To the Man in the Street - Belief Is the Yardstick By Which We Measure the Importance of Events | John Garrigues | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p4 |
The New Texts in | anon | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p8 |
On Listening to Our Own Voice - Why Spend Your Life Letting Other People Manipulate You? [extract: "Lieh-Tzu, A Taoist Guide to Practical Living" pp190-191] | Eva Wong | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p9 |
From E-Theosophy the Yahoo E-Group: How the Light Will be Shed [extract: "The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett" TUP - Letter XLVII p 271] | anon | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p10 |
On Learning From Everything [extract: "Seven Mongolian Aphorisms" (edited by) Helena P. Blavatsky] | anon | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p11 |
Lets Live Happily ... [extract: The Dhammapada] | anon | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p11 |
Reflections on Gandhi - Saints Should Be Judged Guilty Until They Are Proved Innocent | George Orwell | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p12 |
Jupiter and the Planetary Family - The Giant Planet Teaches a Pythagorean Lesson | anon | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p1 |
The Mission and Future of The United Lodge of Theosophists - The Greatest Service to Humanity Is to Help on the Evolution of Soul | Steven H. Levy | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p2 |
Robert Crosbie [extract: 'Theosophy' August 1919 p320] | [(attributed to) John Garrigues] | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p5 |
Mahatma Gandhi's View of Food To Eat With Discernment Helps Inner Purification [extract: "The Gandhian Way" pp103-105] | BP Wadia | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p6 |
The Importance of Free Debate - Criticism is the Great Benefactor of Thought in General | Joaquim Soares | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p8 |
Vieira a Pioneer of Theosophy The 17th Century Friend of Jews Indians and Black People | anon | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p9 |
The Power of the Small - One’s Trust in the Law is Developed Through Attention | Steven H Levy | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p12 |
Our Continuous Conscious Existence [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher'] | Robert Crosbie | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p13 |
What We Are Results From What We Think [extract: The Dhammapada] | anon | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p13 |
On Truthfulness and Brotherhood - The Words from a Mahatma on a Decisive Issue | A Master of Wisdom | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p14 |
Jacob Boehme in Russia | anon | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p15 |
Theosophical Action on Facebook | anon | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p16 |
Life a Ceaseless Flow of Events [extract: online article "Obstacles and Opportunities" at] | John Garrigues | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p16 |
A Little-Known Photo of HPB - An Outer Image Expressing Inner Feelings | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p17 |
The Story of "The Aquarian" - Journal Started to Circulate in November 2000 | anon | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p18 |
The New Texts in | anon | y2013 | v13 | i8 | June | p19 |
The Sacredness of Serendipity - Or the Art of Making Happy Discoveries | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p1 |
Unity and Contrast in Theosophy - Higher Levels of Perception Both Include And Transcend the Natural Paradoxes of Life | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p2 |
Speaking of the Effort - Every Good Work Is Love Made Visible | Khalil Gibran | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p3 |
The Place of Miracles - A Talmudic Tale Examines the Significance of Outer Phenomena [extract: 'Lucifer January 1890 p490] [introduction by CCA] | anon | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p5 |
Reflections of All - Investigating the Nature of Human Mind | Kristan Stratos | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p7 |
On the Art of Doing One's Best [extract: "Extracts From Private Letters"] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p8 |
On Harmlessness and Justice - A Battle One Can Win Minute By Minute | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p10 |
Self-Made is the Path [extract: online article "The Tests" at] | BP Wadia | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p11 |
Looking Into Oneself - The Autobiographical Notes of an Indian Theosophist | NC Ramanujachary | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p12 |
The New Texts in | anon | y2013 | v13 | i9 | July | p15 |
The Vision of a Warrior | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p1 |
The Art of Finishing Something - There Is a Time for Everything in Life | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p2 |
On the Souls of Esoteric Books | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p3 |
The Art of Sleeping Well | anon | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p3 |
Lessons From the Night Sky | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p4 |
An Egyptian Mystery - Two Notes on the Middle East | Carlos Cardoso Aveline | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p5 |
How Many Theosophists? - Effectiveness Counts Not Quantity | Robert Crosbie | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p7 |
The Jihad Against Ignorance - A Campaign Promoting the Ethics of Islam | Joaquim Soares | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p8 |
The Dangers of Comfort - There Will Be Time Enough to Rest During Devachan | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p10 |
Time Agenda and Priorities - Each Moment Creates New Possibilities | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p11 |
Hodson Confirms Civilization on Mars - Believing Leadbeater's Fraud, Naive "Clairvoyant" Geoffrey Hodson Taught About Physical Plane Martians | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p12 |
Companions in the Struggle of Life - Examining a Diagram in "The Secret Doctrine" | Steven H Levy | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p13 |
How to Obtain Self-Knowledge - One of the Main Keys to Real Enlightenment [extract: 'Lucifer' October 1887 p89] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p16 |
Jorge Luis Borges - His Books Remain As a Vast Natural Resource To Be Used In Esoteric Philosophy | Carlos Cardoso Aveline | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p17 |
The New Texts in | anon | y2013 | v13 | i10 | August | p18 |
The Art of Stopping Time | anon | y2013 | v13 | i11 | September | p1 |
A Kosmos in Every Foetus - Fragment of a Letter From a Mahatma on the Story of Life [extract "The Mahatma Letters" TUP edition Letter XV pp88-89] | AP Sinnett; a Mahatma | y2013 | v13 | i11 | September | p2 |