Letter | Iverson L Harris | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p138 |
Letter: To ILH | FPS | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p138 |
Letter: To FPS | ILH | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p139 |
An Occult Mystery-Tale: The Jewel of Atlantis (2) | Leoline L Wright | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p143 |
review: 'Euripides: Ion' ed by A S Owen | HTE | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p156 |
review: 'Rain Upon Godshill' by JB Priestley | LL Wright | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p157 |
The Yoga of Theosophy | G de Purucker | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p161 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: The Keely Motor Redivivus [reprint Leslie's Weekly 1895] | John Paul Bocock | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p166 |
Frontiers of the Soul | Claire Turner Wesner | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p169 |
Gnosticism [extract from a letter] | PA Malpas | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p178 |
A Family Party Under the Turf | H Percy Leonard | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p182 |
Theosophical Encyclopedic Glossary (3): Equinox, Naga, Sarpa | anon | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p183 |
A Magic Wand [reprint from 'Lucifer' VIII 137] | HP Blavatsky | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p187 |
The Powers That Be | Irene R Ponsonby | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p188 |
Let Us Ask Ourselves | G Peirse | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p190 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p191 |
African 'Superstition' | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p194 |
The Tuppenny Box | Charles E Ball | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p195 |
The Uninitiated Seer and the True Adept [reprint from 'The Complete Works of HP Blavatsky' Vol III] | HP Blavatsky | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p198 |
Sanskrit Theosophical Terms and Their Meanings: Lesson I (3) | Judith Tyberg | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p199 |
Watch Your First Step | JHJ | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p206 |
Signposts | AE Court | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p207 |
Human Carnivorousness: (2) Viewed Sociologically and Psychologically | WY Evans-Wentz | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p208 |
Letter | A Starving Theosophist | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p217 |
Letter | James A Long | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p218 |
Periodicals Reviewed | HS | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p219 |
An Occult Mystery-Tale: The Jewel of Atlantis (3) | Leoline L Wrigt | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p221 |
review: 'The Omnipotent Light Revealed' by Levi I Krakovsky | HTE | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p236 |
review: 'Fifty Years of Psychic Research' by Harry Price | CJ Ryan | y1940 | v16 | i3 | Mar | p237 |
The Understanding Heart | G de Purucker | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p241 |
Theosophical Ponderings | Vera Berg von Linde | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p244 |
Is There An 'Unconscious'? [reprint from 'Tomorrow' 2 December 1939] | Alan W Watts | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p249 |
A Prophecy [1849] | Victor Hugo | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p254 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p255 |
Forgotten Fundamentals | CQ Wesner | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p259 |
A Universal Source of Knowledge | HI Barborka | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p263 |
Theosophy | Abbott B Clark | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p264 |
Sanskrit Theosophical Terms and Their Meanings: Lesson II (4) | Judith Tyberg | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p267 |
review: A Man of Destiny: 'Christopher Columbus' by Salvador de Madariaga | Irene R Ponsonby | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p273 |
Many Years Ago | HTE | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p276 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: HPB's 'Inner Group' (1) | Joseph H Fussell | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p277 |
Sunshine After Rain | IRP | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p280 |
Art and Theosophy | Charlotte Braun | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p281 |
No False Hope [reprint from 'Psychic Powers' Theosophical Manual No 11] | Helen Savage | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p286 |
Theosophical Encyclopedic Glossary (4): Kundalini, Anthesteria, Caduceus, Om | anon | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p287 |
Theosophy the Cure of Degeneracy | J M Floyd | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p292 |
obituary: AM de Lange-Gouda died 3 February 1940 | anon | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p294 |
obituary: Samuel H Shepard | anon | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p294 |
Letter | Norma Alwin | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p295 |
An Occult Mystery-Tale: The Jewel of Atlantis (4) | Leoline L Wright | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p296 |