The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Eclectic Theosophist

BR : reviews Invisible Worlds And Inhabitantsanony1991-i125Sep-Octp7
BR : reviews Doctrine of the Spheresanony1991-i125Sep-Octp8
errata in issue #123 and #124anony1991-i125Sep-Octp10
Capital Punishment : In Costa Rico and USAanony1991-i125Sep-Octp11
Buddhism : of HP Blavatskyanony1991-i125Sep-Octp12
Symbol and IdeaHP Blavatskyy1991-i126Nov-Decp2
TS Founded by AdeptsHP Blavatskyy1991-i126Nov-Decp2
Divine MagicHP Blavatskyy1991-i126Nov-Decp2
A Tribute to HPBHP Blavatskyy1991-i126Nov-Decp3
Astronomy: Age of the Universeanony1991-i126Nov-Decp4
Grail: Grail Mysteryanony1991-i126Nov-Decp4
America Needs Real LeadershipManly Hally1991-i126Nov-Decp4
Christianity : Dead Sea Scrollsanony1991-i126Nov-Decp5
Dead Sea Scrolls: To be made Publicanony1991-i126Nov-Decp5
High Country Theosophist: Dead Sea Scrollsanony1991-i126Nov-Decp5
HPB Apercus BiographiquesHP Blavatskyy1991-i126Nov-Decp8
TS Gomes onAnagarika Dharmapalay1991-i126Nov-Decp10
Intro to SanskritThomas Egenesy1991-i126Nov-Decp10
Anagarika DharmapalaMichael Gomesy1991-i126Nov-Decp10
Eclectic Theosophist: A Word from the Editoranony1991-i126Nov-Decp12
[With this issue "New Series" and volume number added to identification of each issue][indexer note]y1992v21i1Springp1
Essential Wholeness: Transformation through Self BecomingHelen Toddy1992v21i1Springp1
Editorial - The Future of the Theosophical MovementJohn Coopery1992v21i1Springp2
Compassion, Poetry and Paradox: Insights on Blavatsky's Voice of the SilenceBhikshu Sangharakshitay1992v21i1Springp3
Theosophy and Buddhism (rprnt 'Middle Way' 1957)Christmas Humphreysy1992v21i1Springp5
Ayurvedic Healing (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1991)anony1992v21i1Springp8
Blavatsky's Re-Awakening of the Perennial PhilosophyWR Laudahny1992v21i1Springp8
The Whole and its PartsHenry T Edge, John Elof Boodiny1992v21i1Springp10
A Distorted Impression of the Message of HPBanony1992v21i1Springp11
The Last Adventure of Don QuixoteKenneth Morrisy1992v21i1Springp12
The Path of Heart Wisdom (rprnt 'Voice of the Silence')HP Blavatskyy1992v21i1Springp14
Skyward the Lonely Crane (vf) (rprnt)Ssu K'ung T'uy1992v21i1Springp15
review - 'Zen Buddhism: A History' by Heinrich DumoulinJohn Coopery1992v21i1Springp17
review - 'Porphyry on the Cave of teh Nymphs' tr by Thomas TaylorGuy Usoricatorowitzy1992v21i1Springp17
review - 'The Buddhism of HP Blavatsky' by HJ SpierenburgJohn Coopery1992v21i1Springp17
review - 'By the Holy Tetraktys!: Symbol and Reality in Man and Universe' by L Gordon PlummerPervin Mistryy1992v21i1Springp18
review - 'Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Ching' tr by Robert G HendricksM Jaquay1992v21i1Springp18
Items of Interest - Drama-Documentary Video: The Life of Helena Petrovna Blavatskyanony1992v21i1Springp19
Items of Interest - Russia and the Revival of Theosophyanony1992v21i1Springp19
And Of Booksanony1992v21i1Springp20
Ltte - From Letters Receivedvariousy1992v21i1Springp20
After-word from the EditorWESy1992v21i1Springp26
Universal Perspective - But What Am I? (rprnt - 'Theosophia' 1979)W Emmett Smally1992v21i1Springp27
Perspective on Karma: The Deeper Rhythm of LifeB de Zirkoffy1992v21i2Summerp1
Editorial - The Current of WholenessKenneth Smally1992v21i2Summerp2
Theosophy, Resonance and FaithArien Smity1992v21i2Summerp7
Gurus and Chelas: Points and Perils on the Path (rprnt 'Lucifer' 1893)Edward Toronto Sturdyy1992v21i2Summerp10
Philosophy into Popular Fiction: Talbot Mundy's 'Om, The Secret of the Ahbor Valley'Brian Tavesy1992v21i2Summerp13
Birds of PassageGertrude W van Pelty1992v21i2Summerp14
Immortality: An Aboriginal MythDavid Unaipony1992v21i2Summerp14
Showing 1151 to 1200 of 1461 entries