mini-review: 'Drawing the Light from Within: Keys to Awaken Your Creative Power' by Judith Cornell | anon | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p57 |
mini-review: 'Isis Unveiled: Secrets of the Ancient Wisdom Tradition By Helena P Blavatsky. A New Abridgment for Today' by Michael Gomes | anon | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p57 |
mini-review: 'Getting in Touch: The Guide to New Body-Centered Therapies' by Christine Caldwell | anon | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p57 |
mini-review: 'Medicine Women: A Pictorial History of Women Healers' by Elisabeth Brooke | anon | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p58 |
mini-review: 'Letters to a Dying Friend: Helping Those You Love Make a Conscious Transition' by Anton Grosz | anon | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p58 |
review: 'Transpersonal Medicine: The New Approach to Healing Body-Mind-Spirit' by G Frank Lawlis | Georg Feuerstein | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p58 |
mini-review: 'Dreams of Isis: A Woman's Spiritual Sojourn' by Normandi Ellis | anon | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p58 |
review: 'Creation and Completion: Essential Points of Tantric Meditation' by Jamgon Kongtrul | Georg Feuerstein | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p58 |
review: 'Time to Be Holy: Reflecting on Daily Life' by Swami Sivananda Radha | Georg Feuerstein | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p59 |
Cross-cultural Music in Healing | Pat Moffitt Cook | y1997 | v85 | i9 | September | p60 |
Viewpoint: Theosophy on the Internet | John Algeo | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p2 |
The 111th Annual Meeting | anon | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p4 |
Chocolate Sundaes, Cherry Strudel, and Velcro | Shirley J Nicholson | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p8 |
Henry Wallace as Theosophist [extracts - 1995] | Graham White, John Maze | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p10 |
Forum: (Non)Sexist/Inclusive Language | anon | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p12 |
Forum: Mystic Movies | anon | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p12 |
Forum: The Society's Objects | Stephan A Hoeller | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p12 |
Forum: The Society's Objects | Carol Bell Knight | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p12 |
Forum: Open Letter From a Young Theosophist | Chris Richardson | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p13 |
News and Notes | anon | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p14 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p18 |
Resolutions of the 1997 Convention | anon | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p19 |
letter: The Olcott Experience | Kathryn A Gann | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p20 |
letter: The Olcott Experience | Jo Mills | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p20 |
letter: The Olcott Experience | Lewis Balog | y1997 | v85 | i10 | October | p20 |
Viewpoint: Buddhism, Theosophy, and Colonel Olcott | John Algeo | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p2 |
The Mission of the Theosophical Society: Presidential Address to the 121st Annual Convention, 26 December 1996 | Radha Burnier | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p4 |
Does Theosophy Have Core Doctrines? | Daniel H Caldwell | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p6 |
Theosophical Words: Naturalized Nirvana | anon | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p8 |
Theosophy's Leading Edge [adapted 'Theosophist', 1997] | Philip S Harris | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p9 |
News and Notes | anon | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p13 |
Forum: The Third Object and Helping Others - comments | Ed | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p14 |
Forum: The Third Object and Helping Others | Oliver Koenig | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p14 |
letter: Sidney Cook's Desk | Joy Mills | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p15 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p18 |
Open House at Olcott [Photos] | Donna Wimberley | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p19 |
Resolutions of the Board of Directors, July 1997 | anon | y1997 | v85 | i11 | November | p20 |
[Winter Special Issue] | - | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p1 |
Viewpoint | William Metzger | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p1 |
letter: The God of Genesis | James Groundwater | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p4 |
letter: The Wastefulness of Meat-Eating | Idarmis Rodriguez | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p4 |
letter: Endless Gifts | Ralph Ashbrook | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p4 |
letter: The God of Genesis | Rolf Lagershausen | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p4 |
letter: Disappointed | Catherine Grillos | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p5 |
Confronting Violence, Finding Forgiveness: Excerpts from Conversations with Aung San Suu Kyi | Alan Clements | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p6 |
Princess Diana as the Great Mother | Nancy Hiscoe Clark | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p10 |
UFOs and the Meaning of Life | Ronald D Story | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p12 |
Dreaming Ahead | Gary Lachman | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p18 |
The Wisdom of the Serpent | Jay G Williams | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p24 |
Divine Humans and a Human Jesus | Harold D Jester | y1997 | v85 | i12 | December | p32 |