From Aspiration to Initiation - Have we Considered Where the Path Begins? | Robert Kitto | y2012 | v13 | i1 | November | p3 |
A Sacrifice in the Altar of Truth - On Having Detachment Regarding Opinions | NC Ramanujachary | y2012 | v13 | i1 | November | p8 |
Why One Should Disdain Hardships - A Lecture by Musonius the Stoic of Ancient Rome [and Editorial Commentary] | Musonius Rufus | y2012 | v13 | i1 | November | p9 |
A Silent and Invisible Work - To Bring the Truths of Theosophy Before the Greatest Number of Persons | Steven H Levy | y2012 | v13 | i1 | November | p11 |
Two Texts on the Jewish People - From the Holocaust to the State of Israel [extracts: 'Out of My Later Years'] [and A 2012 Editorial Note by (C C A)] | Albert Einstein | y2012 | v13 | i1 | November | p13 |
On Christmas Eve and the New Year - How We Create an Atmosphere for the Future | Carlos Cardoso Aveline | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p1 |
The Practice and the Training - Two Lectures by Musonius The Stoic Sage of Ancient Rome [and an Editorial Commentary by (C C A)] | Musonius Rufus | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p7 |
Just Above the Line of the Horizon - A New Day Noiselessly Announces Itself - There is no Hurry But Everyone Can Help | anon | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p10 |
The Ethos of Global Citizenship - Online World Provides the Astral Agora of Our Planetary Village | anon | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p11 |
Theosophy and Vigilance - Do the Masters Work for the Future? | anon | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p12 |
The Next Humanity of Brotherhood - And How It Can Be Anticipated From Now | anon | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p13 |
A Question on Blavatsky-Judge Letters - Reader Asks About the Chronology of the Correspondence [Question and Answer] | anon,anon | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p13 |
Where Can a Real Christmas Take Place? [extract: 'Theosophy' December 1920 p36] | Robert Crosbie | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p14 |
An Invisible Christmas Gift - Deciding to be a Lamp Unto Oneself and to Shed Light Upon Others | anon | y2012 | v13 | i2 | December | p15 |
A Direct Question Which Generates Karma: Who's Responsible For Mankind? | (Joaquim Soares) | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p1 |
HPB Defense Project - 2013 - An Opportunity to Change for the Better | anon | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p3 |
An Awakening in the Movement - In Italy Members of Adyar Defend HPB | anon | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p4 |
Seven Texts On the Center of the Aura - Why the Main Founder of the Movement Deserves Respect | Joaquim Soares | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p6 |
The Symmetry of Life - Transcending the Pendulumlike Movement Between Pleasure and Pain | anon | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p7 |
The Secret Doctrine for the 21st Century - Getting a Handle on the Boundless | Steven H Levy | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p8 |
The Meaning of a Pledge [reprint 'Lucifer' September 1888 p63] | One who is Pledged | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p9 |
A Few Letters from Friends [Letters: 1 Mexico: Greetings to all Aquarians; 2 Australasia: TheosophyDownunder; 3 Greece: United Lodge of Theosophists] | Eduardo Velasquez; Andrew Rooke; Aspasia Papadomichelaki | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p13 |
On The Need for Independence [extract: 'Letters from the Masters of Wisdom' First Series 1973 Letter 43 p95] | A Mahatma | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p14 |
The Secret of Self-Enlightenment - Or Deciding to be a Lamp Unto Oneself and to Shed Light Upon Others | anon | y2013 | v13 | i3 | January | p15 |
Krishnamurti And Theosophy - The Avatar Who Despises the Practice of Thinking | Carlos Cardoso Aveline | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p1 |
How Theosophy Transcends Tribalism - A Few Notes on the Planetary Transition | C C A (? Carlos Cardoso Aveline) | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p4 |
Self-Discipline in Daily Life | anon | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p5 |
The Secret History of the Jesuits - According to a Book Written by an Ex-Jesuit | anon | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p6 |
A Short Dialogue on the Movement: Theosophy the Bridge to the Future | anon | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p7 |
Slavophilism and Theosophy - HP Blavatsky's Mission the Russian Soul and Geo-Planetary Lines of Occult Magnetism | C C A (? Carlos Cardoso Aveline) | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p9 |
A New Blog Is Being Built: | anon | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p10 |
Awakening into the 21st Century - As a New Cycle Slowly Begins a Rebirth Takes Place | Joaquim Soares | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p11 |
The Great Lesson [message sent to the Yahoo e-group E-Theosophy February 23rd 2013] | Steven H Levy | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p11 |
A Message to E-Theosophy - And a Friendly Call to Creative Action | a Student in London UK | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p12 |
Destiny Hangs By a Thread at Best [extract: "The Judge Case" Edmonton Theosophical Society 2004 pXI] | Ernest Pelletier | y2013 | v13 | i4 | February | p13 |
The UN in the Search for Happiness - Is the World At Large Adopting Theosophical Concepts? | Joaquim Soares | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p1 |
Four Axioms Compiled by Helena P Blavatsky [extract: "Gems From the East" by HP Blavatsky "Collected Writings" TPH vXII pp454-455] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p2 |
The Art of Living: Finding Balance - A Few Steps to Be in Harmony With Our Higher Self | Steven H Levy | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p3 |
On Tolerance and Good Will - Brotherhood is Fundamentally a Plane of Perception an Attitude of Mind ["Theosophy" December 1930 pp 49-51 originally with with no indication as to its author - original title: 'Tolerance'] | John Garrigues | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p4 |
Yoga as a System of Ethics - The Four Opening Paragraphs From M N Dvivedi's Introduction to His Classical Version of the Yoga-Sutras [extract: "The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali" 1890 ppi-ii] | MN Dvivedi | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p6 |
Using the Creative Power of Thought - How Every Citizen May Use a Lever to Change the World | anon | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p8 |
The Rising of a Higher Consciousness - Every Man Can Learn to Transcend The Instinctive Mental Region Within Him [extract: "Raja Yoga - a Series of Lessons"] | Yogi Ramacharaka | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p9 |
Celebrating Justice to Judge in 2013: The Eighth Year of Letters to India | anon | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p11 |
A Greek Society for Speaking the Truth - In 1890 a Practical Experiment in Being Sincere [reprint: 'Lucifer' June 1890 p350] | anon | y2013 | v13 | i5 | March | p13 |
A Special Edition on Celebrating Justice to William Judge - The Annual Report of an Eight-Year Effort - Justice to Judge 2013 [introduction and reprints of correspondence] | various authors | y2013 | v13 | i6 | April | p1 |
The Event on Facebook | anon | y2013 | v13 | i6 | April | p21 |
The New Texts in | anon | y2013 | v13 | i6 | April | p22 |
The Focus of Work - The Power Radiance and Brilliance of Theosophical Centers Around the World | Steven H Levy | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p1 |
When Action Produces Joy [extract: internet article "When Action Produces Joy" at] | John Garrigues | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p2 |
The Wise Sayings of a Fool - The Transcript of an Imaginary Talk and A Practical Lesson in Modesty and Realism | CCA | y2013 | v13 | i7 | May | p3 |