The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Eclectic Theosophist

Speaking OutWESy1971-i1Marchp1
Point Loma Publications, Incanony1971-i1Marchp2
Wind of the Spiritanony1971-i1Marchp3
A Million Hear 'Viewpoint' on Reincarnation (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1971)anony1971-i1Marchp4
Theosophy Featured in new Central University Libraryanony1971-i1Marchp4
Centennial Edition of Isis Unveiledanony1971-i2Aprilp1
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (rprnt 'NY Tribune 1891')anony1971-i2Aprilp1
review - 'Mme Blavatsky Defended' by Iverson Harrisanony1971-i2Aprilp2
Books Books Books (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1971)TGDy1971-i2Aprilp3
Ltte - Salute to Point Loma Publications, Incvariousy1971-i2Aprilp4
Speaking Out - A Brave Declaration of PrinciplesHTy1971-i3Junep1
Drugs and the Effect on the Soulanony1971-i3Junep2
review - 'The Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind' by L Gordon PlummerBernard Mollenhauery1971-i3Junep3
Questions and AnswersHTy1971-i3Junep3
Ltte - From Letters Receivedvariousy1971-i3Junep4
Speaking Out - Two Schools of Thought (rprnt 'Theosophia' 1971)Boris de Zirkoffy1971-i4Augustp1
From the Forecourt to the Heart of the TempleJH Venemay1971-i4Augustp2
Universality and the Esoteric Tradition (rprnt ' Wind of the Spirit')G de Puruckery1971-i4Augustp3
Ltte - From Letters Receivedvariousy1971-i4Augustp4
Reincarnation in the Netherlands Pressanony1971-i4Augustp4
Speaking Out - A Commonsense Approach to 1975L Gordon Plummery1971-i5Septemberp1
Speaking Out - A Commonsense Approach to 1975Iverson L Harrisy1971-i5Septemberp1
A Bond of Spiritual Kinship - The Budingen ConventionElsie Benjaminy1971-i5Septemberp2
Other Newslettersanony1971-i5Septemberp3
Valor IncarnateMontague A Machelly1971-i5Septemberp3
Ltte - Comment on Publications, From Letters Receivedvariousy1971-i5Septemberp4
Golden Precepts (rprnt)Helen Todd, W Emmett Smally1971-i6Novemberp1
Buddhas of Compassion (rprnt 'Golden Precepts')G de Puruckery1971-i6Novemberp1
Questions and AnswersElsie Benjamin, Iverson L Harrisy1971-i6Novemberp2
review - 'HP Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine' by Virginia HansonThomas Nugenty1971-i6Novemberp3
Ltte - From Letters Receivedvariousy1971-i6Novemberp4
review - 'Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation' by Ian StevensonJH Venemay1971-i6Novemberp4
The Universal ChristmasIrene R Ponsonbyy1971-i7Decemberp1
Death - A Birth CelestialIan Molijny1971-i7Decemberp1
Speaking Out - What is your Understanding of 'Eclectic'?WESy1971-i7Decemberp2
Conventions Abroadanony1971-i7Decemberp4
Important Notice [re co-operation and affiliation]Directorsy1971-i7Decemberp4
LtteFrances M Daddy1971-i7Decemberp4
HP Blavatsky on Christmas and the New Year (rprnt)HP Blavatskyy1971-i7Decemberp5
The Story of Jesus - A Mystery Tale (extract)G de Puruckery1971-i7Decemberp6
1897, Converging Cycles - A Christmas GreetingKatherine Tingleyy1971-i7Decemberp6
The Christmas Tree (rprnt 'Wind of the Spring')G de Puruckery1971-i7Decemberp6
Living Theosophy - Theos-SophiaK Freitagy1972-i8Januaryp1
As Another Year BeginsGeorge Cardinal LeGrosy1972-i8Januaryp1
Why Help the Tibetans? (rprnt 'Newsletter' 1971)Rosemary Vossey1972-i8Januaryp2
Comments on 'Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain'Bernhard Mollenhauery1972-i8Januaryp2
Items of Interestanony1972-i8Januaryp3
Theosophy under Fireanony1972-i8Januaryp4
Ltte - From Letters Receivedvariousy1972-i8Januaryp4
Notice to Our ReadersDirectorsy1972-i8Januaryp4
Showing 1 to 50 of 1461 entries