The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Perth Branch

The Occult Review

illustration - Fig 2 How to use rods (rprnt De re metallica c1540)G Agricolay1911v13-January-
illustration - Fig 1 (how to hold rods)anony1911v13-January-
The History and Mystery of the So-Called Divining or Dowsing RodWF Barretty1911v13-January-
review - The Following of Christ by John TanlerArthur Edward Waitey1911v13-January-
illustration - Mr JB Shipley (in chair)anony1911v13-January-
illustration - Count CagliostroBartolozziy1911v13-January-
review - Therapeutic Dietetics by Norton FW HazeldineScrutatory1911v13-January-
Notes of the Monthedy1911v13-February-
Leibnitz, the Spiritual PhilosopherCharles J Whitbyy1911v13-February-
A DreamNora Alexandery1911v13-February-
PremonitionsPaulina Fayney1911v13-February-
S Winefride's Well and Legend: (2) The LegendWJ Wilmshursty1911v13-February-
Periodical Literatureanony1911v13-February-
Count Cagliostro and FreemasonryAE Waitey1911v13-February-
A Speculation as to the Origin if Psychic PhenomenaW Johnson Robertsy1911v13-March-
The SphinxEthel Archery1911v13-March-
Periodical Literatureanony1911v13-March-
Notes of the Monthedy1911v13-March-
William Sharp and Fiona MacleodAE Waitey1911v13-March-
The History of an Attempted Suicidetrans DE Dillony1911v13-March-
Fire WorshippersAM Juddy1911v13-March-
Some Syllables of the After LifeMSy1911v13-March-
Spurious Ecstacy and Ceremonial MagicWL Wilmshursty1911v13-March-
Notes of the Monthedy1911v13-Aprilp215
Psychic Phenomena in the Orkney IslandsAlexander Kennedyy1911v13-Aprilp221
The New VedantaScrutatory1911v13-Aprilp233
The Veil of AlchemyAE Waitey1911v13-Aprilp238
The Rationale of DreamingJW Marriotty1911v13-Aprilp245
Superstition - Positive and NegativeJ Arthur Hilly1911v13-Aprilp252
Periodical Literatureanony1911v13-Aprilp265
Sir Oliver LodgeJ Arthur Hilly1911v13-May-
An Experiment in TelepathyScrutatory1911v13-May-
Periodical Literatureanony1911v13-May-
The Camel: A Discussion of the Value of Interior CertaintyAleister Crowleyy1911v13-May-
The Theory and Practice of MagicH Stanley Redgrovey1911v13-May-
Notes of the Monthedy1911v13-May-
Occult Healing and HealersReginald B Spany1911v13-May-
Medicine and MagicH Stanley Redgrovey1911v13-June-
A Poltergeist from GeorgiaThomas Hart Rainesy1911v13-June-
Lamps of Christian MysticismAE Waitey1911v13-June-
The Influence of Science on ReligionHA Dallasy1911v13-June-
Notes of the Month: Phantom Animals and Dream Psychologyedy1911v13-June-
Showing 951 to 1000 of 6048 entries