The most fateful and difficult meeting of my life [extracts: "Psychic Pitfalls"] | Shaw Desmond | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p137 |
The No-War prophecies [extracts: "Plumed Serpent"] | Grace Cooke | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p143 |
In the Historian's Chair | John Buescher | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p145 |
A talk over the tea table [includes extracts: "In Search of the Hereafter"] | Reginald Lester | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p149 |
Notes by the way: Our anniversary | anon | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p150 |
Pioneer scholars gather [re: Theosophical History conference London 2-3 July 2005] | anon | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p152 |
Two decades of Theosophical History | anon | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p152 |
Pagination problem | anon | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p153 |
Springtime | anon | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p153 |
Census of Australian psychic periodicals | anon | y2005 | v1 | i13 | May | p155 |
Doubts about control of mediums by Crookes | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p156 |
A Communication Landmark [review: "Spirit Communication" by Roy Stemman] | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p157 |
The abominable teachings of Spiritualism - AJ Davis | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p158 |
Notes by the way - Survival Research Network | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p162 |
Notes by the way - Successors to Noah's Ark | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p163 |
Notes by the way - The noble one hundred | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p163 |
Notes by the way - Free speech and historical material | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p164 |
Notes by the way - Reprinting guidelines | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p164 |
Notes by the way - Writing for LIGHT led to loss of job | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p165 |
Notes by the way - Spelling pitfalls | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p165 |
Notes by the way - A priceless newsletter | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p166 |
Notes by the way - Mrs Britten falsely married in new biography | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p166 |
His name is John | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p167 |
Notes by the way - Speaking volumes | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p167 |
The passing of a man of courage - Where I stand - Maurice Elliott | anon, Maurice Elliott | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p170 |
Madame Blavatsky gave post-mortem message ['reprinted from the now defunct'] | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p172 |
Madame Blavatsky Buddhism and Tibet [spoken paper with revisions: Theosophical History conference London 15 June 2003] | anon | y2005 | v1 | i14 | Jun | p172 |
Editorial changes | Paul J Gaunt | y2005 | v1 | i15-16 | Jul-Aug | p173 |
Georgina Eagle | anon | y2005 | v1 | i15-16 | Jul-Aug | p174 |
Georgiana Eagle - Queen Victoria's Clairvoyant Revealed | Stephen Butt | y2005 | v1 | i15-16 | Jul-Aug | p175 |
How to obtain previous issues of Psypioneer and to subscribe free | Paul J Gaunt | y2005 | v1 | i15-16 | Jul-Aug | p196 |
Editorial | [Paul Gaunt] | y2005 | v1 | i17 | Sep | p197 |
International Institute for Psychical Investigation | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i17 | Sep | p198 |
What Happened to the Autobiography by Kate Fox Jencken? | Paul Gaunt | y2005 | v1 | i17 | Sep | p208 |
Voice Technology and the Victorian Ear [text of paper given at conference on "Science and Culture 1780-1900" London 1997] | Stephen Connor | y2005 | v1 | i17 | Sep | p209 |
How to obtain previous issues of Psypioneer and to subscribe free | Paul J Gaunt | y2005 | v1 | i17 | Sep | p217 |
Emma Hardinge Britten: Grave News [reprint of account from 'Two Worlds' April 15 1950] | Ernest Thompson | y2005 | v1 | i18 | Oct | p217 |
[indexer note: page number 217 is repeated from v1 i17 in this issue v1 i18] | [indexer] | y2005 | v1 | i18 | Oct | p217 |
Grave News up date [Malcolm A Lewis Reports] | Malcolm A Lewis | y2005 | v1 | i18 | Oct | p219 |
Emma Hardinge Britten and the National Federation of Spiritualists | anon | y2005 | v1 | i18 | Oct | p221 |
The Cause in other lands: Australian spiritualism [reprint: 'The Spiritual Review' v3 i7 May 1901] | anon | y2005 | v1 | i18 | Oct | p224 |
The Mystery of Fox Cottage | Paul J Gaunt | y2005 | v1 | i18 | Oct | p228 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2005 | v1 | i18 | Oct | p232 |
Dr Robin John Tillyard 1881-1937 - a forgotten Australian psychical researcher | Paul J Gaunt, Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p233 |
Mrs Billing's Mediumship [reprint: 'Spiritual Notes' v1 1879-80 December 1879 p236; extract: 'Spiritual Notes' March 1880 p263] | Catherine Woodforde, others anon | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p246 |
Notes by the way - Spurred on by bereavement | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p249 |
Notes by the way - Electronic resurrection its dangers | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p249 |
Notes by the way - Meals for hungry ghosts? | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p249 |
Notes by the way - Guirdham defended | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p250 |
Notes by the way - SPR Council attacked again | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p250 |