The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


"Theosophy" Origins of the Termvarious - round tablesy1961v10i5Februaryp135
filler - "no man ... can be excused from practical service."Meister Eckhart (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp144
The Religion of an AgnosticPeter H Samsom (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp145
The Waiting GardenJohn P Van Mater (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp150
filler - "heavy responsibility rests upon the shoulders of scientific men"G de Purucker (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp157
Search for WisdomHG Lindemans (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp158
filler - If a person honestly desires to live to help all other menKirby Van Mater (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp160z+
Morals and DogmaAlbert Pike (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp160y+
Self-Development, True and FalseRM Willoughby (L)y1961v10i6Marchp161
filler - "it is not enough to possess a truth ... truth should possess us."Maeterlinck (L)y1961v10i6Marchp165
Gospel SymbologyGeorge J Lindemans (L)y1961v10i6Marchp166
filler - "Jewish Book of Genesis"HP Blavatsky (L)y1961v10i6Marchp172
Basis For ImmortalityCharles J Ryan (L)y1961v10i6Marchp173
filler - "It would be curious ... metempsychosis"James Freeman Clarke (L)y1961v10i6Marchp178
Survival Must Be EarnedHans Simons (L)y1961v10i6Marchp179
The Great PyramidCJW Scott (L)y1961v10i6Marchp181
Antidote to CatastropheRobert Treat (L)y1961v10i6Marchp188
Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost (vf)Walt Whitman (L)y1961v10i6Marchp192z+
filler - "knowledge of our fellowman is that which enables us to feel"George Eliot (L)y1961v10i6Marchp192y+
filler - "By religion I do not mean here the church-creed"Thomas Carlyle (L)y1961v10i6Marchp192
Season of PromiseKenneth Morris (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp193
Childhood DreamsIngrid Van Mater (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp197
Other People's TroublesLeonard Hodges (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp202
filler - "humanity must develop strong roots before anything worthwhile"Peter Flach (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp203
The Living GlobeElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp204
filler - Are You Ambitious?EA Holmes (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp208
"Theosophy" Origins of the Termvarious - round tablesy1961v10i7Aprilp209
filler - "To a brave man, good and bad luck are like his right and left"Catherine of Siena (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp218
Lightning StrikesHD Thoreau (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp219
The Flame of BrotherhoodMartha Blake (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp221
filler - "Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom"AE Housman (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp224y+
filler - There may be intelligences or sparks of the divinity in millionsJohn Keats (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp224z+
The Hidden TruthClifton Meek (L)y1961v10i8Mayp225
Socrates and PlatoKenneth Morris (L)y1961v10i8Mayp230
Living ExperimentEnid Brandon (L)y1961v10i8Mayp236
filler - "growth of social conscience ... brotherhood of man"L Merkel (L)y1961v10i8Mayp241
Bhagavad Gita - Compassion and Dutyvarious - round tablesy1961v10i8Mayp242
filler - "Esoteric writings work in an esoteric way."JG Crabbendam (L)y1961v10i8Mayp252
Uses of AdversityElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1961v10i8Mayp253
filler - The Four Hills of LifeAllan J Stover (L)y1961v10i8Mayp256z+
filler - "As gold is tried by burning, cutting and filing"Buddha (L)y1961v10i8Mayp256y+
On The Side of ProgressJohn Simons (L)y1961v10i9Junep257
filler - "God does not pet the good man: He tries him"Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L)y1961v10i9Junep259
Integrity in Creative ArtIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1961v10i9Junep260
Integrity in Creative ArtReginald W Machell (L)y1961v10i9Junep260
filler - "Among thousands of exoteric or popular conflicting religions"HP Blavatsky (L)y1961v10i9Junep265
The Faith of a Modern ProtestantPeter H Samsom (L)y1961v10i9Junep266
filler - "The thinking minds of all nations call for change"Thomas Carlyle (L)y1961v10i9Junep271
Bhagavad-Gita - Principles Behind Actionvarious - round tablesy1961v10i9Junep272
filler - "When shall we awake to the sublime greatness ... of the soul"William E Channing (L)y1961v10i9Junep282
Showing 1651 to 1700 of 6911 entries