The Object of These Notes (is a knowledge of the fact on which spiritualists ... base their speculations) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p1 |
Phenomenal Research (ignorant critics vs experienced investigators) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p2 |
Mr Fowler's Challenge to the Conjurers. L1000 to L100 - (from John Fowler) | (editor) <em>Light</em> | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2+ | p3 |
Facts to be Kept in Mind (list of 57 names (from Light) of careful investigators) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p3 |
fillers - Note - Business Notices - subscribers | various | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2+ | p3 |
(Mr Stuart Cumberland declined the challenge ...) | Ed. of <em>Light</em> | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2+ | p3 |
advertisements | various | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2+ | p4 |
Séances in Calcutta (1) At a séance held at Mr Meugen's house, on Tuesday, Nov 29th, ... (John Williams) | RHC | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p5 |
Seances in Calcutta (1) At a seance held at Mr Meugen's house, on Tuesday, Nov 29th, ... (John Williams) | RHC | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p5 |
(On Sunday 20th November, a seance was held at Colonel Gordon's house at Howrah. Mr Eglinton was present.) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p6 |
(On Sunday 20th November, a séance was held at Colonel Gordon's house at Howrah. Mr Eglinton was present.) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p6 |
A Challenge (The conviction which can enable a man to deny should be the result of positive knowledge ...) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p6 |
Mesmerism (some Lstte Lancet ... the writer pleaded that there might be something in it) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p7 |
filler - (thou wilt not leave us in the dust) | Tennyson | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p8 |
Ltte The Theosophist - Is Creation Possible for Man? | H. | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p8 |
Our Answer (to H.) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v1 | i1 | Jan 2 | p8 |
Ltte Revue Spirite - (Davenport brothers) The Testimony of Another Conjuror on Spiritual Phenomena | E Jacobs | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16+ | p3 |
2 fillers - Note - Business Notices - subscribers | various | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16+ | p3 |
advertisements | various | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16+ | p4 |
Credulity & Incredulity (There is as much ignorance often shown by incredulity as by credulity) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p9 |
Scientists & Psychic Phenomena (for 33 years these psychic phenomena have been steadily increasing ...) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p9 |
Rev Canon Wilberforce (1) (rprnt Light - The Duty of the Church in respect to ... Spiritualism) | Rev Canon Basil Wilberforce | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p10 |
(Since the séance, which Peary Chand Mittra & his son had with Mr Eglinton ...) (Indian Mirror Jan 4 1882) | anon | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p11 |
Seances in Calcutta (2) (The 2nd Seance at Col Gordon's house was a failure no manifestations occurring.) | anon | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p11 |
(Since the seance, which Peary Chand Mittra & his son had with Mr Eglinton ...) (Indian Mirror Jan 4 1882) | anon | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p11 |
Séances in Calcutta (2) (The 2nd Séance at Col Gordon's house was a failure no manifestations occurring.) | anon | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p11 |
The Platitudes of Sceptics (objections against belief in the reality of spiritual phenomena ... fallacies) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p12 |
A Remonstrance | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p12 |
Ltte - A Daylight Séance (with Mr Eglinton {1857-1933}) Jan 11 1882 | RH Cheetham | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p13 |
Ltte - A Séance with the Duke of Cumberland (10th Dec 1881) | W Eglinton (1857-1933) | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p14 |
Ltte Indian Mirror The Same | Anti-Sceptic | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p15 |
Ltte Indian Mirror Phenomenal Spiritualism in Calcutta | JG Meugens | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p15 |
Ltte - The Himalayan Brothers (republished from Spiritualist) | Alice Gordon | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p15 |
A Plea for Candid Investigation (by the author of Friends in Council) | anon | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p16 |
4 fillers | various | y1882 | v2 | i2 | Jan 16 | p16 |
2 fillers - 2 Business Notices | various | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27+ | p3 |
rprnt Light - Hermann, the Conjuror, & Mrs Simpson, the Medium (Religio-Philosophical Journal) | anon | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27+ | p3 |
advertisements | various | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27+ | p4 |
The Scepticism which is not "Enlightened" (... have not capacity for "enlightenment" of any kind ...) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p17 |
Enlightened Scepticism (... deny nothing, doubt much ...) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p17 |
Cui Bono? (If true what use is it?) (Professor Christiol) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p18 |
Personal Experiences (On Tuesday, 11th January, a party of friends of Mr Eglinton's dined at Mr Meugens ...) | A. Gordon | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p19 |
Is it Conjuring? (Dr Potter) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p19 |
Rev Canon Wilberforce (2) (The effects have been summed up by Professor Barrett, Dublin) | Rev Canon Wilberforce | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p20 |
Reflections (It is interesting to review the mental changes of one's own mind & trace its progress.) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p21 |
Seances in Calcutta (3) (On the 1st of January another seance was held at Colonel Gordon's.) | anon | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p22 |
Séances in Calcutta (3) (On the 1st of January another séance was held at Colonel Gordon's.) | anon | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p22 |
Ltte - Facts More Strange than Fiction (the mediumship of Mr Eglinton) | JG Meugens | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p23 |
rprnt Indian Mirror Jan 7 1882 (The last seance, held with Mr Eglinton on Thursday ...) | anon | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p23 |
rprnt Indian Mirror Jan 7 1882 (The last séance, held with Mr Eglinton on Thursday ...) | anon | y1882 | v3 | i3 | Jan 27 | p23 |