The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


filler - "He who has done his best for his own time ..."Schiller (K)y1980v29i9Jun-Julp320z+
Ways of SeeingB Hagelin (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp321
Plumage of the SoulHans Kooistra (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp323
filler -Thomas Carlyle (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp327
Quest for Consciousness - review - Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R HofstadterI Manuel Oderberg (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp328
filler -Lo Guest (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp335
Hjalmar Ekstrom, a Modern MysticElsa-Brita Titchenell (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp336
filler -Ralph Waldo Emerson (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp342
A Legend of Pwyll - review - The Fates of the Princes of Dyfed by Kenneth MorrisEA Holmes (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp343
filler - "A song out there"Tu Fu (K)y1980v29i10Aug-Sepp352z+
A New Continent of ThoughtGrace F Knoche (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp1
filler -Katherine Tingley (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp4
"A Book Drenched in Sunlight" - review - The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn FergusonBlair A. Moffett (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp5
filler -Peter Drucker (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp10
The End of the TunnelMichael Jack (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp11
Brotherhood: a RealityArmin Zebrowski (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp14
filler - "Brotherhood, love, and goodness we can not buy ..."GM Geerlings (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp15
The Birth of a New OrderIda Postma (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp16
filler - "One who inspires to greater insights ..."Alison Baker (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp25
Ltte -Alex E Urquhart (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp26
Ltte -Lo Guest (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp27
Long Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away ... - review - Star Wars (a film trilogy) by George LucasDK Titchenell (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp28
filler - "Then saith he unto his disciples ..."Matthew (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp32z+
The Great Tree of Peace of the Iroquois (vf)Wayne Eagleboy (K)y1980v30i1Octoberp32
Gateways of Consciousness - special issue - Sleep, Death, and Rebirth - Gateways of LifeGrace F Knoche (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp33
Sleep and Death are BrothersG de Purucker (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp35
Song of Myself (vf)Walt Whitman (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp40
Birth, the Most Uncommon MiracleSarah E Hunt (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp41
filler -John Muir (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp43
Reincarnation in African Traditional ReligionAndrew Rooke (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp44
filler -Nhilde Davidson (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp49
Mozart's Key to HappinessIda Postma (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp50
filler -James A. Long (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp54
From Birth to BirthJohn P Van Mater (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp55
Sleep, Death's CounterfeitElsa-Brita Titchenell (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp58
Intimations of Immortality (vf)William Wordsworth (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp60
To Die, and to BecomeI Manuel Oderberg (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp61
filler - (a Yoruba proverb from Nigeria)anon (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp67
A Cosmic ContinuumRuth K Harrison (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp68
filler -Victor Hugo (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp72
Death and the Tree of LifeBlair A. Moffett (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp73
A Look into the Continuum of LifeMardi Martin (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp78
The Mysteries in Old IrelandEloise Hart (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp80
filler -Marcus Aurelius (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp87
On Facing DeathIngrid Van Mater (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp88
Divinity hath oftentimes descended (vf)James Shirley (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp91
Two-Thirds God, One-Third HumanGrace F Knoche (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp92
filler - "Like corn, mortals ripen and fall ..." from the Katha-Upanishadanon (K)y1980v30i2Novemberp96z+
Deep Calls to DeepJohn P Van Mater (K)y1980v30i3Decemberp97
filler -Sir Thomas Browne (K)y1980v30i3Decemberp99
Showing 4601 to 4650 of 6911 entries