Theosophy & Spiritualism (2) | AK | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p530 |
A Poet-Theosophist: Walt Whitman | Charles Johnston | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p535 |
True Religion (rprnt) | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p538 |
The Hindu Theological High School | one of the staff | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p540 |
A Kiss for a Blow | Herman | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p545 |
Chandilly-Upanishad of Atharvana-Veda | (tr Kumbakonam TS) | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p550 |
review - A Study of Man by JD Buck (1) | RH | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p554 |
The Situation (ES separated from Exoteric TS) | FTS | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p565 |
review - The Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky (from Memphis) | JM Keating | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p569 |
The Secret Doctrine, a mention (from San Francisco) | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p571 |
review - Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms by William Quan Judge | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p572 |
correspondence - Leprosy | a correspondent | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p574 |
Hindu Marriage | TS | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p574 |
Who Am I? | Puzzled | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p576 |
To Correspondents - (The Lion & the Ass, fable) | (persian) | y1889 | v10 | - | June | p578 |
Reception to Colonel Olcott (in Ceylon) | HSO (via PdA) | y1889 | v10 | - | July+ | p113 |
The Theosophical Society | KP Mukherji | y1889 | v10 | - | July+ | p121 |
Astrologers Challenged | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | July+ | p129 |
Hashish | GJ West | y1889 | v10 | - | July+ | p137 |
Le Phare de L'Inconnu (1) | HP Blavatsky | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p579 |
Sandhyavandanum | R Ragoonath Rao | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p586 |
Universal Brotherhood | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p588 |
The Karma Doctrine | A. Sankariah | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p594 |
Dr Keightley Speaks (rprnt - NY Times) | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p595 |
A Ghost Story | Ilka | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p602 |
Theosophists & Philanthropy | Helen Fagg | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p607 |
The Hidden Life | JO'B | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p609 |
The Cause of Crime | Semper Fidelis | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p613 |
Hindu Priests | R Ragoonath Row | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p616 |
The Vice of the Age (rprnt Indian Messenger) | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p618 |
review - A Study of Man by JD Buck (2) | RH | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p621 |
correspondence - Human Brotherhood | A Bengalee | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p630 |
correspondence - Theosophy & Spiritualism | R Donaldson | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p630 |
The Sorcerous Science | (FTS) | y1889 | v10 | - | July+ | p632 |
A Scolding | KCM | y1889 | v10 | - | July | p634 |
The President in Japan | RH | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p139 |
Colonel Olcott's Tour in Ceylon | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p143 |
To the Indian Section | Henry S Olcott | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p145 |
How About Belgium's Karma? | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p150 |
Sir Monier Throws Stones | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p152 |
Old Style "Faith Cure" | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p153 |
Is Insanity "Possession?" | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p156 |
Witchcraft | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p158 |
More Witchcraft | MM | y1889 | v10 | - | Aug+ | p159 |
Le Phare de L'Inconnu (2) | HP Blavatsky | y1889 | v10 | - | August | p641 |
A Mumukshu's Daily Life | Ishwar Nisna | y1889 | v10 | - | August | p647 |
About the Kabbalah | Henry Pratt | y1889 | v10 | - | August | p649 |
Self-Knowledge & Self-Culture (1) | JK | y1889 | v10 | - | August | p661 |
A Study in Symbolism (1) | PR Venkatarama Iyer | y1889 | v10 | - | August | p663 |
The Province of Theosophy | anon | y1889 | v10 | - | August | p669 |