Scenario for Life | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p100 |
filler - | Zeno (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p104 |
Prodigal Sons | Eloise Hart (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p105 |
The Sharing of Genius - review - Conversations with Menuhin by Robin Daniels | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p109 |
filler - | Pauline G Fox (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p113 |
Being Religious in Your Own Way | Peter H Samsom (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p114 |
I Saw Arcturus Rising | Madeline Clark (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p118 |
filler - | Gertrude W van Pelt (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p119 |
Strings of Eternity | JJ Veeman (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p120 |
Many Trees of Life | Rutger Bergstrom (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p123 |
Winter Solstice | G de Purucker (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p124 |
filler - "From the unreal lead me to the Real ..." from the Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad | anon (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p128z+ |
Our souls whose faculties can comprehend (vf) | Christopher Marlowe (K) | y1980 | v30 | i3 | December | p128 |
A Singing Bird | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p129 |
filler - "Tell me the weight of a snowflake ..." | Kurt Kauter (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p131 |
Celebration of Life | Robert Muller (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p132 |
January Thoughts | Alex E Urquhart (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p136 |
filler - | Ivan R King (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p138 |
Keys to the Old Testament | Michael Cosser (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p139 |
filler - 21 Talks of Instruction | Meister Eckhart (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p145 |
A Plea for Heroes | Nhilde Davidson (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p146 |
filler - "A useful analogy ... memory and karma ..." | GM Geerlings (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p147 |
Folk Wisdom | Heather Krauss (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p148 |
Seeds of Truth | Ingrid Van Mater (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p150 |
filler - | G de Purucker (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p153 |
Ltte - | Stefan Oncken (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p154 |
Ltte - | Roger Bayes (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p155 |
Ltte - | Rutger Bergstrom (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p156 |
Ltte - | Ryan Titchenell (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p157 |
filler - | James T Belderis (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p157 |
A Clear and Present Duty | Alison Baker (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p158 |
filler - "If you keep a green bough in your heart ..." (a Chinese proverb) | anon (K) | y1981 | v30 | i4 | January | p160z+ |
Blessings in Disguise | Grace F Knoche (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p161 |
Scientific Mysticism: New Faith for the '80s? | Roland Gammon (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p164 |
Motive - the Driving Force | Mark Davidson (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p170 |
Song of Myself (vf) | Walt Whitman (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p172 |
Paradigm of Growth | James T Belderis (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p173 |
Conscience and Intuition | G de Purucker (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p174 |
filler - "true of man must be true of the universe ..." | Plotinus (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p176 |
The Three Faces of Humanism (1) | Catherine Roberts (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p177 |
filler - | Austin Phelps (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p182 |
Seed of the True Good | Roman Ilgauskas (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p183 |
filler - | Meister Eckhart (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p184 |
The Voice of the Turtle | Pauline G Fox (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p185 |
filler - | HP Blavatsky (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p187 |
To See the Midnight Sun | I Manuel Oderberg (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p188 |
filler - "the course of evolution is the drama of the soul" | William Q Judge (K) | y1981 | v30 | i5 | February | p192z+ |
A Flower Opens | Ingrid Van Mater (K) | y1981 | v30 | i6 | March | p193 |
The Lenten Season | Peter H Samsom (K) | y1981 | v30 | i6 | March | p195 |
filler - (Philippians) | Paul & Timotheus (K) | y1981 | v30 | i6 | March | p198 |