Why Theoscientist | Chintamani Mohapatra | y1977 | v2 | i1 | - | p1 |
The Nature of the Mind | N Mohapatra | y1977 | v2 | i1 | - | p1 |
Permanent Atoms Ontogeny and Mutation, Theoscientist | RC Rath | y1977 | v2 | i1 | - | p15 |
Supremacy of Sound in Cosmic Play (2) | SK Das | y1977 | v2 | i1 | - | p16 |
Physics of the concretion of observed Reality | KSR Murty | y1977 | v2 | i1 | - | p19 |
Senses and the Intellect in Science | Celso Batalha | y1978 | v2 | i2 | - | p1 |
Heredity and reincarnation | RC Rath | y1978 | v2 | i2 | - | p8 |
Theosophy - An integrated philosophy | N Mohapatra | y1978 | v2 | i2 | - | p12 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1978 | v2 | i2 | - | p23 |
The Yoga of non-identification | N Mohapatra | y1978 | v2 | i3 | - | p13 |
Applied Theosophy | RC Rath | y1978 | v2 | i3 | - | p20 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1978 | v2 | i3 | - | p25 |
Indian concept of Mokhya | SK Chattopadhyay | y1978 | v2 | i4 | - | p1 |
Quantum Mechanics | BS Mohanty | y1978 | v2 | i4 | - | p6 |
Consciousness as creative intelligence and modern Cybernetics | RC Rath | y1978 | v2 | i4 | - | p13 |
Free will and predestination | N Mohapatra | y1978 | v2 | i4 | - | p19 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1978 | v2 | i4 | - | p25 |
The Seeker and the Sought | Apta Chaitanya | y1979 | v3 | i1 | - | p1a+ |
Impact of Science on human values | RC Rath | y1979 | v3 | i1 | - | p1b+ |
On being National | Debakanta Mishra | y1979 | v3 | i1 | - | p7 |
Desireless, Detached and Desolate | N Mohapatra | y1979 | v3 | i1 | - | p12 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1979 | v3 | i1 | - | p18 |
Environment: Building a miserable future | Debakanta Mishra | y1979 | v3 | i2 | - | p10 |
Learning | Apta Chaitanya | y1979 | v3 | i2 | - | p19 |
Quantum jump of logical and scientific reason to philosophical reason | Sampooran Singh | y1979 | v3 | i2 | - | p23 |
Do not resent anything | N Mohapatra | y1979 | v3 | i2 | - | p25 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1979 | v3 | i2 | - | p28 |
Theosophy of Modern age | RC Rath | y1979 | v3 | i3 | - | p3 |
Man as Microcosm | Sadananda Misra | y1979 | v3 | i3 | - | p8 |
Oneness of life | N Mohapatra | y1979 | v3 | i3 | - | p14 |
Mind and Intellect | SC Mishra | y1979 | v3 | i3 | - | p18 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1979 | v3 | i3 | - | p25 |
Theosophy is Theosophy | N Mohapatra | y1979 | v3 | i4 | - | p3 |
Understanding the Nuclear force. A Quest for the Elusive particles | Debakanta Mishra | y1979 | v3 | i4 | - | p9 |
Life | Apta Chaitanya | y1979 | v3 | i4 | - | p15 |
Death, the Transition | MC Mishra | y1979 | v3 | i4 | - | p16 |
Involution the Key to Evolution | RC Rath | y1979 | v3 | i4 | - | p20 |
The Absolute, the basis of all creation | Ashoke Prasad Bose | y1979 | v3 | i4 | - | p26 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1979 | v3 | i4 | - | p30 |
The Spiritual Nature of 'Principle' and 'Person' | RC Rath | y1980 | v4 | i1 | - | p1 |
Why Science | N Mohapatra | y1980 | v4 | i1 | - | p4 |
Epistemological Developments about the Nature of Physical Sciences | Debakanta Mishra | y1980 | v4 | i1 | - | p5 |
Aim of Life | Apta Chaitanya | y1980 | v4 | i1 | - | p15 |
A Spiritual Significance of Astrology | DP Das | y1980 | v4 | i1 | - | p16 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1980 | v4 | i1 | - | p22 |
Nature of Time in Evolution | RC Rath | y1980 | v4 | i2 | - | p1 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1980 | v4 | i2 | - | p21 |
Theosophical Approach to the problem of Health | RC Rath | y1980 | v4 | i3 | - | p6 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1980 | v4 | i3 | - | p24 |
The Vedantic View of Man, God and the Universe | SC Mishra | y1981 | v4 | i4 | - | p9 |