The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Theosophical Path

[volumes 19-31 missing]-y1911v1i1Janp1
The Rebirth Of ChristianityH T Edgey1911v1i1Julp11
The New Egyptology And The Theosophical RecordsCharles J Ryany1911v1i1Julp15
The Scope Of ArtR W Machelly1911v1i1Julp20
Music And LifeWilliam A Dunny1911v1i1Julp22
The Astral Bodyby H A W Coryny1911v1i1Julp24
The Birth Of Day (vf)A F W (Manchester N H)y1911v1i1Julp27
H P Blavatsky And The Theosophical Societyanon; William Q Judgey1911v1i1Julp28
The Path - Some Words Of William Q Judge [re: 'The Path'; 'Century Path'; 'The Theosophical Path']anon; William Q Judgey1911v1i1Julp32
Saving Forest Waste: Note by a Studenta Studenty1911v1i1Julp34
"Aroma Of Athens" Strikes New Note In The Drama. Katherine Tingley to Open Greek Theater to the Public: Unrivaled Natural Scenery: Marvelous Acoustics - Notes by a Dramatic Critica Dramatic Criticy1911v1i1Julp39
Some Notes On "The Aroma Of Athens" As given in the Greek Theater Point Loma on Saturday Morning April 22 1911; With the Prolog to the PlayKenneth Morrisy1911v1i1Julp42
Hawthorne's PsychologyC Ty1911v1i1Julp51
Life And Teachings Of Pythagoras [I II]F S Darrowy1911v1i1Julp52
The American Woman In PoetryGrace Knochey1911v1i1Julp56
Ancient Astronomy [1]Fred J Dicky1911v1i1Julp64
The PathGertrude Van Pelty1911v1i1Julp68
San DiegoKenneth Morrisy1911v1i1Julp70
The Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society Established for the Benefit of the People of the Earth and all CreaturesJoseph H Fusselly1911v1i1Julp77
Theosophy And Modern Scientific DiscoveriesCharles J Ryany1911v1i2Augp87
The Bridges Of ParisG Ky1911v1i2Augp96
Old Brynhyfryd Garden (vf)Kenneth Morrisy1911v1i2Augp97
Misused PowersR W Machelly1911v1i2Augp98
Is Education Wasted?H T Edgey1911v1i2Augp102
The Temple Of Theseus, AthensRy1911v1i2Augp106
Recent Admissions By Archaeologistsa Studenty1911v1i2Augp107
Great Names In Art. Sculptures From The Albert Memorialan Art Studenty1911v1i2Augp111
The Two Fairylands - A Study in the Literature of WonderKenneth Morrisy1911v1i2Augp115
Light Physical And MetaphysicalH Coryny1911v1i2Augp122
Eros [Suggested on first seeing the painting by Julius Kronberg, entitled "Eros"]R W Machelly1911v1i2Augp125
Tempting Counterfeits VS RealityLydia Rossy1911v1i2Augp126
Life And Teachings Of Pythagoras [III]F S Darrowy1911v1i2Augp130
Photography And The InvisiblePhilip A Malpasy1911v1i2Augp142
Heredity And BiologyH T Edgey1911v1i2Augp145
Incorrodible BronzeTraversy1911v1i2Augp148
Scientific Oddmentsthe Busy Beey1911v1i2Augp149
Linnaeus And The Divining-RodP Fy1911v1i2Augp154
Lomaland CanonsW J Renshawy1911v1i2Augp155
The Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society Founded at New York City in 1875 by H P Blavatsky, William Q Judge and others Reorganized in 1898 by Katherine Tingley Central Office Point Loma CaliforniaJoseph H Fusselly1911v1i2Augp158
The New Cycle: Extracts from an Article Written by H P Blavatsky the Foundress of the Theosophical Society for the first number of "La Revue Theosophique" 1889H P Blavatskyy1911v1i3Sepp165
Recent Confirmation Of H P Blavatsky's Teachings About Ancient Continents And RacesH T Edgey1911v1i3Sepp172
The Origin And Nature Of Folk-Music as Exemplified in the Welsh National MelodiesKenneth Morrisy1911v1i3Sepp174
LaplandP Fy1911v1i3Sepp180
Cultivating Genius For MusicE A Neresheimery1911v1i3Sepp182
Glimpses Of Scandinavian MythologyPer Femholmy1911v1i3Sepp184
The Dipylon And The Outer CeramicusF S Darrowy1911v1i3Sepp189
The Theosophic TorchGrace Knochey1911v1i3Sepp190
The Pythagorean SolidsF J Dicky1911v1i3Sepp194
The "Black Age"Ariomardesy1911v1i3Sepp196
Egyptian Art Under The XXVIth DynastyC Jy1911v1i3Sepp200
Showing 1 to 50 of 1752 entries