The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research

Report of the Committee ... to investigate phenomena connected with the Theosophical Society (1) & (2)anony1885v3--p201
Report of the Committee (1) Statement & Conclusions of the Committeeanony1885v3--p201
Report of the Committee (2) Account of Personal Investigations in India - authorship of the "Koot Hoomi" lettersRichard Hodgson (1855-1905)y1885v3--p207
Extracts from & Comments upon Blavatsky-Coulomb Lettersvariousy1885v3--p211
The Sassoon Telegramvariousy1885v3--p211
The Adyar Saucervariousy1885v3--p211
The Shrine a "Conjurer's Box" (plan, following p380)variousy1885v3--p219
(Untrustworthiness of) Mr Damodar's Evidencevariousy1885v3--p226
(Collapse of Evidence for) Mr Damodar's "Astral" Journeysvariousy1885v3--p231
(Worthlessness of) Colonel Olcott's Evidencevariousy1885v3--p237
(Worthlessness of) Evidence of Mohini M Chatterjivariousy1885v3--p239
(Worthlessness of) Remaining Evidence for Appearances of Mahatmasvariousy1885v3--p245
Reasons for Distrusting Mr Babajee D Nathvariousy1885v3--p246
Appearance & Disappearance of (alleged precipitated) Letters accounted forvariousy1885v3--p248
The "Occult World" Phenomena & Weakness of Mr Sinnett's Evidencevariousy1885v3--p256
Evidence of Mr AO Humevariousy1885v3--p273
Handwriting of Blavatsky-Coulomb Lettersvariousy1885v3--p276
Circumstances under which certain documents were receivedvariousy1885v3--p278
Mr FG Netherclift's Opinion on the KH Writingvariousy1885v3--p282
Reasons for attributing KH Letters to Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p283
Changes in the use of the English d by Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p290
Two KH Letters attributed to Mr Damodarvariousy1885v3--p293
Deception by Mr Bhavani Shankarvariousy1885v3--p297
Chela Document signed BDS, written by Mr Babajee D Nathvariousy1885v3--p298
Forged Hartmann Document written by Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p298
Authorship of Mahatma M Writingvariousy1885v3--p301
Ignorance Displayed by Mahatmasvariousy1885v3--p302
Koot Hoomi's bad Englishvariousy1885v3--p305
Chelas incited to Fraudvariousy1885v3--p308
Possible Motives of Mr Damodarvariousy1885v3--p309
Colonel Olcottvariousy1885v3--p311
Conclusion - Summary of the Main Points involved in the Inquiryvariousy1885v3--p312
Motives of Madame Blavatskyvariousy1885v3--p313
Appendix 1 The Sassoon Telegramvariousy1885v3--p318
Appendix 2 The Adyar Saucervariousy1885v3--p321
Appendix 3 Colonel Olcott's Flower Vasesvariousy1885v3--p323
Appendix 4 Concerning the Shrinevariousy1885v3--p325
Appendix 5 Mr G's Lettervariousy1885v3--p341
Appendix 6 The "Ramaswamy's Arm" Phenomenonvariousy1885v3--p344
Appendix 7 Phenomena described in Mohini M Chatterji's depositionvariousy1885v3--p346
Appendix 8 Experience of Mr Ramaswamiervariousy1885v3--p358
Appendix 9 Evidence of Mr Martandrao B Nagnathvariousy1885v3--p364
Appendix 10 Alleged Astral Apparition witnessed by Mr & Mrs Ross Scottvariousy1885v3--p369
Appendix 11 Precipitated Writingvariousy1885v3--p373
Appendix 12 Account by P Iyaloo Naiduvariousy1885v3--p374
Appendix 13 Fall of a Calendarvariousy1885v3--p375
Appendix 14 (Sydney University) Professor Smith's Letter sewn with silkvariousy1885v3--p377
Appendix 15 Concerning Handwritingvariousy1885v3--p378
Explanation of (three large foldout sheets)variousy1885v3--p380a+
Plate 1 - Plan of Occult Room, with Shrine & surroundingsvariousy1885v3--p380b+
Showing 1 to 50 of 60 entries