The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Theosophical History

Tsong-kha-pa - His life & work according to HP BlavatskyHJ Spierenburg (tr by JH Molijn)y1988v2-Octoberp284
review - Echoes of the Orient, the writings of William Quan Judge ed by Dara EklundHJ Spierenburgy1988v2-Octoberp294
Theosophical History CentreLPy1988v2-Octoberp296
Editorial (1) Drawing Room Theosophy?Leslie Pricey1989v3-Januaryp1
Editorial (2) Judgement on JudgeLPy1989v3-Januaryp3
Reflective Retrospective - A New Look at the Judge CaseVonda Urbany1989v3-Januaryp4
Madame Blavatsky & her TeachersJean Overton Fullery1989v3-Januaryp13
Presidential Address, Theosophical History Centre 1988JH Dubbinky1989v3-Januaryp15
Two Madame Blavatskys - The Acquaintance of Madame HP Blavatsky with Eastern CountriesAL Rawsony1989v3-Januaryp27
The Blavatsky Trustanony1989v3-Januaryp31
Ltte - on Theosophical History Oct 1988Dara Eklundy1989v3-Januaryp35
review - The Theosophical Crisis in Australia (a thesis by John Cooper)Leslie Pricey1989v3-Januaryp36
Mr Sinnett & Horse RacingLPy1989v3-Januaryp38
Theosophical History CentreLPy1989v3-Januaryp40
Editorial: Investing in HistoryLeslie Pricey1989v3-Aprilp41
There is No Religion Higher Than ...; Approaching Theosophical HistoryGregpry Tilletty1989v3-Aprilp42
HPB, & the Present Crisis in the Theosophical SocietyConstance Wachtmeistery1989v3-Aprilp51
Gurdjieff & the Missing YearsJeffrey Somersy1989v3-Aprilp62
Fourth International Conference on Theosophical History 14th-16th July 1989 - Provisional Programmeanony1989v3-Aprilp62j+
Durer's Secret SealJean Overton Fullery1989v3-Aprilp78
Ltte - Gurdjieff, & Gupta-Vidya: (The Esoteric or Secret Science)Seymour B Ginsburgy1989v3-Aprilp79
Theosophy Under the HammerLPy1989v3-Aprilp84
Madame Blavatsky of Ceylon (rprnt The Spiritualist of March 1878)Emily Kislingburyy1989v3-Aprilp85
review - The New Testament Commentaries of HP Blavatsky cmpld by HJ SpierenburgAdam Warcupy1989v3-Aprilp87
Theosophical History Centre - Life Subscriptions to Theosophical History - IndexesLPy1989v3-Aprilp88
(was not published)-y1989v3-July-
(was not published)-y1989v3-October-
Editorial: A New BeginningJames Santucciy1990v3-Januaryp1
Response from Hugh Shearman (re April 1989 G Tillett paper)Hugh Shearmany1990v3-Januaryp3
The First Member of the TS in Sydney: Professor John SmithHugh S. Murdochy1990v3-Januaryp6
review - The Beginnings of Theosophy in France by Joscelyn GodwinDaniel Caracostea (tr J Godwin)y1990v3-Januaryp15
Theodor Reuss & the Theosophical SocietyEllic Howey1990v3-Januaryp17
Service to India as Service to the World: Annie Besant's Work in India for Human Rights (1)Catherine Lowman Wessingery1990v3-Januaryp19
EditorialJames Santucciy1990v3-Aprilp33
The Hidden Hand (1) The Provocation of the Hydesville PhenomenaJoscelyn Godwiny1990v3-Aprilp35
Lama Dorjieff & the Esoteric TraditionJeffrey Somersy1990v3-Aprilp44
Service to India as Service to the World: Annie Besant's Work in India for Human Rights (2)Catherine Lowman Wessingery1990v3-Aprilp51
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1990v3-Julyp61
Ltte (four, of congratulation)variousy1990v3-Julyp63
The HP Blavatsky Collected Writings: A CorrectionJohn Coopery1990v3-Julyp65
The Hidden Hand (2) The Brotherhood of LightJoscelyn Godwiny1990v3-Julyp66
The Blavatsky-Gurdjieff Question: A Footnote on Maude Hoffman & AT BarkerJames Moorey1990v3-Julyp77
The Mysterious Life & Transitions of the Cagliostro JewelNeil C Taylory1990v3-Julyp79
review - Truth is a Pathless Land: A Journey with Krishnamurti by Donald Ingram SmithJames A. Santucciy1990v3-Julyp88
review - Krishnamurti: The Reluctant Messiah by Sydney FieldJA Santucciy1990v3-Julyp88
review (1) Blavatsky & Her Teachers by Jean Overton FullerDaniel Caldwelly1990v3-Julyp90
The Ravine in Tibet: A Reply to Mr CaldwellJean Overton Fullery1990v3-Julyp96
Editor's NotesJames Santucciy1990v3-Octoberp99
Ltte - links between the boy-scout movement of Baden-Powell & theosophyJean-Jacques Gauthéy1990v3-Octoberp105
Showing 151 to 200 of 968 entries