review: 'The True India' by CF Andrews | IRP | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p463 |
review: 'The Sum of Things' by Francis Younghusband | GFK | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p463 |
review: 'Cosmic Machinery in an Electro-Magnetic Universe' by HA Staples | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p465 |
review: 'The Report of the International Congress: World Union of Free-Thinkers' | AC | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p465 |
review: 'Sonnets: An Anthology of Contemporary Verse' ed by Ralph Cheyney | GK | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p468 |
review: 'Fear and Trembling' by Soren Kierkegaard translated by Robert Payne | Marjorie M Tyberg | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p469 |
review: 'A Sacramental Universe: Being a Study in the Metaphysics of Experience' by Archibald Allan Bowman | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p471 |
Periodicals Reviewed | HS | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p472 |
Index to 'The Theosophical Forum' Volume 15 July to December 1939 | anon | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p473 |
Freedom of Thought and Speech in the TS | G de Purucker | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
Little Man and His Big Universe | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p3 |
The Sun and the 'Platonic Year' [reprint from 'The Doctrine of Cycles'] | Lydia Ross | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p5 |
Deny Nothing - Affirm All | Christmas Humphreys | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p6 |
Theosophical Encyclopedic Glossary (1): Tashi Lama, Ephesus | anon | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p14 |
The Sacred Season | A Trevor Barker | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p16 |
Theosophists Attention! | Vera Berg Von Linde | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p17 |
The Golden Moment | Inga Sjostedt | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p20 |
The Source of the Power [reprint from 'The Seven Principles of Poetry' Chapter 17] | Anne Hamilton | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p22 |
review: An Appreciation of Goethe's Faust ['The Meaning of Goethe's 'Faust'' by RD Miller] | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p28 |
Our Promises | MG Gowsell | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p31 |
Plants of Eternity | Elsie Gray | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p33 |
Sanskrit Theosophical Terms and Their Meanings: Lesson I (1) | Judith Tyberg | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p37 |
The Immanent Christ [reprint from 'Theosophy and Christianity'] | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p44 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p45 |
The Flame of Intellect [reprint from 'Reincarnation, A Lost Chord in Modern Thought'] | Leoline L Wright | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p49 |
Man's Essential Nature | L Ram Sahijpal | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p50 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: Letters | Abner Doubleday | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p52 |
An Occult Mystery-Tale: The Jewel of Atlantis (1) | Leoline L Wright | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p54 |
My Philosophy (vf) | EAB | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p66 |
Last Year's Publications in Review | HS | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p67 |
A Great Contribution to Theosophical History [Combined Chronology, Mahatma Letters - Margaret Conger] | HN Stokes | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p68 |
review: 'Johnson Over Jordan: The Play and All About It' by JB Priestley | MM Tyberg | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p72 |
review: 'Turgot and the Ancien Regime in France' by Douglas Dakin | Louis E van Norman | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p74 |
review: 'The History of Magic' by Eliphas Levi, trans by AE Waite | HTE | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p75 |
review: 'A Cavalcade of the Supernatural' by Harold HU Cross | Alice Copeland | y1940 | v16 | i1 | Jan | p76 |
Theosophists and Prayer | G de Purucker | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p81 |
How Are We Reborn? | L Gordon Plummer | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p84 |
Words (vf) | John Burton | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p93 |
Sympathy With Nature | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p94 |
From the Leader to All FTS | ed | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p95 |
Theosophical Encyclopedic Glossary (2): Essenes, Aura, Samadhi, Catacombs | anon | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p96 |
Human Carnivorousness: (1) Viewed Ethically and Religiously | WY Evans-Wentz | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p100 |
Sounding Brass | Martyn A Witter | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p109 |
Send in Your Questions! | various | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p110 |
Way of Living [reprint from 'Y Fforwm Theosoffaidd'] | HD Roderick | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p115 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: The Work of the Branches [reprint Theosophist 1884] | Damodar K Mavalankar | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p117 |
A New Year's Resolution [reprint from 'US Naval Academy Alumni Bulletin' 1939] | AH Guthrie | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p123 |
review: Santayana and the Key to Interpretation ['The Moral Philosophy of Santayana' by Milton Karl Munitz] | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p124 |
Sanskrit Theosophical Terms and Their Meanings: Lesson I (2) | Judith Tyberg | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p127 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1940 | v16 | i2 | Feb | p134 |