(A Protest in answer to Anglo-Indian Prejudice) | Tookaram Tatya & 35 others | y1891 | v8 | - | July | p432 |
Ceylon Letter | Sinhala Putra | y1891 | v8 | - | July | p434 |
Formation of an Australasian Section | anon | y1891 | v8 | - | July | p436 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1891 | v8 | - | July | p436 |
Our Budget | Edward T Sturdy (1860-1957) | y1891 | v8 | - | July | p440 |
The Blessings of Publicity | HPB | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p441 |
(15 quotes from Thoughts of a Queen) | Carmen Sylva | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p444 |
"HPB's" Departure | HS Olcott | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p445 |
HPB Memorial Articles | various | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p445 |
What HPB did for me | Bertram Keightley | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p452 |
HPB | Don Jose Xifre (1856-1920) (?1846-1920) | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p455 |
A Tribute from the West | CA Passingham | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p457 |
The Beatrice of Dante - from a theosophic point of view (1) | Katharine Hillard | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p459 |
The Kabalah (1) | W Wynn Westcott | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p465 |
The Esoteric Christ (3) | Edward Maitland | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p470 |
The Task of Theosophical Scholars in the West | GRS Mead | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p477 |
The Seven Principles of Man (1) | Annie Besant | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p481 |
Problems of Life (9) (from "the Diary of an Old Physician" tr by HPB) | NI Pirogoff | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p487 |
The True Church of Christ, Exoteric & Esoteric (6) | JW Brodie Innes | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p494 |
Fragments from an Indian Note Book (2) | Kali Prasanna Mukerji | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p500 |
correspondence - HPB & the SPR | Pherozeshaw Rostomji Mehta | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p507 |
correspondence - The Sangamitta Girls' School | Emily Kislingbury | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p509 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p510 |
obituary - Kate F Pickett (1867-1891) | HSO | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p510 |
Ceylon Letter | KF Pickett | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p511 |
(the death of HP Blavatsky necessitates certain changes, among which are the following ...) | HS Olcott | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p514 |
review - The Devil's Visit - anon | anon | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p521 |
review - The Asiatic Quarterly Review, various | anon | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p522 |
review - The Symmetry & Solidarity of Truth by Mary Catherine Irvine | anon | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p523 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p524 |
Our Budget | anon | y1891 | v8 | - | August | p528 |
Our Ninth Volume | anon | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p1 |
[There is a Road, Steep & Thorny ...] (likely by HPB, but not certain) | anon (HPB) | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p4 |
Some Words on Daily Life (rprnt, Lu Jan 1888 p344; see Letter #82, LMW-2nd, compiled by CJ) | a Master of Wisdom | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p5 |
The Substantial Nature of Magnetism | HPB | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p8 |
A Curious Story - Carnivorous Vine | (Mr Dunstan) | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p20 |
The Great Renunciation | GRS Mead | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p21 |
The Kabalah (2) | W Wynn Westcott | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p27 |
The Seven Principles of Man (2) | Annie Besant | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p33 |
The Mahatmas & Western Poverty | various | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p42 |
A Great Step in Advance | AP Sinnett | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p43 |
A Puranic Allegory - Esotericism in Gajendra Moksham (1) | R Jagannathiah | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p50 |
The Beatrice of Dante - from a theosophic point of view (2) | Katharine Hillard | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p55 |
Laurence Oliphant | CM | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p61 |
Karma & Reincarnation as Applied to Man (1) | Rama Prasad | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p64 |
The Esoteric Christ (4) | Edward Maitland | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p70 |
The True Church of Christ, Exoteric & Esoteric (7) | JW Brodie Innes | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p74 |
review - Outlines of a Catechism of Self-Knowledge by Satya Kama Nara (Seeker of Wisdom) | anon | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p79 |
review - Caesar's Column by Ignatius Donnelly | anon | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p81 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1891 | v9 | - | September | p82 |