The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch


review: 'Confucianism: A Short Introduction' by John H and Evelyn Nagai BerthrongMorton Dilkesy2003v91i1Jan-Febp39
review: 'The PK Man: A True Story of Mind over Matter' by Jeffrey MishloveAnna F Lemkowy2003v91i1Jan-Febp40
review: 'The Wandering Peacemaker' by Roger PlunkPaul Winey2003v91i1Jan-Febp40
Viewpoint: Excessive HappinessBetty Blandy2003v91i2Mar-Aprp42
Remembering the Founders: William Quan Judge - April 13, 1851 - March 21, 1896HP Blavatsky, Robert Crosbiey2003v91i2Mar-Aprp43
Jesus, the Lord of Pisces: Hipparchus and the GospelsJay G Williamsy2003v91i2Mar-Aprp44
The Little Flower: St Therese of LisieuxMary Frances Coadyy2003v91i2Mar-Aprp52
Mysticism, Self-Discovery, and Social TransformationBeatrice Bruteauy2003v91i2Mar-Aprp56
Awakening of the Inner SelfEdward Abdilly2003v91i2Mar-Aprp60
The View from Adyar: Delight as a Form of Yoga [summary, lecture 1996]Radha Burniery2003v91i2Mar-Aprp68
President's DiaryBetty Blandy2003v91i2Mar-Aprp70
News and Notes: Robert Ellwood Interviewedanony2003v91i2Mar-Aprp72
News and Notes: Something New at www.theoservice.organony2003v91i2Mar-Aprp72
letter: Search of Female IdentityConstance A Schultzy2003v91i2Mar-Aprp73
obituary: Virginia A Sylvester (1940-2002)Betty Blandy2003v91i2Mar-Aprp75
obituary: Joan van Beusecom-Wills (1923-2002)James Voiroly2003v91i2Mar-Aprp75
review: 'Within Time and beyond Time: A Festschrift for Pearl King' ed Riccardo Steiner and Jennifer JohnsRobert S Corringtony2003v91i2Mar-Aprp76
review: 'The Spirituality of Succes: Getting Rich with Integrity' by Vincent M RoazziJohn Crowey2003v91i2Mar-Aprp77
review: 'The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus' by Neil Douglas-KlotzDaniel Ross Chandlery2003v91i2Mar-Aprp77
review: 'Alchemical Psychology: Old Recipes for Living in a New World' by Thom F CavalliJohn Plummery2003v91i2Mar-Aprp77
review: 'Heart without Measure: Work with Madame de Salzmann' by Ravi RavindraGuru Prasady2003v91i2Mar-Aprp78
review: 'Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing' by Stephen A HoellerRalph H Hannony2003v91i2Mar-Aprp78
review: 'The Fall of Sophia: A Gnostic Text on the Redemption of Universal Consciousness' trans Violet MacDermotRalph H Hannony2003v91i2Mar-Aprp78
review: 'Spirit and Art: Pictures of the Transformation of Consciousness' by Van JamesPaul Winey2003v91i2Mar-Aprp79
Viewpoint: The Game of LifeBetty Blandy2003v91i3May-Junp82
Remembering the Founders: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - August 12, 1831 - May 8, 1891)New York Tribuney2003v91i3May-Junp83
The Egyptian SecretWilliam G Stewart, IIy2003v91i3May-Junp84
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A TourJoann S Bakulay2003v91i3May-Junp90
Simply the World: Astrology and PoetryJohn P O'Gradyy2003v91i3May-Junp96
In the Beginning Was a Verb: On the Stratification of ArchetypesAlice O Howelly2003v91i3May-Junp102
The View from Adyar: Maturity of the Mind [adapted 'Theosophist' 1995]Radha Burniery2003v91i3May-Junp108
President's DiaryBetty Blandy2003v91i3May-Junp110
News and Notes: Vernon Harrison and HP Blavatskyanony2003v91i3May-Junp112
News and Notes: The US Government and the Society's Third Objectanony2003v91i3May-Junp112
obituary: Caroline Tess Ross (1918-2003)Joy Millsy2003v91i3May-Junp113
News and Notes: Bible Codes?anony2003v91i3May-Junp113
review: 'The Mandaeans: the Last Gnostics' by Edmondo LupieriStephan A Hoellery2003v91i3May-Junp116
review: 'The Fall of Sophia: A Gnostic Text on the Redemption of Universal Consciousness' by Violet MacDermotStephan A Hoellery2003v91i3May-Junp116
review: 'The Gospel of Mary Magdalene' by Jean-Yves LeloupStephan A Hoellery2003v91i3May-Junp116
review: 'The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Buddhist Wisdom' by Gill Farrer-HallsJay G Williamsy2003v91i3May-Junp117
review: 'In Search of the Unitive Vision: Letters of Sri Madhava Ashish to an American Businessman 1978-1997' comp Seymour B GinsburgRavi Ravindray2003v91i3May-Junp117
review: 'Luminous Emptiness: Understanding the Tibetan Book of the Dead' by Francesca FremantleDara Eklundy2003v91i3May-Junp118
review: 'Pilgrimage: Twenty Journeys to Inspire the Soul' by David SoudenRalph H Hannony2003v91i3May-Junp119
review: 'Spiritual Innovators: Seventy-five Extraordinary People Who Changed the World in the Past Century' ed Ira RifkinSusan Aubin Habery2003v91i3May-Junp119
review: 'The New Buddhism: The Western Transformation of an Ancient Tradition' by James William ColemanDaniel Ross Chandlery2003v91i3May-Junp119
review: 'The Rivers of Paradise: Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as Religious Founders' ed David Noel Freedman and Michael J McClymondDaniel Ross Chandlery2003v91i3May-Junp119
review: 'Alive in God's World: Human Life on Earth and in Heaven As Desribed in the Visions of Joa Bolendas' by Joa BolendasDaniel Ross Chandlery2003v91i3May-Junp119
review: 'The Mind of the Universe: Understanding Science and Religion' by Mariano ArtigasDaniel Ross Chandlery2003v91i3May-Junp119
letter: Who is the Artist? [Dan Doolin]Morton Dilkesy2003v91i3May-Junp120
letter: Look: You Just Brought the Universe into BeingShirley Nicholsony2003v91i3May-Junp120
Showing 1951 to 2000 of 4126 entries