Adyar Day | anon | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p3 |
Rabindranath Tagore and the Ancient Wisdom: Part 6 | Daniel Ross Chandler | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p4 |
Name Magic | anon | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p6 |
Some Recollections of Annie Besant [rprnt - 'Theosophist' 1939, 1996] | A P Warrington | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p7 |
Studies in Theosophy: Leaves from The Mahatma Letters 3 | anon | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p13 |
Famous Theosophists: Henry A Wallace as Theosophist | Robert S Ellwood | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p14 |
People & Places: Activities in Lodges, Centers, Camps, Federations | anon | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p16 |
Love Thy Neighbor [condensed] | Roger Damio | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p18 |
Greetings: To All Members of the American Section | Ema de Souza Leal, Mercedes Buscarons | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p18 |
Branch Profile: Rogers Park | anon | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p19 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p19 |
review: 'K Paul Johnson's House of Cards? A Critical Examination of Johnson's Thesis on the Theosophical Masters Morya and Koot Hoomi' by Daniel H Caldwell | anon | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p20 |
review: 'Technical Terms in Stanza II' by David Reigle | anon | y1997 | v85 | i2 | February | p20 |
Viewpoint | William Metzger | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p1 |
[Also called Volume 10, Number 1, Special Issue] | - | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p1 |
letter: Decoding the Gospels? | Steve Stubbs | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p4 |
letter: The Soul of America | Hank Brandt | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p4 |
letter: The Soul of America | Stephen H Miller | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p4 |
letter: Decoding the Gospels? | Robert P Turner | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p5 |
letter: Edward Hoffman responds | Edward Hoffman | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p6 |
letter: Content Over Glitz | Dave Anderson | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p6 |
letter: Holistic Vision | Coyd Walker | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p6 |
letter | Diane Williams | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p7 |
letter | Betty Chajkowski | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p7 |
letter | Harriet Gallant | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p7 |
letter | Lotta Hollenbeck | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p7 |
letter: The editor responds | William Metzger | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p7 |
Theosophical Views: The Three Fundamental Propositions of The Secret Doctrine: Their Practical Application | John Algeo | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p8 |
Chinks of Eternity [excerpt] | Robert Ellwood | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p12 |
In Praise of the Philosophical Life | Georg Feuerstein | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p20 |
Annie Besant and Issues in Contemporary Feminist Spirituality (1) | Catherine Wessinger | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p26 |
The Roots of American Environmentalism | Mark Richard Barna | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p34 |
Vestments | Lin Jensen | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p40 |
Caring for Creatures and Creation: Earth-Healing and the Recovery of Humanity | Michael W Fox | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p46 |
The Rhythms of Consciousness | Subhash Kak | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p52 |
review: 'Spiritual Literacy: Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life' by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat | William Metzger | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p58 |
review: 'Handbook for the Heart' ed by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield | William Metzger | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p58 |
review: 'Handbook for the Soul' ed by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield | William Metzger | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p58 |
review: 'Mary's Vineyard: Meditations, Readings, and Revelations' by Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut | William Metzger | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p58 |
review: 'Devi: Goddesses of India' ed by John Stratton Hawley and Donna Marie Wulff | Georg Feuerstein | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p59 |
review: 'Temple of the Cosmos: The Ancient Egyptian Experience of the Sacred' by Jeremy Naydler | Georg Feuerstein | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p59 |
Music of the Spheres: A Brief History of Wellness and Music | Don G Campbell | y1997 | v85 | i3 | March | p60 |
Viewpoint: Lucid Dreaming, Lucid Waking | John Algeo | y1997 | v85 | i4 | April | p2 |
letter: Young Theosophists | Chris Richardson | y1997 | v85 | i4 | April | p3 |
letter: Young Theosophists | Jhaura Wachsman | y1997 | v85 | i4 | April | p3 |
letter: Young Theosophists | Tanay Bhatt | y1997 | v85 | i4 | April | p3 |
letter: Young Theosophists | Elizabeth Janus | y1997 | v85 | i4 | April | p3 |
letter: Young Theosophists | L Miles Standish | y1997 | v85 | i4 | April | p3 |
Delight as a Form of Yoga [rprnt] | Radha Burnier | y1997 | v85 | i4 | April | p4 |
Rabindranath Tagore and the Ancient Wisdom: Part 7 | Daniel Ross Chandler | y1997 | v85 | i4 | April | p6 |