Bhagavad-Gita - Elements of Sacrifice | various - round tables | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p260 |
filler - "If we work marble, it will perish" | Daniel Webster (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p269 |
Ten Black Seconds | Archibald T Davison (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p270 |
Magic of Beauty | Robert Treat (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p272 |
The Lost Word | Clifton Meek (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p275 |
filler - "True religion shows its influence in every part of" | William Penn (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p277 |
The Skeptic Spirit | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p278 |
Spiritual Harvest | Richard Winkelman (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p283 |
filler - "I believe not only that there is ground for hope" | G de Purucker (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p284 |
Man is not One but Two | Grace Green Knoche (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p285 |
filler - "Religion cannot pass away." | Thomas Carlyle (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p288y+ |
filler - The spark of liberty in the mind and spirit of man | Herbert Hoover (L) | y1960 | v9 | i9 | June | p288z+ |
The Higher Patriotism | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p289 |
Rending the Veil | Oluf Tyberg (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p291 |
filler - "As knowledge advances, science ceases to scoff at religion" | Oliver Wendell Holmes (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p294 |
The Artist Within | Hazel Boyer Braun (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p295 |
Pondering in Prison | William Tanner Maners (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p299 |
The Science of Tomorrow | WFG Swann (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p301 |
filler - "Nature conceived the idea of us before she formed us" | Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p311 |
Salt Over My Shoulder | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p312 |
filler - "Every time the wind blows it is singing you a song of the gods" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p314 |
Man: Fated or Free? | Lyman Roberts (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p315 |
Immense have been the preparations for me (vf) | Walt Whitman (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p320z+ |
filler - "I feel my immortality o'ersweep all pains" | Lord Byron (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p320y+ |
filler - "To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists" | Albert Einstein (L) | y1960 | v9 | i10 | July | p320 |
Revelation | John P Van Mater (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p321 |
Ideals Don't Bend | Uta Hegen (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p325 |
Man Is His Own Physician | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p327 |
filler - "In our varied experiences of life we all have met with noble" | Henry P Bowie (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p337 |
Conscious Design in Nature | Herbert Coryn (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p338 |
filler - "It seems to me as if not only the form" | Sir Edward George Bulwer-Lytton 1803-1873 (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p345 |
filler - "Science corrects the old creeds" | Ralph Waldo Emerson (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p347 |
As A Man Thinketh | Gertrude Wyckoff (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p348 |
filler - The human being who seeks self-preferment unremittingly | G de Purucker (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p352z+ |
filler - "He is blessed who shares himself usefully." | Meister Eckhart (L) | y1960 | v9 | i11 | August | p352y+ |
Man's Most Precious Gift | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p353 |
filler - "You never enjoy the world aright till the sea itself" | Thomas Traherne (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p356 |
On the Immortality of the Soul | Plato (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p357 |
My Next Door Neighbor | Michael G Simpson (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p365 |
filler - "Two men were talking about ethics" | Gertrude W Hockinson (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p367 |
Man and Ape | George J Lindemans (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p368 |
filler - "Either an ordered universe" | Marcus Aurelius (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p373 |
In a Boston Church | William Stone (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p374 |
Ancient Egypt | Charles J Ryan (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p378 |
filler - Man stands in the universe a tiny atom in the fabric | John Simons (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p384z+ |
filler - "I do not think seventy years" | Walt Whitman (L) | y1960 | v9 | i12 | September | p384y+ |
Truth Is Where You Find It | Clifton Meek (L) | y1960 | v10 | i1 | October | p1 |
filler - "Amid the roar of the world, the stupendous rush" | William Q Judge (L) | y1960 | v10 | i1 | October | p4 |
The Miracle of Atomic Science | WFG Swann (L) | y1960 | v10 | i1 | October | p5 |
The Light of Understanding | Herbert Miller (L) | y1960 | v10 | i1 | October | p10 |