Wright, Claude Falls - biographical note with portrait | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p1 |
"The Theosophical Society" | Beckett, Samuel L. | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p2 |
"So Should We Live" (vf) | Milnes, Moncton (Lord Houghton) | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p2 |
friday fragments - ['a regular column of witty remarks by' AES Smythe] | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p3 |
Berry, Miss E.A. mentioned | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p3 |
"Rays" (a frequent column of quotations compiled by the Editor) | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p4 |
Sparks (a regular feature, similar to "Friday Fragments") | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p4 |
roman christianity - Scripture Class Notes | [AESS] | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p4 |
Harrison, Florence mentioned | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p5 |
Simpson, Margaret mentioned | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p5 |
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges 'Toronto TS' activities "The Local Branch" | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p5 |
christianity - "International Sunday School Lessons" | [AESS] | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p5 |
(vf) "The Maister and the Bairns" | Thomson, William | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p6 |
"Zoroaster: Persian Reformer" | Titus, Ferdinand E. | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p6 |
Wachtmeister, Constance lectures in Victoria, BC | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p8 |
"the judge case" - "The London Enquiry" | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p8 |
Wright, Claude Falls TS lectures in Toronto | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p8 |
War note on | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p9 |
Editorial Notes | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p9 |
hinduism - "A Brahmin on Family Life" (P.R. Telang) "Christ According to the Brahmins" | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p10 |
Other Men's Bibles | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p10 |
Bhagavad-Gita chpt 7 quoted | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p10 |
astronomy - The Planet Mars | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p10 |
christianity - "A Minister Over a Century Old" | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p11 |
"Rays" (a frequent column of quotations compiled by the Editor) | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p11 |
Cremation | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Armstrong, Charles H. elected Treasurer, Socialist League of Canada | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Adams, Miss E. elected Librarian, Socialist League of Canada | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Youmans, Miss M.E. elected Secretary, Social League | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Davis, Dr. Lelia A. elected Councillor, Socialist League of Canada | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Watson, William J. elected President, Socialist League of Canada | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Thompson, Phillips elected Councillor, Socialist League of Canada | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Spiritualism as practised in Toronto | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Socialist League of Canada election of officers | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Simpson, Margaret elected Vice-President, Socialist League of Canada | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Scott, William elected Councillor, Socialist League of Canada | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Ryder, Isaiah on origin and destiny of man | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
vegetarianism - need for vegetarian restaurant in Toronto | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
"Our Fellow Cranks" | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p12 |
Olcott, Henry Steel mentioned | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Mead, George R.S. resumes work after illness | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
LaPierre, Dr. J.W.B. lectures at Toronto | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Judge, William Q. unable to visit Toronto | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Howell, D.J. TS lectures | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Fulton, Dr. James President, Mount Royal TS | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Fullerton, Alexander mentioned | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Berry, Miss E.A. mentioned | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Personal Notes (regular feature by the Editor, news of personalities in the Theosophical Movement) | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing | - | y1894 | v1 | i1 | August | p13 |