosophistAstrologyO Alexander Jayasekere (Jayasekara)y1885v6-Aprilp160
The TheosophistThe Philosophy of The Parsi Lady's Head Gear - The Mathoobana (rprnt Jam-i-Jamsheed)a Graduatey1885v6-Aprilp161
The TheosophistThe Persian from India (2)Vsevolod Solovioffy1885v6-Aprilp162
The TheosophistThe Buddhist Catechism in French (2)Comte Goblet D'Alviellay1885v6-Aprilp164
The TheosophistVegetarianism in EnglandFW Newman & othersy1885v6-Aprilp167
The Theosophistreview - The Divining Rod: Virgula Divina - Baculus Divinatorius by Charles Latimeranony1885v6-Aprilp168
The Theosophist[Chohan TS (Cawnpore) third anniversary celebrations]anony1885v6-Aprilp169
The TheosophistRaminya TS (Rangoon, Burma) formed; officers electedCW Leadbeatery1885v6-Aprilp169
The TheosophistSanjeevani TS (Bankura) officers electedanony1885v6-Aprilp169
The TheosophistBengal Branches, Damodar K Mavalankar visits four citiesanony1885v6-Aprilp170
The TheosophistCoconada TS formation; officers appointedanony1885v6-Aprilp170
Showing 3651 to 3700 of 211352 entries