The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Blavatsky Lectures

Matter is the Shadow of SpiritEL Gardnery1918----
The Self and its ProblemsCharlotte E Woodsy1919----
Nature Spirits and the Spirits of the ElementsDN Dunlopy1920----
The Secret Doctrine and Modern ScienceBertram A Tomesy1922----
Personal Psychology and the Sub-conscious MindErnest Woody1924----
The Evolution of Man: Individual and SocialPercy Lundy1925----
The Distinctive Contribution of Theosophy to Christian ThoughtJI Wedgwoody1926----
The Psychology of IntuitionJ Emile Marcaulty1927----
The Personality of HP BlavatskyC Jinarajadasay1930----
The Occult Teachings of the ChristJosephine Ransomy1933----
Indications of a New CultureAdelaide Gardnery1934----
The Ethics of the Secret DoctrineSidney Ransomy1935----
Mankind To-day and To-morrowIwan A Hawliczeky1937----
The Contribution of Theosophy to FreedomE Winter Prestony1941----
The Direction of The Theosophical Society by Masters of WisdomJosephine Ransomy1942----
Theosophy and the Changing Outlook in ScienceCorona Trewy1943----
Theosophy and the Western MysteriesG Nevin Drinkwatery1944----
The Power of Love in the Struggle for LightGreta Eedley1945----
The Nature and Function of the SoulEL Gardnery1946----
The Mystery ReligionsCharlotte Woodsy1947----
Adam, The Prodigal SonLaurence J Bendity1948----
On Order and Purpose in EvolutionCR Grovesy1949----
The Science of SpiritualityIanthe H Hoskinsy1950----
Man Creator of FormsV Wallace Slatery1951----
Brotherhood and the Enlightened MindDoris Grovesy1952----
The Sacred FlamePhoebe D Bendity1953----
The Yoga of the Serpent FireEdward Gally1954----
Purpose Beyond ReasonHugh Shearmany1955----
The Opening of the Doors of the MindLC Sopery1956----
The Reign of the SpiritDudley G Gowery1957----
Physical Forces and Spiritual IntelligencesK Chodkiewiczy1958----
Whence Come the Gods? and Related StudiesEL Gardnery1959----
The Metaphysics of ExperienceBasil P Howelly1960----
Getting Ready for 1975TH Redferny1961----
The Abstract and the ConcreteR Hartleyy1962----
Science and the RealE Lester Smithy1963----
Consciousness: Its Nature and ActionN Sri Ramy1964----
A World in RevolutionH Tudor Edmundsy1967----
H P Blavatsky the light-bringerGeoffrey A Barborkay1970----
The Mystery of SatanEdward Gally1973----
Life, Death and DreamsGeoffrey A Farthingy1974----
Paradox and PracticalityLH Leslie-Smithy1976----
The Occultism of Ancient EgyptS Lancriy1977----
The Human Journey - Quest for Self-TransformationJoy Millsy1978----
Self-Knowledge in the Light of Theosophy [rprnt as 'The way of self-knowledge']Radha Burniery1979----
An Inquiry into the Nature of MindAdam Warcupy1981----
The Descent Into HadesTed G Davyy1983----
The Flame DivineJeanine Millery1984----
The Absolute - The Ultimate Reality (Parabrahman)Harry Upadhyayy1985----
The Role of Maya in Man's EvolutionSeymour D Ballardy1986----
Showing 1 to 50 of 67 entries