The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Theosophist

The Spread of TheosophyHS Olcotty1889v10-Augustp675
Some Dark Corners of Modern ScienceElizabeth Knowlesy1889v10-Augustp677
The Adyar LibraryPandit N Bhashyacharyay1889v10-Augustp685
Indian JugglerySiddesher Mittery1889v10-Augustp688
What is the "Christian Religion?"Hermany1889v10-Augustp690
Psychic Notes (2)NC & AKy1889v10-Augustp693
Among the Adepts (a review of the Secret Doctrine) (rprnt Pall Mall Gazette)anony1889v10-Augustp696
Mr Charles F PowellSumangala & CFPy1889v10-Sept+p161
Theosophical Society, American Section (untheosophical conduct of Elliott Coues)William Quan Judgey1889v10-Sept+p163
Rules for the Bengal Theosophical Society - 1889Dina Nath Gangulyy1889v10-Sept+p164
"It Must Purify Itself" (verse, from the Book of Fo)anony1889v10-Sept+p165
Marriage Expenses (in Wealthy Families)Mool Chany1889v10-Sept+p166
"Science" Degraded & Defiled (first execution by electricity)anony1889v10-Sept+p166
A Queer Diseaseanony1889v10-Sept+p172
Centres of the Theosophical MovementHS Olcotty1889v10-Septemberp703
Sound, Speech & the LogosRama Prasady1889v10-Septemberp710
"A few Truths about Theosophy"Bhagavan Dasy1889v10-Septemberp715
Aphorisms from the Sanskrit (1)Nakur Chandra Bisvasy1889v10-Septemberp718
Le Phare de L'Inconnu (3) (rprnt)HP Blavatskyy1889v10-Septemberp719
The Age of PatanjaliPandit N Bashya Charya (1835-1889)y1889v10-Septemberp724
A Dream or What?AKy1889v10-Septemberp741
The Dhammapada (for which no present translation is satisfactory) (rprnt 'Theosophist')H Sumangala (Aug 1889)y1889v10-Septemberp746
Self-Knowledge & Self-Culture (2)JK Dajiy1889v10-Septemberp749
A Shin-Shu Catechism (1)Sho-Kwaku Katoy1889v10-Septemberp751
review - The Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky (in the National Reformer)Annie Besant (1847-1933)y1889v10-Septemberp757
A Vexed QuestionYoung Hinduy1889v10-Septemberp760
(vf of 12 lines)anony1889v10-Septemberp760
The Doctrine of KarmaAlexandery1889v10-Septemberp764
reply to AlexanderEd.y1889v10-Septemberp765
Eastern & Western PhilosophyJoseph Rodes Buchanany1889v10-Septemberp766
Ceylon - Mr Powell's TourCharles F Powelly1889v11-Oct+p1
A Chat on the Roof (I)anony1889v11-Octoberp1
Bombay Section - Report of the GenSecJK Dajiy1889v11-Oct+p3
"As a Man Soweth so he Reapeth" (for Branch Discussion)anony1889v11-Oct+p4
Incorporation (by William Quan Judge of "The Theosophical Society & Universal Brotherhood")anony1889v11-Oct+p5
Mrs Besant & Theosophy"Bengali Journalist"y1889v11-Oct+p6
obituary - Mrs Cecelia Dias Ilangakoon - (The Buddhist)anony1889v11-Oct+p6
A Shin-Shu Catechism (2)Sho-Kwaku Katoy1889v11-Octoberp9
The Drink DemonR Ragoonath Rowy1889v11-Oct+p11
ContentmentGrace Hawthorny1889v11-Octoberp13
A Bombay Witch Storyanony1889v11-Oct+p14
Elohistic Teachings (1)anony1889v11-Octoberp15
Edison's Queer PowerThomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)y1889v11-Oct+p15
Another Reincarnation of Jesus (rprnt Lahore Tribune)anony1889v11-Oct+p16
The Wisdom of the Son of SirachGAHJy1889v11-Octoberp21
Conversation between a Theosophist & an Enquirer (3)P Iyaloo Naiduy1889v11-Octoberp24
Self-Knowledge & Self-Culture (3)JK Dajiy1889v11-Octoberp30
Le Phare de L'Inconnu (4)HP Blavatskyy1889v11-Octoberp34
Leprosy in Ancient IndiaPandit N Bahashya Charvay1889v11-Octoberp39
Showing 4501 to 4550 of 26591 entries