Plain facts about the Duncan Mediumship "Exposed" - but proved genuine | Maurice Barbanell | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p20 |
An Australian Spiritualist and Theosophist [re: Vivian (Vyvyan) Deacon (1895-1938)] | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p23 |
Books for sale | anon | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p24 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p25 |
A new note at PN | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p26 |
Is Mrs Duncan the victim of a logical fallacy? - a tutorial note | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p27 |
Alfred Vout Peters - 1867-1934 | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p29 |
Further Notes on Historical Ideas of Human Radiations (1) | Carlos S Alvarado | y2008 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p38 |
Notes by the Way: So farewell then the Christian Parapsychologist? | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p44 |
WJ Colville - 1859-1917 | anon | y2008 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p46 |
Books for sale | anon | y2008 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p50 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p51 |
New Spiritualist newspaper | Leslie Price | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p52 |
Was Blight Bond a persecuted Spiritualist? | Leslie Price | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p53 |
An English Medium in the Celtic twilight: Alfred Vout Peters in Ireland | Wendy E Cousins, Psypioneer | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p54 |
Conan Doyle - and after | anon, Psypioneer | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p60 |
Further Notes on Historical Ideas of Human Radiations (2) | Carlos Alvarado | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p63 |
A sketch of the History of the International Spiritualists' Federation [ISF] | M Beversluis, Psypioneer | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p70 |
Dr James M Peebles - 1822-1922 [Dr Peebles in Australia] | JM Peebles, Emma Hardinge, anon | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p74 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p77 |
Books for sale | anon | y2008 | v4 | i3 | Mar | p77 |
Psypioneer material used by new TV series | anon | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p78 |
The most influential Spiritualist | Leslie Price | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p79 |
Alfred Vout Peters - 1867-1934 - final part | anon | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p80 |
Swedenborg Explained? | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p84 |
Further Notes on Historical Ideas of Human Radiations (3) | Carlos Alvarado | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p85 |
Is the UK again the centre of the psychical research world? | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p93 |
Interview with Dr Peebles | anon, Psypioneer | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p94 |
Books for sale | anon | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p99 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i4 | Apr | p100 |
Silver Belle Doubts | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p101 |
Theosophists go to the polls | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p102 |
Now we are Four | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p103 |
Fraud Uncovered at Chesterfield Spiritualist Camp | 'Psychic Observer' | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p105 |
Further Notes on Historical Ideas of Human Radiations (4) | Carlos Alvarado | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p119 |
Horace Leaf - 1886c-1971 | Paul J Gaunt [PJG] | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p127 |
Experiences of an old Australian Spiritualist | Horace Leaf | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p128 |
Books for sale | anon | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p130 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i5 | May | p131 |
Sitting with Churchill - and King | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p132 |
First Psypioneer webmaster dies [obituary: Tony Hern] | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p134 |
Emma to the rescue 1881 | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p135 |
Last Minute Halt To Infra Red Tests | anon | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p140 |
Mrs Duncan Rejected SPR approach | LP | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p140 |
The Eager Researcher? | LP | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p141 |
Notes by the Way: In the Latter Days | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p142 |
New CFPSS President | anon | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p145 |
Newton Crosland - 1819-1899 | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p145 |
What I saw in Australia | Arthur Ford | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p151 |
Emma Hardinge Website | anon | y2008 | v4 | i6 | Jun | p153 |