review - 'Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology' by Bepin Behari | Glenn Gerhart | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p16 |
review - 'Fragments from HPB's Mystical History' by Michael Gomes | John Cooper | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p16 |
review - 'The Occult World of Madame Blavatsky' by Daniel H Caldwell | John Cooper | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p16 |
review - 'The Willow in the Tempest: A Brief History of the Liberal Catholic Church of America from 1917 to 1942' by Robert Norton | John Cooper | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p17 |
obituary - Andy Peoples | anon | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p17 |
obituary - Iris Weddell White (rprnt) | anon | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p17 |
Items of Interest | anon | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p17 |
And Of Books | anon | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p18 |
Ltte - From Letters Received | various | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p19 |
The Forward Moving Cycle - And the Last years of the Century | Willy Schmit | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p20 |
Universal Perspective - The Vision of the Lord Buddha (rprnt 'Wind of the Spirit') | G de Purucker | y1992 | v21 | i2 | Summer | p27 |
What is Truth? | G de Purucker | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p1 |
G de Purucker - and the Voice of the People | W Emmett Small | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p2 |
Americanization of Buddhism (rprnt - 'Theosophy' 1992) | anon | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p7 |
An Outgrown Institution and the Revival of Bioregionalism (rprnt - 'manas' 1986) | anon (Henry Geiger?) | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p8 |
The Violence of War (rprnt - 'Initiation into Yoga') | Sri Krishna Prem | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p12 |
Notes, Thoughts, Comments - Some Reminiscences of G de Purucker (rprnt - 'C.F.L. Bulletin' 1963) | Maja Synge | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p15 |
Thoughts on Reincarnation | L Gordon Plummer | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p16 |
The Silent Speaker | Edward Abdill | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p17 |
The Real Inner Work of the Theosophical Society | Bing Escudero | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p18 |
Faithful to the Esoteric Tradition (rprnt - 'Theosophical Forum' 1942) | Helen Savage Todd | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p20 |
review - 'The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception' by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh | Dara Eklund | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p21 |
review - 'The Voice of the Silence' by HP Blavatsky | David Reigle | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p21 |
review - 'On Beating a Dead Horse, Two Replies' by William Q Judge | M Jaqua | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p22 |
Editorial Note to 'On Beating a Dead Horse, Two Replies' by William Q Judge, reviewed by M Jaqua | John Cooper | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p23 |
Items of Interest - Point Loma Archives, Correction ('Theosophy, Resonance and Faith'), William Q Judge Library | anon | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p23 |
Items of Interest - Theosophisch Informatie-en Boekencentrum, International Theosophical History Conference, Theosophical Forum in Bad Hersfeld | anon | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p24 |
Items of Interest - Virginia Hanson Memorial Library, Bringhausen Annual Convention, The Excommunication (TS in Canada) | anon | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p25 |
Ltte - From Letters Received | anon | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p26 |
And Of Books | anon | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p26 |
Universal Perspective - O, My Divinity! | Montague A Machell | y1992 | v21 | i3 | Fall | p27 |
The Characteristics of Sufism in the Early Islamic Period (rprnt - 'Sufi') | Javad Nurbakhsh | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p1 |
Editorial - Of Truth and the Theosophical Movement | W Emmett Small | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p2 |
The Cross of Initiation (rprnt 'Bulletin' 1980) | Elsie Benjamin | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p6 |
Creative Meditation | Lama Anagarika Govinda | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p8 |
Indian Chelas on the Masters | Michael Gomes | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p10 |
Sapeva Tutto! (The Know-All!) (rprnt -'Theosophy' 1992) | anon | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p10 |
Interview with Costeau (rprnt - Theosophical Movement 1992) | anon | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p11 |
When Scientists Disagree (rprnt - 'Theosophy' 1992) | anon | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p11 |
Ryokan's Ball | Jay Warren Clark | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p12 |
First Steps to the Heart of the Universe (rprnt - 'American Theosophist' 1971) | W Emmett Small | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p15 |
The Essence of the Teaching (rprnt) | Sankaracharya | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p18 |
review - 'The Gods Await' by Katherine Tingley (rprnt - 'Canadian Theosophist' 1992) | Ted G Davy | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p19 |
review - 'HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky' by Sylvia Cranston | Richard Robb | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p19 |
review - 'The Potential of Our Own Uniqueness' by Bernard S Siegel (rprnt - Theosophical Movement' 1992) | anon | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p19 |
Items of Interest - World Parliament of Religions, Edmonton Theosophical Society of Canada, Krotona Institute, School of Theosophy | anon | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p20 |
Items of Interest - Netherlands Theosophical Convention of 1992, Informationsblatt for Theosophy in Deutchland | anon | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p21 |
Items of Interest - Photocopies of The Theosophist, Vols 3-8 | anon | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p21 |
And Of Books | anon | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p22 |
Ltte - From Letters Received | various | y1992 | v21 | i4 | Winter | p23 |