review - The New Science Review, various | anon | y1894 | v15 | - | September | p80 |
review - The Practical Value of Religious Belief by Henry Smith | anon | y1894 | v15 | - | September | p80 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1894 | v15 | - | September | p81 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1894 | v15 | - | September | p85 |
On the Watch-Tower | CJ | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p89 |
Tibetan Teachings (2) | HP Blavatsky | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p97 |
The Forgiveness of Sins | H Ernest Nichol | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p105 |
A Forgotten Story (2) | Vera Johnston | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p110 |
Involuntary Contributions - Mr Gladstone on the Atonement (William Ewart Gladstone 1809-1898) | GRSM | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p118 |
Professor Max Muller on the Vedanta | GRS Mead | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p120 |
The Book of the Azure Veil (2) | Aretas | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p129 |
Modern Vaingloriousness | HTE | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p135 |
Divine Love the Life of the World | Shaiva Raja Yogin | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p140 |
The Veil of Maya (8) | IPH | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p146 |
Unpublished Letters of Eliphas Levi (7) | Eliphas Levi | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p157 |
Intelligence Department | MA & Eds. | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p162 |
correspondence - The Magician of Lane's "Modern Egyptians" (Edward William Lane 1801-1876) | ET Sturdy | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p163 |
reply to ETS | Eds. | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p164 |
Occult Astronomy | S Stuart | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p165 |
review - Eugenius Philalethes as a Poet - Secular Poems by Henry Vaughan, + a few by Thomas Vaughan | OF (? Oliver Firth) | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p166 |
review - The Study of Vice by VC Lonakar | OF | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p166 |
review - The Spirit World by Florence Marryat | T. | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p167 |
review - A Complete & Trustworthy Guide to Vegetarian Cookery by Mary Pope | C. | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p168 |
review - The Bottomless Pit by W Stewart Ross | HTE | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p168 |
review - Light through the Crannies by Emily E Reader | HTE | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p169 |
review - My Dead Self by William Jameson | C. | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p169 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p170 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1894 | v15 | - | October | p173 |
On the Watch-Tower (Prof Max Muller's latest criticism on HPB) | (AB & GRSM) | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p177 |
The Awakening to the Self - Shankaracharya's Atma Bodha (1) | CJ | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p183 |
The Web of Destiny (1) | GRS Mead | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p185 |
A Master of Occult Arts (1) | NS Leskoff | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p194 |
The Conditions of True Union | HT Edge | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p200 |
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1) | Vera Petrovna Jelihovsky | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p202 |
The Mystery of Existence | Franz Hartmann | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p209 |
Some First-Hand Notes on Tibet - conversations with a convert to Lamaism | anon | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p213 |
The Book of the Azure Veil (3) | Aretas | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p220 |
The Heavenworld (1) | Herbert Coryn | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p230 |
Kalki Purana (5) | Bhavani-Shankar | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p242 |
Unpublished Letters of Eliphas Levi (8) | Eliphas Levi | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p246 |
correspondence - (reading the admirable paper of Annie Besant) | T Docking | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p249 |
reply to T Docking | Ed. | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p249 |
(Medical Experiments on Living Beings) | G Zander | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p249 |
reply to G Zander | HT Edge | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p250 |
The Magician of Lane's "Modern Egyptians" | ET Sturdy | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p251 |
reply to ET Sturdy | GRSM | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p251 |
review - Rosy Mite, or the Witch's Spell by Vera Petrovna Jelihovsky | HTE | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p252 |
review - Spiritism the Keystone of Christianity by AM Clerk | HTE | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p252 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p253 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1894 | v15 | - | November | p260 |