The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Aquarian Theosophist

Thought for others opens the doorcorrespondent in London Ontarioy2011v12i1Novemberp9
The Mystery of Water and Gecko's feet [www:][Ajay Bhatla]y2011v12i1Novemberp10
Correspondence: Avaaz hits 10 Million!!!Ricken, Alice, Luis, Ben, Ari, Saravanan, Wissam, Diego, Mia, entire Avaaz teamy2011v12i1Novemberp11
Correspondence: The Indigenous GrandmothersThe Editors, Cy2011v12i1Novemberp11
Serbian man becomes 'human magnet' after doctors zap his heart [www:]anon, Edsy2011v12i1Novemberp11
Wisdom in Action - Speaking of Adeptship [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher']R Crosbiey2011v12i1Novemberp12
Real Ethics In Daily Lifeanony2012v12i2Februaryp1
Chennai Monument to Helena Blavatsky ['The Voice of Russia' 26 December 2011]anony2012v12i2Februaryp3
How Gratitude is Good for Your Health ['Good News Network' 26 November 2011]anony2012v12i2Februaryp3
A Prophecy on the Roman Church - How a Tale From the Life of Apollonius of Tyana May Illustrate the Destiny of the Vaticanan E-Theosophy Correspondenty2012v12i2Februaryp4
Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Centuryanony2012v12i2Februaryp6
Shocking Scenes ExposedPhilip Lymberyy2012v12i2Februaryp7
Uranus - a New Starta member from Brazil, Edsy2012v12i2Februaryp7
A New Year message from HaitiThe Jacmel ULTy2012v12i2Februaryp8
Correspondence: Where it goes awry!D, Edsy2012v12i2Februaryp8
Wisdom in Action - Mercy and Justice are both reconcilable if Karma is taken as the term to balance the equation [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher']R Crosbiey2012v12i2Februaryp9
As the Sun Meets Uranus - The Sun Enters Aries In Close Dialogue With the Planet of the Aquarian Ageanony2012v12i3Marchp1
WQ Judge And His Example - To Be Restrained To Be Liberal To Be Merciful This Is the End of SelfishnessSteven H Levyy2012v12i3Marchp3
Celebrating Justice to Judge in 2012 - The Seventh Year of Letters to Indiaanony2012v12i3Marchp5
When Citizens Establish Peace - Israeli President Shimon Peres Sends a Message to the Iranian People []anon, Shimon Peresy2012v12i3Marchp7
The Riches - A Tale From the Sufi Tradition [extract: 'Tales' by Hazrat Inayat Khan]Hazrat Inayat Khany2012v12i3Marchp8
The First Step To Take - As a Man Thinks in His Heart So He Will Become [reprint: "A Clean Life" Theosophy April 1932 pp253-254 anon]John Garrigues [?]y2012v12i3Marchp9
Notes on Helena P Blavatsky - HPB Wants Us to Pass Through the Hall of Learning And Reach the Wisdom on Our OwnNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i3Marchp11
Wisdom in Action - Between Truth and Appearance [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' pp31-32]R Crosbiey2012v12i3Marchp14
Correspondence: [?] The "Aquarian" Has New Editors - Announcement Made At the Blog of "The Aquarian Theosophist" in February 2012The AT Editor February 17 2012 [Will Windham from London UK]y2012v12i3Marchp16
Correspondence: A Message from Athens GreeceAspasia Papadomichelakiy2012v12i3Marchp16
The Umbrella Under the Sun - A Dialogue With the Writings of WQ Judge [Questions by Student and responses by WQJ selected from 'The Allegorical Umbrella' published as 'Theosophical Articles' William Q Judge]Steven H Levyy2012v12i4Aprilp1
Aphorisms of the Rabbis - Universal Wisdom in the Jewish Tradition [reprinted and renumbered from "Aphorisms of the Sages" The Theosophist January 1885 pp85-86]anony2012v12i4Aprilp3
Tansen's Teacher - A Sufi Tale on Transcendental Music [extract: 'Tales' by Hazrat Inayat Khan] with A 2012 Editorial NoteHazrat Inayat Khan, anony2012v12i4Aprilp7
First Letters of a Master to Sinnett - A Study in Two Texts From Immortal SagesNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i4Aprilp9
Between the Lines - How to Study Classical Books of Theosophy [reprint: Theosophy August 1928 p468 anon]John Garrigues [?]y2012v12i4Aprilp14
The 2012 European School of Theosophy - An Event Dedicated to the Original Teachingsanony2012v12i4Aprilp15
Wisdom in Action - A Masonry Within the Theosophical Movement? [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' pp33-36]R Crosbiey2012v12i4Aprilp16
The Use of One's Energies - A Key to the Mystery of Human Dharmaanony2012v12i5Mayp1
The Center of Pascal's Sphere - How Individual Responsibility Can Cause a Healing Chain Reactionanony2012v12i5Mayp3
HPB on Theosophical Drones - Real Learning Inspires Right ActionNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i5Mayp5
Healthy Food for Thought - Why Should One Improve His Eating Habits?anony2012v12i5Mayp6
Impersonal Justice and Brotherhoodanony2012v12i5Mayp7
The Blessing and the Effort - What Can One Actually Obtain in Exchange for Being Altruistic?anony2012v12i5Mayp8
Pralayas and Manvantaras - The Heart-Beating of Eternityanony2012v12i5Mayp8
The Art of Repenting - Or the Ability to Give Up The Sources of One's SufferingCCAy2012v12i5Mayp9
Helena Blavatsky's Mission - To Propagate the Philosophy of Brotherhood - [A Bibliographically Documented Dialogue with William Q Judge (WQJ) through his Writings]Steven H Levyy2012v12i5Mayp10
The Torch-Bearer and Light-Bringer - One's True Self Is the Watcher and the Silent ThinkerNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i5Mayp13
Precariousness and Compassion - Theosophy is a Branch of the Music of the UniverseCCAy2012v12i5Mayp14
Unity in Dialogue and Truthfulness - Real Brotherhood Results From Similarity of Goalsanony2012v12i5Mayp15
Open-Mindedness in Theosophy - Why Undogmatic Minds Use Their Discernmentanony2012v12i5Mayp16
The Pedagogy of Confidence - Positive Feelings and Actions Emerge From a Wider Notion of Space and TimeCCAy2012v12i5Mayp17
Two Paragraphs on the Personality [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' p38, p39]Robert Crosbiey2012v12i5Mayp17
Special Issue On Justice to William Judgeanony2012v12i6Junep1
The 2012 Report on Letters to India - Twenty-Six People From Eight Countries Wrote 20 Letters Asking for Justice to Mr Judgeanony2012v12i6Junep1
Showing 1901 to 1950 of 3398 entries