The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Blavatsky Pamphlets

An Open Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury (rprnt) [no year, 1981 arbitrary]HP Blavatskyy1981-i1--
The Secret Doctrine on the Problem and Evolution of Sex [no year, 1981 arbitrary]comp Basil Crumpy1981-i2--
The Signs of the Times, and Our Cycle and the Next (rprnt) [no year, 1981 arbitrary]HP Blavatskyy1981-i3--
Practical Occultism, and Occultism versus the Occult Arts (rprnt) [no year, 1981 arbitrary]HP Blavatskyy1981-i4--
An Introduction to the Study (or An Outline Study) of The Secret Doctrine [no year, 1981 arbitrary]WB Peasey1981-i5--
A Tibetan Initiate on World Problems (rprnt - 'Ocult World', 1883) [no year, 1981 arbitrary](AP Sinnett), KHy1981-i6--
Dreams (rprnt - 'Trans. Blavatsky Lodge', 1890) [no year, 1981 arbitrary]HP Blavatsky, ed Alice Leighton Cleathery1981-i7--
A Turkish Effendi on Christendom and Islam (rprnt) [no year, 1981 arbitrary]anony1981-i8--
The Secret Doctrine of the Archaic Ages - Introductory [no year, 1981 arbitrary]HP Blavatskyy1981-i9--
Karmic Visions (rprnt) [no year, 1981 arbitrary]HP Blavatskyy1981-i10--
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries