The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Magnet

[issue missing]-y1918v1i1Aprp1
[No title. Title page shows: 'From the Corresponding Secretary E. S. T. England - July 1918 - For Private Circulation Only]-y1918v1i2Julp25
To My British BrethrenAnnie Besanty1918v1i2Julp27
From the Corresponding Secretary, ESTEsther Brighty1918v1i2Julp28
The Dedicated Life [Notes arranged by Mrs Ransom from Address by the Outer Head Adyar 7 April 1918]Annie Besanty1918v1i2Julp32
At the Feet of the Master [Abridged Notes of General ES Talks 8 December 1914] (1)CW Leadbeatery1918v1i2Julp36
Meditation [Brief Notes of Talk]C Jinarajadasay1918v1i2Julp39
Prussianism and the PathGertrude Baillie Weavery1918v1i2Julp43
Devotion [Notes taken by Ursula M Bright]Annie Besanty1918v1i2Julp45
The EST in Australia and New Zealandanony1918v1i2Julp50
The Old HouseEsther Brighty1918v1i2Julp53
From the Corresponding Secretary, ESTEsther Brighty1918v1i2Octp59
Prayer of a Very Young Theosophistanony1918v1i2Octp64
Meditation [Notes taken by Esther Bright May 1995]Annie Besanty1918v1i2Octp64
From Miss ArundaleFrancesca Arundaley1918v1i2Octp67
At the Feet of the Master [Abridged Notes by A J Willson of General ES Talks 15 December 1914] (2)CW Leadbeatery1918v1i2Octp71
Loyalty to Leaders [EST Address given in 1917] (1)H Baillie Weavery1918v1i2Octp76
Report of General EST Meeting [6 October 1918]Mr Dunlopy1918v1i2Octp83
From Mrs RansomJosephine Ransony1918v1i2Octp89
From George S ArundaleGeorge S Arundaley1918v1i2Octp91
Letter [extract]C Jinarajadasay1918v1i2Octp93
NoticesEsther Brighty1918v1i2Octp95
From the Corresponding Secretary ESTEsther Brighty1919v1i4Janp99
At the Feet of the Master [Abridged Notes by AJ Wilson of General ES Talks 22 December 1914] (3)CW Leadbeatery1919v1i4Janp102
Loyalty to Leaders (2)H Baillie Weavery1919v1i4Janp105
Notes from Conversation With an Occult Studentanony1919v1i4Janp113
Letter [extract]C Jinarajadasay1919v1i4Janp113
To the Memory of (vf)Eveliney1919v1i4Janp114
Fraternity of HealersJulia H Cannany1919v1i4Janp115
NoticesEsther Brighty1919v1i4Janp116
Concerning Membership in the ES [reprint 'The Disciple' August 1915]CJy1919v1i5Aprp119
From the Corresponding Secretary, ESTEsther Brighty1919v1i5Aprp121
The Occult Government of the World [Lecture at Harrogate 23 July 1911] (1)Annie Besanty1919v1i5Aprp125
Authority in the ESTEsther Brighty1919v1i5Aprp132
Mrs Besant's Work in IndiaJosephine Ransony1919v1i5Aprp133
The Power of ThoughtEsther Brighty1919v1i5Aprp135
NoticesEsther Brighty1919v1i5Aprp136
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1919v1i6Julp139
Address by the Outer Head [General Meeting of the EST in London 6 July 1919]Annie Besanty1919v1i6Julp140
The Occult Government of the World [Lecture at Harrogate 23 July 1911] (2)Annie Besanty1919v1i6Julp156
Message from the OH in 1908Annie Besanty1919v1i6Julp161
NoticesEsther Brighty1919v1i6Julp163
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1919v1i7Octp167
Gospel of the Holy Twelve (Early Christian Fragment)anony1919v1i7Octp171
Showing 1 to 50 of 331 entries