Editorial: The Scope of Theosophical History [first issue of a new quarterly journal] | Leslie Price | y1985 | v1 | - | January | p2 |
introduction - The Stack Memorandum (John Herbert Stack [died April 1892]) | Leslie Price | y1985 | v1 | - | January | p4 |
The Stack Memorandum [1884 SPR document] | John Herbert Stack | y1985 | v1 | - | January | p6 |
covering letter | J Herbert Stack | y1985 | v1 | - | January | p11 |
review - The Voice of the Silence by HP Blavatsky | Jean Overton Fuller | y1985 | v1 | - | January | p14 |
Theosophical History Centre approved | anon | y1985 | v1 | - | January | p16 |
Editorial: After a hundred years [SPR] | Leslie Price | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p18 |
Krishnamurti & Blavatsky | Jean Overton Fuller | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p20 |
Appendix XX - Bell Sound (1) | FW Thurstan | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p25 |
Astral Bells in Notting Hill - Introduction | Leslie Price | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p25 |
Appendix XX - Bell Sound (2) | Edmund Gurney | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p27 |
Appendix XX - Bell Sound (3) | Frederic WH Myers | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p28 |
Bell Sounds - analysis | LP | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p29 |
The Stack Memorandum - note | LP | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p35 |
Theosophical History Centre | anon | y1985 | v1 | - | April | p36 |
Editorial: Jesus in Theosophical History | LP | y1985 | v1 | - | July | p38 |
A New Star in the East | LP | y1985 | v1 | - | July | p45 |
The "Anacalypsis" of Godfrey Higgins - precursor of Isis Unveiled & The Secret Doctrine | Leslie Shepard | y1985 | v1 | - | July | p46 |
Ltte - | ULT, London | y1985 | v1 | - | July | p53 |
The British Letter [of 1879 to Charles Carleton Massey] | Leslie Price | y1985 | v1 | - | July | p54 |
International Conference on Theosophical History - Call for Papers | anon | y1985 | v1 | - | July | p60 |
Editorial: Why We Are Independent | LP | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p62 |
The Blavatsky Case on the Eve of the Centenary [1884 SPR] | Leslie Price | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p63 |
review - The Alchemist of the Golden Dawn: The Letters of WA Ayton to FC Gardner 1886-1905 ed by Ellic Howe | Jean Overton Fuller | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p73 |
The First SPR Man at Adyar? [St George Lane-Fox] | LP | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p74 |
Ltte - the rank of Bodhisattva in the Theosophical Scheme | Paul Johnson | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p81 |
Ltte - (The Masters & Krishnamurti) | Jean Overton Fuller | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p82 |
A Lost Account of Theosophical Origins - [Butterfly incident] (rprnt Light July 16 1892) | Charles Carlton Massey | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p83 |
Astral Bells [1884 testimony] | Leslie Price | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p85 |
Lodge Archives | LP | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p87 |
Theosophical History Centre | anon | y1985 | v1 | - | October | p87 |
Editorial: Esoteric Sections & the Historian | Leslie Price | y1986 | v1 | - | January | p90 |
The Modern Occult Revival in Vienna 1880-1910 | Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke | y1986 | v1 | - | January | p97 |
Massey's Resignation & the SPR | Leslie Price | y1986 | v1 | - | January | p112 |
The Italian Connection [Signor Bruzzesi] | LP | y1986 | v1 | - | January | p114 |
Early Steps into Shakespeare or Bacon | Jean Overton Fuller | y1986 | v1 | - | January | p115 |
Ltte - (HPB, Krishnamurti, The Masters) | JH Dubbink | y1986 | v1 | - | January | p120 |
Theosophical History Centre | anon | y1986 | v1 | - | January | p124 |
Madame Blavatsky, Co-Founder of the Theosophical Society was Unjustly Condemned New Study Concludes | SPR Press Statement (8 May 1986) | y1986 | v1 | - | April | p126 |
HN Stokes (1854-1942) & the OE Library Critic | James A. Santucci | y1986 | v1 | - | April | p129 |
obituary - Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1956) | Jean Overton Fuller | y1986 | v1 | - | April | p140 |
Madame Blavatsky Unveiled? | Jean-Paul Guignette | y1986 | v1 | - | April | p142 |
HP Blavatsky's Annotations in Madame Coulomb's pamphlet in the Archives of the SPR, London | Michael Gomes | y1986 | v1 | - | April | p144 |
Editorial note re Coulomb Pamphlet | LP | y1986 | v1 | - | April | p155 |
Theosophical History Centre | anon | y1986 | v1 | - | April | p156 |
Editorial: The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner | LP | y1986 | v1 | - | July | p158 |
Dr Rudolf Steiner (1) on Helena Petrovna Blavatsky | HJ Spierenburg (tr JH Molijn) | y1986 | v1 | - | July | p159 |
Bibliography of Dr Steiner's works - 38 lectures in which HPB is mentioned | HJ Spierenburg | y1986 | v1 | - | July | p172 |
The Real Origin | LP | y1986 | v1 | - | July | p175 |
The Real Origin of the Theosophical Society (rprnt Light Nov 1895) | Quaestor Vitae | y1986 | v1 | - | July | p176 |