The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

All entries

Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchPossible Motives of Mr Damodarvariousy1885v3--p309
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchColonel Olcottvariousy1885v3--p311
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchConclusion - Summary of the Main Points involved in the Inquiryvariousy1885v3--p312
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchMotives of Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p313
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 1 The Sassoon Telegramvariousy1885v3--p318
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 2 The Adyar Saucervariousy1885v3--p321
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 3 Colonel Olcott's Flower Vasesvariousy1885v3--p323
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 4 Concerning the Shrinevariousy1885v3--p325
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 5 Mr G's Lettervariousy1885v3--p341
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 6 The "Ramaswamy's Arm" Phenomenonvariousy1885v3--p344
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 7 Phenomena described in Mohini M Chatterji's depositionvariousy1885v3--p346
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 8 Experience of Mr Ramaswamiervariousy1885v3--p358
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 9 Evidence of Mr Martandrao B Nagnathvariousy1885v3--p364
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 10 Alleged Astral Apparition witnessed by Mr & Mrs Ross Scottvariousy1885v3--p369
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 11 Precipitated Writingvariousy1885v3--p373
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 12 Account by P Iyaloo Naiduvariousy1885v3--p374
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 13 Fall of a Calendarvariousy1885v3--p375
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 14 (Sydney University) Professor Smith's Letter sewn with silkvariousy1885v3--p377
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchAppendix 15 Concerning Handwritingvariousy1885v3--p378
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchExplanation of (three large foldout sheets)variousy1885v3--p380a+
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchPlate 2 - more Handwriting Specimensvariousy1885v3--p380d+
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchHandwriting Specimensvariousy1885v3--p380c+
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchPlate 1 - Plan of Occult Room, with Shrine & surroundingsvariousy1885v3--p380b+
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchReport of Mr FG Netherclift, Expert in Handwriting, on the Blavatsky-Coulomb DocumentsFrederick George Netherclifty1885v3--p381
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchNotes on certain Phenomena not dealt with in Mr Hodgson's Report (that have occurred in Europe)Mrs H Sidgwicky1885v3--p382
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchEvidence suggestive of Fraud by Madame Blavatsky in 1879variousy1885v3--p397
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical ResearchContents of the Foregoing Reportanony1885v3--p400
The TheosophistNotice [the January 1885 issue printed early due to Anniversary Celebrations]Damodar K Mavalankary1885v6-Januaryp75
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (4)Eliphas Leviy1885v6-Januaryp75
The TheosophistNoticeDamodar K Mavalankary1885v6-Januaryp75
The TheosophistA Séance with Mr Gladstoneanony1885v6-Januaryp78
The TheosophistShri Vakya Sudha - The Eternal Atman (Spirit) - tr, with notesManilal N Dvivediy1885v6-Januaryp79
The TheosophistPractical Instructions for Students of Occultism (IX) ManABy1885v6-Januaryp83
The TheosophistVital Magnetism as old as the UpanishadsR Padmanabhay1885v6-Januaryp84
The TheosophistAphorisms of the Sages (from the book of Maimonides & Tibban)PTO Charyary1885v6-Januaryp85
The TheosophistThe Blackness of Tropical Man (rprnt Nature)AT Frasery1885v6-Januaryp86
The TheosophistThe Ancient Aryan Civilization & Modern Progress(Saint-George Lane-Fox)y1885v6-Januaryp88
The TheosophistThe Substantial Philosophyanony1885v6-Januaryp88
The TheosophistThe Iranian OannesNDKy1885v6-Januaryp90
The TheosophistThe Divining Rod (rprnt Newbury News)variousy1885v6-Januaryp91
The TheosophistPsychic Manifestations - Another Marvel for Scientistsanony1885v6-Januaryp91
The TheosophistApparitions - Strange Sight at Redruthanony1885v6-Januaryp92
The TheosophistLtte - Rules of LifeWRFy1885v6-Januaryp93
The Theosophistnote [to "Rules of Life"]anony1885v6-Januaryp93
The TheosophistThe Indestructibility of SoundSri Kshirod Sarmay1885v6-Januaryp93
The TheosophistA Miner sees his Comrade's Double"Cornubian"y1885v6-Januaryp93
The TheosophistGeneral QuestionsPC Mookherjiy1885v6-Januaryp94
The TheosophistGautama BuddhaM Narasimhayyay1885v6-Januaryp94
The TheosophistKarma & Will-PowerNMD (+ editor's note)y1885v6-Januaryp94
The TheosophistAnswers [to "Questions"]Editory1885v6-Januaryp95
Showing 3551 to 3600 of 211352 entries