The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


What's in a Name? Why the Magazine is called "Lucifer"anon (HPB)y1887v1-Septemberp1
3 fillers (occultism)anony1887v1-Septemberp7
Comments on Light on the Path by the author (1)(triangle symbol, ttt)y1887v1-Septemberp8
3 fillers (various)anony1887v1-Septemberp14
The History of a PlanetHPBy1887v1-Septemberp15
The Blossom & The Fruit: A Tale of Love & Magic (1)Mabel Collins (1851-1927)y1887v1-Septemberp23
review - The New Gospel of Hylo-Idealism, or Positive Agnosticism by Herbert L CourtneyAdversaryy1887v1-Septemberp33
review - Lays of Romance & Chivalry by W Stewart RossAdversary (likely HPB)y1887v1-Septemberp33
A Law of Life: Karma (1)Archibald Keightley (1859-1930)y1887v1-Septemberp39
The Mystery of all Timeanony1887v1-Septemberp46
2 fillers (various)anony1887v1-Septemberp48
The Four Noble Truths of BuddhismSt George Lane-Fox (1816-1896)y1887v1-Septemberp49
The Last of a Good Lamaanon (HPB)y1887v1-Septemberp51
The Birth of Light (from Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie by Alphonse Louis Constant, 1856, Paris, 2 vols)Eliphas Levi (1810-1875)y1887v1-Septemberp52
A True Theosophist (Count Leo N Tolstoi (1828 - 1910))AIRy1887v1-Septemberp55
A Ghost's Revenge (1)Tighe Hopkinsy1887v1-Septemberp63
review - Buddhism in Christendom, or Jesus the Essene by Arthur LillieThe Adversaryy1887v1-Septemberp71
Literary Jottings"The Adversary" (HPB)y1887v1-Septemberp71
review - The Book of Life by Siddartha VonisaThe Adversaryy1887v1-Septemberp74
correspondence - (The belief in the power & efficacy of talismans)Beta (? HPB)y1887v1-Septemberp76
correspondence - Astrological Notes (I)Nemo (? Francisco Montoliu)y1887v1-Septemberp76
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanon (HPB)y1887v1-Septemberp77
From the Note-Book of an Unpopular Philosopheranon (HPB)y1887v1-Septemberp80
The Lady of Light (vf)Gerald Massey (1828-1907)y1887v1-Octoberp81
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1887v1-Octoberp82
The Signs of the Timesanon (HPB)y1887v1-Octoberp83
Self-Knowledge(HP Blavatsky) (BDZ uncertain)y1887v1-Octoberp89
Comments on Light on the Path by the author (2)(triangle symbol, ttt)y1887v1-Octoberp90
Will & Desire(HP Blavatsky)y1887v1-Octoberp96
A Law of Life: Karma (2)Archibald Keightleyy1887v1-Octoberp97
fillerJasper Niemand (Julia WL Keightley)y1887v1-Octoberp101
A Ghost's Revenge (2)Tighe Hopkinsy1887v1-Octoberp102
The Origin of EvilHPBy1887v1-Octoberp109
fillerJasper Niemandy1887v1-Octoberp119
The Great Paradox"Faust" (HPB)y1887v1-Octoberp120
The Blossom & The Fruit: The True Story of a Magician (2)Mabel Collins = Mrs Kenningale Cooky1887v1-Octoberp123
2 fillersJasper Niemandy1887v1-Octoberp133
Desire Made Pure(HP Blavatsky)y1887v1-Octoberp133
Thoughts on Theosophyttty1887v1-Octoberp134
correspondence - Are the Teachings Ascribed to Jesus Contradictory?Gerald Masseyy1887v1-Octoberp135
To the author of Light on the PathInterrogatory1887v1-Octoberp138
reply to "Interrogator"(Mabel Collins)y1887v1-Octoberp139
(In the interesting & lucid article on "Karma" in ...)Interrogatory1887v1-Octoberp140
reply to InterrogatorEd.y1887v1-Octoberp140
review - The Kabbalah Unveiled tr by SL MacGregor MathersWilliam Wynn Westcott (1848-1925)y1887v1-Octoberp141
review - An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians by a Student of Occultism (? F Hartmann)anon (HPB)y1887v1-Octoberp145
review - Tabula Bembina Sive Mensa Isiaca - the Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo by W Wynn Westcottanony1887v1-Octoberp149
review - Earth's Earliest Ages & their connection with Modern Spiritualism & Theosophy by CH PemberBK (? Bertram Keightley)y1887v1-Octoberp151
Showing 1 to 50 of 2866 entries